Exam 3 (Chapter 9-12) Flashcards
The combination of formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers
Employee Development
A career that frequently changes based on changes in the person’s interests, abilities, and values and in the work environment
Protean Career
Collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication, style, or skills
Psychological test that identifies individuals preferences for source of energy, means of information gathering, way of decision-making and lifestyle, providing information for team building and leadership development
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
An assessment process in which multiple raters or evaluators evaluate employees’ performance on a number of exercises, usually as they work in a group at an off-site location
Assessment Center
An assessment center exercise in which a team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period
Leaderless Group Discussion
A measurement tool that gathers ratings of manager’s use of skills associated with success in managing
Performance measurement by the employee’s, supervisors, peers, employees, and customers
360 degree feedback
The process of measuring employees’ performance
Performance appraisal
Involves adding challenges or new responsibilities to employees’ current job
Job enlargement
The combination of relationships, problems, demands, tasks, and other features of an employees jobs
Job experiences
Moving employees through a seres of job assignments in one or more functional areas
Job rotation
Assignment of an employee to a position in a different area of the company, usually in a lateral move
Assignment of an employee to a position with less responsibility and authority
Downward move
Assignment of an employee to a position with greater challenges, more responsibility, and more authority than in the previous job, usually accompanied by a pay increase
Employee development through a full-time temporary position at anther organization
A leave of absence from an organization to renew or develop skills
An experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop less-experienced employee
A peer or manager who works with an employee to motivate the employee, help him or her develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback
The use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, aptitudes, behavioral tendencies, and development needs
Information employers give about their skills and knowledge and where these assets fit into the organization’s plans
Circumstances resembling an invisible barrier that keep most omen and minorities from attaining the top jobs in organizations
Glass Ceiling
The process of identifying and tracking high potential employees who will be able to fill top management positions when they become vacant
Succession Planning
Turnover initiated by an employer(often employers who would prefer to stay)
Involuntary turnover
Turnover initiated by employees (often when the organization would prefer to keep them)
Voluntary Turnover
A judgement that the consequences given to employees who are just
Outcome fairness
A judgement that fair methods were used to determine the consequences an employee receives
Procedural Justice
A judgment that the organization carried out its actions in a way that took the employee’s feelings into account
Interactional Justice
Principle of discipline that says discipline should be like a hot stove, giving clear warning and following up with consistent, objective, immediate consequences
Hot-Stove Rule
A formal discipline process in which the consequences become more serious if the employee repeats its offense
Progressive Discipline
Methods of solving a problem by bringing in an impartial outsider but not using the court system
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
An organization’s policy of making managers available to hear complaints
Open-Door Policy
Process for resolving disputes by taking them to a panel composed of representatives from the organization at the same levels as the people in the disputes
Peer Review
Non-binding process in which a neutral party from outside the organization hears the case and tries to help the people in conflict arrive at a settlement
Binding process in which a professional arbitrator from outside the organization (usually a lawyer or judge) hears the case and resolves it by making a decision
A referral service that employees can use to seek professional treatment for emotional problems or substance abuse
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
A service in which professional try to help dismissed employees manage the transition from one job to another
Outplacement Counseling
The degree to which employees are fully involved in their work and the strength of their job and company commitment
Employee Engagement
A set of behaviors with which employees try to avoid the work situation physically, mentally, or emotionally
Job withdrawal
The set of behaviors that people expect of a person in a particular job
Uncertainty about what the organization expects from the employee in terms of what to do or how to do it
Role ambiguity
An employee’s recognition that demands of the job are incompatible or contradictory
Role conflict
A state in which too many expectations or demands are placed on a person
Role Overload
The degree to which people identify themselves with their jobs
Job involvement
The degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and is willing to put forth effort on its behalf
Organizational Commitment
A pleasant feeling resulting from the perception that one’s job fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of one’s important job values
Job satisfaction
A process of formally identifying expectations associated with a role
Role analysis technique
A meeting of a departing employee with the employee’s supervisor and/or a human resource specialist to discuss the employee’s reasons for leaving
Exit Interview
The relative pay for different jobs within the organization
Job structure
The average amount (including wages, salaries, and bonuses) the organization pays for a particular job
Pay level
The pay policy resulting from job structure and pay-level decisions
Pay Structure
The lowest amount that employers may payer under federal or state law, stated as an amount of pay per hour
Minimum wage
Federal law that establishes a minimum wage and requirements for overtime pay and child labor
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Managers outside salespeople, and any other employees not covered by the FLSA requirement for overtime pay
Exempt Employees
Employees covered by the FLSA requirements for overtime employees
Nonexempt Employees
A procedure in which an organization compares its own practices against those of successful competitors
An administrative procedure for measuring the relative internal worth of the organization’s job
Job evaluation
Rate of pay for each hour worked
Hourly wage
Rate of pay for each unit produced
Piecework Rate
Rate of pay for each week, month, or year worked
A graphed line showing the mathematical relationship between job evaluation points and pay rate
Pay Policy Line
Sets of jobs having similar worth or content, grouped together to establish rates of pay
Pay Grades
A set of possible pay rates defined by a minimum, maximum, and midpoint of pay for employees holding a particular job or a job within a particular pay grade
Pay Range
Adjustment to a pay rate to reflect differences in working conditions or labor markets
Pay Differential
Reducing the number of levels in the organization’s job structure
Pay structures that set pay according to the employees’ levels of skill or knowledge and what they are capable of doing
Skill-Based Pay Systems
Forms of pay linked to an employees performance as an individual, group member, or organization member
Incentive Pay
A wage based on the amount of workers produce
Piecework Rate
Incentive pay in which the employer pays the same rate per piece, no matter how much the worker produces
Straight Piecework Plan
Incentive in which the piece rate is higher when a greater amount is produced
Differential Piece Rates
An incentive plan that pays workers extra for work done in less than a preset “standard time”
Standard Hour Plan
A system linking pay increases to rating on performance appraisals
Merit Pay
Incentive pay calculated as a percentage of sales
Group incentive program that measure improvements in productivity and effectiveness and distributes a portion of each gain to employees
A gainsharing program in which employees receive a bonus if the ratio of labor costs to the sales value of production is below a set standard
Scanlon Plan
Incentive pay in which payments are a percentage of the organization’s profits and do not become part of the employees’ base salary
Profit Sharing
Rights to buy a certain number of shares of stock at a specified price
Stock options
An arrangement in which the organization distributes shares of stock to all its employees by placing it in a trust
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
A combination of performance measures directed toward the company’s long and short term goals and used as the basis for awarding incentive pay
Balanced Scorecard