Exam 3 Flashcards
A theory developed in the early 20th century that described the form and structure of organizations.
Classical theory of organizations
A coordinated group of people who perform tasks to produce goods or services, colloquially referred to as a company.
The concept that organizations should be divided into units that perform similar functions.
Functional Principle
The concept that organizations are structured by a chain of command that grows with increasing levels of authority.
Scalar principle
The concept that each subordinate should be accountable to only on supervisor.
Unity of command
The concept of differentiating organizational work into primary and support functions.
Line/staff principle
Organizational work that directly meets the major goals of an organization.
Line functions
Organizational work that supports line activities.
Staff functions
The concept that refers to the number of subordinates a manager is responsible for supervising.
Span-of-control principle
A theory developed in the 1950’s that described psychological or behavioral issues associated with organizations.
Neoclassical theory of organizations
The arrangement of work functions within an organization designed to achieve efficiency and control.
The human components of a work organization that influence the behavior of individuals and groups.
Social System
A set of expectations about appropriate behavior in a position.
The product of perceptual differences regarding the content of a person’s role or the relative importance of its elements.
Role Conflict
The conflict experienced in a role as a necessity to compromise either the quantity or quality of performance.
Role overload
A set of shared group expectations about appropriate behavior
The language, values, attitudes, beliefs, and customs of an organization.
The process by which an organization reduce its number of employees to achieve greater overall efficiency.
The process of eliminating jobs within the organization by having those work functions contracted to other organizations.
The process of elimination jobs within the organization by which having those work functions performed in cheaper labor markets overseas (offshore).
The joining or combining of two organizations of proximately equal status and power.
Organizational Merger
The process by which one organization acquires or subsumes the resources of a second organization.
Organizational change
The methods by which organizations evolve to become more adaptive to pressing economic and social conditions.
A standard of organizational performance that recognizes the need for organizations to contribute to economic, social, and environmental welfare.
Organizational Responsibility
A social aggregation in which a limited number of individuals interact on a regular basis to accomplish a set of shared objectives for which they have mutual responsibility.
The unit or level (individuals, teams, organizations, nations, etc.) that is the object of the researchers’ interest and about which conclusions are drawn from the research.
Level of analysis
A type of team created for the purpose of focusing on solving ongoing problems or issues.
Problem-resolution team
A type of team created for the purpose of developing innovative possibilities or solutions.
Creative team
A type of team created for the purpose of executing a well-defined plan or objective.
Tactical team
A type of team created for a limited duration that is designed to address one articular problem.
Ad hoc team
The process of mutual adjustment between the team and its members, especially new members.
The cognitive process held in common by members of a team regarding how they quire information analyze it, and respond to it.
Shared mental model
A phenomenon associated with team decision making in which member feel threatened by forces external to the team, resulting in deterioration in the cognitive processing of information.
A type of team in which the members, often geographically dispersed, interact through electronic communication and may never meet face-to-face
Virtual team
A phenomenon identified in groups or teams in which certain individuals withhold effort or contributions to the collective outcome.
Social loafing
A theory of motivation based on the perceived degree of relationship between how much effort a person expends and the performance that results form the effort.
Expectancy theory of motivation.
A theory of motivation based on directing one’s effort toward the attainment of specific goals that have been set or established.
Goal-setting theory of motivation
A theory of motivation based on the setting of goals and the receipt of accurate feedback that is monitored to enhance the likelihood of goal attainment.
Self-regulation theory of motivation
A sense of personal control and being able to master one’s environment.
A theory of motivation based on the presence of dimensions or characteristics of jobs that foster the expenditure of effort.
Work design theory of motivation
The process of designing work so as to enhance individual motivation to perform the work.
Job enrichment
A concept of motivation whereby individuals are psychically immersed in emotionally and intellectually fulfilling work.
Work Engagement
A conception that leadership is best understood in terms of traits or dispositions held by an individual that are accountable for the observed leadership.
Trait approach to leadership
A conception that leadership is best understood in terms of the actions taken by an individual in the conduct of leading a group.
Behavioral approach to leadership
A conception that leadership is best understood by the use of the power and influence exercised by a person with a group.
Power and influence approach to leadership
A theory of leadership based on the nature of the relationship between a leader and members of the group he or she leads.
Leader-member exchange theory
A conception that leadership is the process of inspiring a group to pursue goals and attain results.
Transformational leadership
A conception that leadership is the product of charisma, a trait that inspires confidence in other to support the ideas and belief of an individual who possesses this trait.
Charismatic leadership
A conception that leadership is a perceived phenomenon as attributed to an individual by others.
Implicit leadership theory
The conception that there are sources of influence in an environment that can serve to act in lace of or be substitutes for, formal leadership.
Substitutes for leadership
The process by which individuals pursue opportunities and organize resources that can lead to new job creation and business growth.