Exam 3 Cases Flashcards
Whistle blower; separate and legitimate
McQuerry V. Penn State
Industry Standard
Bunch V. Hoffinger Industries
Sex Discrimination
Zarda V. Altitude Express
Apparent Authority
GGNSC Batesville V. Johnson
Direction and Control; agent or independent contractor
Avanti Press V. Employment
Accept the risk
Zeidman V. Fisher
Employer Privilage
Nelson V. Tradwind
Public figure statute
Turner V. Wells
Liability of an undisclosed agent
Carroll Management Group V. A Carpet and Paint
Outside foreseeable use
Ferlito V. Johnson
Sever and Pervasive
Moris V. City of Colorado Springs
Proximate Cause
Palsgraf V. Railroads
Implied employment contract
Buttrick V. Intercity Alarms
created agency? Manifestation and consent
Bosser V. Brinker
Employee at will: Public policy
Gardner V. Loomen