Exam 3: Chapters 9-14 Flashcards
Why is LTP not a memory?
LTP electrically induced in tissues slices or in the brain does not represent a behavioral experience.
What is inferred between the training phase and the testing phase?
The exsistence of a memory trace is inferred when the training experience influences behavior.
How can you determine if a change is due to influencing memory?
Before one can conclude that a biological manipulation infleunced memory, one has to be sure that it did not influence some other component of behavior.
Ex: sensory, attentional, motor, emotional, etc
What is the retention interval?
How long after training you test
What are the 3 dimensions that memory traces can differ?
- Duration (Short-term vs. Long term)
- State (Active state vs. Inactive)
- Vulnerability to disruption
What are the 2 important implications from the dimensions of memory traces?
- Memories become resistant to disruption as they age
- Memories in the active state are more vunerable to disruption that memories that have become inactive
What is the concept of consolidation?
The concept of consolidation exsists to explain the observation that newly formed memories are more easily disrupted compared to older ones.
How did electroconvulsive shock therapy affect the concept of consolidation?
How discovered ECS?
Cerletti and Bini applied electrical current across the brain to treat severe psychiatric disorders and it was discovered that the patients had impaired memories.
Explain the floor effect.
When a treatment is hypothesized to impair the memory processes that produce avoidance behavior, but the performance measure was too low to be further reduced by the drug.
The test is too hard to preform well.
What did Carl Duncan do and what did it show?
Carl Duncan was the first person to use ECS to experimentally induce amnesia in animals. He found that when ECS was administered within a minute after the training it produced amnesia, but not when given an hour after training.
What were the 2 theories about why ECS caused memory impairment?
Storage failure vs Retrieval failure
Describe Inhibitory Avoidance Conditioning.
Mice are nocturnal and have a desire to be in the dark. Mice were shocked when they tried to go into the dark and the memory could be traced by how long the mice avoided going to the dark.
Describe fear conditioning.
Mice exhibited a freeze response after associating a sound or environment with being shocked.
Describe the Morris Water-Escape Task.
Mice are placed in a tank and must find a platform. The time it takes to find the platform is tracked to determine how well the mouse remembers.
Describe Recognititon Memory Tasks.
In each task the rodent demonstrates that it remembers the training experience by exploring the new object more than the remembered object.
What is genetic engineering?
DNA is injected into a pronucleus from a fertilized egg and be designed to replace or knock out a particular gene.
What is optogenetics?
After rhospsin genes have been expressed on the membrane through genetic engineering, they can be activated by light to excite or inhibit neurons.
What must NMDA receptors have?
Functional NMDA receptors require a GluN1 subunit.
Describe Tonegawa’s experiment and the results.
Tonegawa’s group delted the GluN1 subunit in CA1. LTP could not be induced in the CA1 region, but could be induced in the dentate gyrus.
How do CA1-GluN1 KO mice preform in the Morris water maze?
CA1-GluN1 KO mice are impaired in learning the Morris water maze.
Morris was the first to find a possible role for NMDA receptors in memory formation. What was his essential methodology?
He implanted a cannular into a ventricle to deliver an NMDA receptor antagonist. He assessed the effect by studying its effect on the hidden platform version of the water task.
Describe the composition of the NMDA receptor.
Each receptor has four subunits, and they are some combination of the two classes GluN1 and GluN2.
How do CA3-GluN1KO mice prefrom in the Morris water maze?
What does this show about the role of NMDA receptors in CA3?
CA3-GluN1 KO mice do learn the maze when keeping the platform same over trials, but do not learn with new locations each day. This shows that the NMDA receptors in CA3 have a role in rapid learning.
What was Joe Tsien’s experiment?
Doogie mice.
Joe Tsien’s group overexpressed GluN2B subunits in the hippocampus and cortex of adult mice. This showed enhanced LTP to weak stimulus.
The mice preformed better in memory tests
What are the differences in subunit composition between juvenile and adults?
What is unique about the junevile receptors?
Juveniles have more GluN1-GluN2B receptors which stay open longer allowing more Ca2+ to enter. Adults have a higher ratio of Glu-N1-GluN2A.
How does the timing of CNQX affect preformance in the novel object task ?
CNQX is an AMPA antagonist.
- CNQX before training blocks novel object memory formation
- CNQX before testing blocks novel object memory retrieval
Describe Malinow’s experiment set up.
Malinow genetically engineered GluA1 AMPAr that fluoresced a green protein when brought to the membrane surface. He used a viral vector to deliver these receptors into the neurons in the amygdala. He exposed mice to a fear conditioning of paired and unpaired tone & shock.
Describe Malinow’s experiment results.
Fear conditioning drives AMPA receptors into the synapse and they are necessary for memory.
What was Malinow’s second experiment?
In the second experiment he asked if trafficking of GluA1s was necessary for the expression of conditioned fear. The rationale was that if they were necessary and the dummy receptors competed with the endogenous ones then the animals should display reduced LTP.
What is an AMPAkines?
AMPAkines keep the channel open longer, allowing more ions to enter and the synaptic response is enhanced to promote learning.
What was the result of using APV on a mouse in the food maze before training or before retrievall?
APV blocks NMDA.
- APV injected before acquisition decreased learning
- APV injected before retrieval had no effect on memory
What was the result of using CNQX on a mouse in the food maze before training or before retrievall?
CNQX blocks AMPA
- CNQX injected before aquisition prevented learning
- CNQX injected before retrieval prevented memory of correct spot
What are the effects shown in CaMKII KO mice?
LTP cannot be induced in CaMKII KO mice.
Mice could not learn the location of the hidden platform
How did fear learning change CamKII phosphorylation in the amygdala?
After fear learning there is an increase in CaMKII phosphorylation in the amygdala.
What is KN-62 and what did it do?
KN-62 inhibts phosphorylation of CaMKII and impaired both contextual and tone-fear conditioning.
Why is autophosphorylation of CaMKII important in fear learning?
Autophosphorylation is critical for rapid formation of a fear memory but it is not essential for memories produced with multiple training trials.
What happens when you inhibit the autophosphorylation of CaMKII?
Mice with defective autophosphorylation required several pairings to aquire the fear memory, whereas control mice acquired fear after only one pairing.
What are the roles of actin polymerization in object-place memory?
What happens when you block + what is Cofilin’s role
- Blocking actin polymerization in hippocampus blocks object-place memory formation
- Phosphorylated cofilin (allows actin polymerization) increases in hippocampus following object-place learning
What happens in the insular coretex during Conditioned Taste Aversion?
What happens when you block actin polymerization?
- PSD size (actin polymerization) increases in insular cortex after conditioned taste aversion
- Blocking actin polymerization blocks CTA formation
What are the types of memory involved in the radial arm maze test?
- Reference memory component: remembering which arms are always baited
- Working memory component: remembering which arms it has already been too
GluA1 subunits are found on AMPA receptors
How are the different memory components affected in the radial arm maze by GluA1 KO?
What does this suggest about GluA1 receptors?
These mice can learn and remember the reference memory component, however they are impaired on the working memory component. This suggests that GluA1 receptors are critical for working memory.
What are the 3 important principles of memory consolidation?
- Enduring memories require behavioral experiences that generate new proteins
- These consolidation processes occur in multiple waves
- These processes are sustained by an autoregulatory positive feedback loop that ensures a continuous supply of synaptic mRNAs for local translation
How is a drug or gene’s effect on memory evaluted?
Pertaining to retention intervals
Assesing effect on memory at 2 retention intervals:
- A short interval (1-2 hours) designed to assess short-term memory
- A longer interval (~24 hours) designed to assess long-term memory
What happens when you inhibit protein synthesis shortly before or after training?
Anis (protein synthesis inhibitor)
- Applied before training, Anis decreased LTM, but does not affect STM
- Applied shortly after training, Anis decreases performance, however there is still memory which shows that protein synthesis occurs within the first 5 minutes after training