What causes a seizure?
Abnormally excessive, synchronous, and rhythmic firing of populations of hyper-excitable neurons
What is epilepsy?
Chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures
What is the general feature of partial seizures?
Only part of the brain is involved i.e. seizure stars in one region and remain there
What is the general feature of a generalized seizure?
Involvement of the entire brain with global EEG changes
What are the three subtypes of partial seizures?
1) Simple Partial
2) Complex Partial
3) Partial becoming generalized
What is a Simple Partial Seizure?
- Seizure with no loss of consciousness and only focal involvement
- Characterized by minimal spread of abnormal neuronal discharge
What is a Complex Partial Seizure?
- Seizure with altered consciousness and potential automatisms
- Focus originates in a small brain area and quickly spreads to other areas
What is a partial seizure becoming generalized?
Partial seizure that spreads throughout the brain and progresses to a generalizes seizure
What is the most common type of partial seizure?
Complex partial
What is an automatism?
Lip smacking
What is an Absence or Petit Mal seizure?
- Brief LOC with some motor signs/ automatisms
- Typically seen in children
What is a Tonic-Clonic or Grand Mal seizure?
Prototypical seizure with tonic spasms and major convulsions with LOC
What are the stages of seizures?
1) Aura
2) Tonic phase–rigidity
3) Clonic phase–convulsions
4) Stuporous state/sleep
What is Status Epilepticus?
- Continuous or very rapidly recurring seizures (tonic-clonic)
What is an atonic seizure?
Sudden loss of muscle/ postural tone