Exam 3 Ch 8-10 Flashcards
What interferes with absorption of iron? What increases the absorption of iron?
Calcium, vitamin C
What is the minimum temperature ground beef and chicken need to be cooked to?
160 F
Water Soluble
Thiamin Grains, proteins Coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism Beriberi "
Water Soluble Riboflavin Grains, proteins Coenzyme Dermatitis, cheilosis
Water Soluble Niacin Grains, proteins Coenzyme Pellagra-dementia, diarrhea, dermatitis, death Flushing
Water Soluble Folate Green leafy vegetables Help form DNA (cell division) Neural tube defects Mask vitamin B12deficiency
Water Soluble Vitamin B12 Animal products (dairy, meats)- only source Folate metabolism and nerves Anemia and nerve damage
Water Soluble Vitamin C Fruits and vegetables Collagen synthesis, antioxidant Pinpoint hemorrhages-scurvy, diarrhea
“Fat soluble ““Vitamin A
Beta-carotene”” Orange and green leafy vegetables Night vision, anti-oxidant, growth, development and reproduction, epithelial tissue Night blindness Fetal malformations”
“Fat soluble Vitamin D Fish and fortified dairy products Blood calcium regulation Osteomalacia (soft bones) Increased calcium deposits in organs”
Fat Soluble Vitamin E Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils Antioxidant Hemolysis in premature infants Interferes with blood clotting
Fat soluble Vitamin K Green leafy vegetables Blood clotting Bleeding Interferes with anticlotting medications
Which of the following is a function of vitamin A?
Night vision
Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin C?
Which of the following is a function of Vitamin E?
Which of the following foods is a good source of Vitamin K?
Folate is especially important for which population?
women of child bearing age
Which vitamin needs to be protected from ultraviolet light?
Which of the following is one of the criteria that must be met in order to classify a compound as a vitamin?
Absence of the compound from the diet for a defined period produces deficiency symptoms that, if caught in time, are quickly cured when the substance is resupplied.
Which cooking method is best for preserving vitamin content of fresh vegetables?
steaming or stir frying
Which of the following would be the best way for a college student to increase his or her intake of provitamin A carotenoids?
Choose a baked sweet potato instead of a baked russet potato.
Of the following options, which would be the best way for a college student to increase his or her intake of folate?
Consume a spinach salad topped with strawberries and slivered almonds for lunch.
How does vitamin A support the immune system?
It maintains the health of epithelial tissue, which forms a barrier against infection.
Vitamin D is important for bone health because it
regulates the absorption and excretion of calcium and phosphorus.
The main function of vitamin K in the body is
activation of blood clotting factors.
What function do many B vitamins serve in the production of energy?
They function as coenzymes.
Which is a criterion for choosing a multivitamin-mineral supplement? The supplement ________.
Provides nutrients less than or close to the recommended intake.
Scientific evidence indicates that multivitamins are often necessary for all of the following EXCEPT
Which word is used to describe the movement of cancer cells from one body part to another?
Several phytochemicals, such as lycopene and resveratrol, may help the body ward off cancer. What is the best way to incorporate phytochemicals into your diet?
Consume a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Why are fruits and vegetables so often implicated in cancer prevention?
“They provide antioxidant vitamins and minerals.
Diets high in fiber can aid weight management efforts.
They provide phytochemicals.
What is the best way to maintain blood glucose levels during an endurance event?
Consume a sports drink during the event.
Which would NOT be considered a recovery meal?
” Bagel and 100% fruit juice Correct! Replacing carbohydrates and protein is important after intense exercise. A bagel and juice would mostly replace carbohydrates, not protein.
Glycogen stores are most likely to be depleted in endurance events, such as a marathon.
True. Correct! Endurance events, such as a marathon, utilize glycogen stores. After some time (~ 2 hours), glycogen stores will be depleted without replenishing glucose through food or fluids during the event.
How much water to replace weight loss during exercise
2-3 cups per pound lost
Charged ions that conduct an electrical current in a solvent such as water. Sodium, potassium, and chloride are examples of electrolytes in the body; minerals important in fluid balance
define Hyponatremia
- Hyponatremia: a condition of too little sodium in the blood; overconsumption of fluids - Can cause swelling of the brain that will lead to death
what vitamins and minerals to vegans lack?
Vegans lack zinc and iron because their absorption is inhibited in plants
vitamin c enhances the absorption of
iron in plants (non heme)
Interpret BMI
<18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal/healthy weight 25-29.9 overweight >=30 obese
waist circumference
- Abdominal obesity puts someone at higher risk for chronic disease - Male >40 in - Female >35 in
The components of energy expenditure
- Basal metabolic rate (BMR) 2. Thermic effect of food (TEF) 3. The energy you use to fuel physical activity
types of obesity
Central obesity: carrying excess fat around the waist (versus butt, hips, and thighs) - increases risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension - Due to storing too much visceral fat (fat that surrounds your organs in your chest and stomach and above our hips) around your waist Subcutaneous fat: fat stored beneath your skin
Milk and cheese
Blood pressure regulation, blood clotting, muscle contraction, bone growth
Kidney stones, constipation, decreased absorption of other minerals such as iron
" Processed foods Fluid balance Muscle cramps High blood pressure "
" Meat, fish, poultry Hemoglobin, cognitive development Anemia, fatigue, difficulty concentrating Stomach irritation "
Organ meats
Meat, fish, poultry (protein containing foods)
Regulate gene expression
Poor growth and delayed reproductive maturation, poor wound healing
" Nuts, legumes, green vegetables, whole grains, dark chocolate Cofactor for enzymes Weakness "
" Fluoridated water Strengthens tooth enamel, bone building Dental caries Mottling of teeth "
" Iodized salt Thyroid hormone Goiter "
What interferes with absorption of iron? What increases the absorption of iron?
Calcium. Vitamin C