Exam 3 Flashcards
Cardiovascular Respiratory
Cardiac: Widowmaker
left anterior descending artery
– supplies left ventricle
Spontaneous depolarization of Heart
purkinje < bundle HIS < AV < SA
**SA to purkinje
Location of the Heart
Thoracic cavity: Mediastinum between lungs
- medial to lungs
- posterior to sternum
- anterior to ventral column
- superior to diaphragm
Location of the apex of the heart (distal end)
- distal end (apex) points to left (5th intercostal)
* hear heartbeat
Layers of the Heart wall
- Endocardium (inner)
- Myocardium: Muscle, middle tissue – hardest working muscle in the body
- Epicardium: Adipose
The pericardial cavity is located between what layers of the heart?
Parietal layer of serous peicardium) and cisceral layer of serous pericardium (Epicardium)
Pericardial effusion: fluids in heart muscle, heart wall = occurs in pericardial cavity
The Epicardium is also known as the _______ layer of the serous pericardium
visceral layer of the serous pericardium
The Pericardium (pericardial sac) is composed of two layers: fibrous and serous
What are the faetures?
- fibrous: sac w/tough CT
- serous: double layer
- parietal peri
- visceral peri (epicardium covers heart)
-serous fluid fills pericardial cavity
3 layers of the wall of the heart
- Epicardium (outside layer of CT)
- Myocardium (cardiac muscle)
- Endocardium (inner epithelial and CT lining heart and valves)
Chambers of the Heart
- Atria
- receive blood
* auricle (ext. chamber) - Ventricle
- expel blood
- separated by septum
* interatrial
* interventricular
Chambers of the Heart
- Atria
- receive blood
* auricle (ext. chamber) - Ventricle
- expel blood
- separated by septum
* interatrial
* interventricular
True/False: The heart valves are flaps that allow blood to flow in only one direction
Describe the Atrioventricular (AV) valves of the heart
- between atrium and ventricle
- blood from atrium to ventricle
- bicuspid (mitral; left))
- tricuspid (right side)
The semilunar valves of the heart separate the ventricles from the major heart arteries, allowing blood flow out of each ventricle.
List the semilunar valves
- pulmonary (RV and R pulmonary trunk)
2. aortic valve (LV and aorta)
The valve cusps are held in place by “heart strings” known as ______ which originate from papillary muscles (inside ventrical wall)
chordae tendinae
True/False: When a chamber wall contracts, blood is pumped through a valve. Backflow increases pressure on the cusps and closes the valves.
AV valves close during _____ contraction.
Ventricular contraction
To prevent backflow, papillary muscles contract (chordae tendinae) – keep valve cusps from prolapse
Blood returns to heart via
superior and inferior vena cava into right atrium
End diastolic area describes
final contraction of the atria to pump last bit of blood into ventricle
Oxygen exchange between blood and tissues occurs at the
Describe cardiac circulation (coronary, pulmonary)
Vena cava – RA – RV – pulmonary artery – pulmonary vein – LA –LV – aorta – systemic
When does the heart feed itself?
-coronary artery flaps are open
The right coronary artery gives rise to
right marginal artery and posterior descending artery
the left coronary artery gives rise to the
left circumflex and left anterior descending artery
The ______ vessels provide oxygenated blood to the heart
Coronary vessels
The left circuflex artery supplies blood to
lateral and posterior walls of the left ventricle
The PDA branches off of the left circuflex artery 10% of the time. These patients are considered to have ____-dominant circulation
The left anterior descending artery supplies blood to
ant. wall of LV and anterior 2/5 of interventricular septum
The ______ gives rise to the posterior descending artery (PDA) in patients with right dominant circulation
right coronary artery (RCA)
The right marginal artery supplies the
- papillary muscles
- posterior wall of heart
Pulmonary arteries carry ______
Pulmoanry veins carry
Arteries: deox blood to lungs
Veins: ox blood to LV of heart
______ refers to the series of contractions and relaxations of the heart to produce a complete heartbeat
Cardiac cycle
systole: vent. contraction
Diastole: vent. relax
During diastole, the atria and ventricles fill with blood. The atria contract to complete ventricular filling. During this time the ventricles are
During systole the ventricles ______ forcing blood up and out of the heart arteries. The AV valves shut
Ventricles contract
- Av valves shut “lup”
- Semilunar valves shut”dup”
Conduction system of the heart
- SA “pacemaker” - wall of atrium
- AV node - septum at junction of RA and LA
- AV bundle of HIS - interventricular septum
- bundle branches (R and L)
- Purkinje fibers - myocardium wall
Spontaneous depolarization:
SA –AV–HIS–purkinje
Conduction velocity
time required for an electrical signal to spread through cardiac tissue
Speed: Purkinje fibers > SA > AV
Describe the Pacemaker action potential
Pacemaker: No phases 1 and 2
Phase 4: HCN “Funny current”
- -T-type Calcium channels
- -Inc. Na2+ influx
- -Dec. K+
Phase 0 (slope): L-type Ca2+ channels
Phase 3: Voltage-gated K+ channels
Describe depolarization of Heart
Phase 0 (upstroke): Na2+ influx
Phase 1: K+ efflux (out)
Phase 2: Plateau
- -Influx of Ca2+
- -L-type channels
Phase 3 (down-slope; rapid repolarization):
- Ca2+ channels close
- K+ channels (out)
Phase 4: Na, Ca2+ closed
–K+ open
- P wave: depol of atria
- QRS interval: depol of ventricles
- T wave: ventricular repol.
PR interval: Delay of AV
–ventricles fill
ST segment: ventricle repol starts
Describe the conducting zone of the lungs
- Conducting (airways)
- air in and out
- mucociliary escalatory
- SM lining
- Parasympathetic: Ach: Gq - bronchoconstriction
- Sympathetic: NE - bronchodilation
Describe the respiratory zone of the lungs
gas exchange
- alveoli
- elastic fibers and epithelial cells (type I, II)
- alveolar macrophages
Type I epithelial (pneumocytes)
squamous cells
- 95% of alveolar surface
- gas exvhange
Type II pneumocytes
- granular, cuboidal
- 5%
- surfactant (inc. compliance)
- replace type I
Conducting zone volume vs. Respiratory zone volume
Conducting: 150mL
Respiratory: 350mL
Emphysema is a desease of the
Gas exchange begins at
respiratory bronchioles
Rhonci (low pitched wheezing) is an obstruction or secretion of the
largeer airways
*COPD, bronhiectasis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis
Rales (crackles) are caused by the opening of the
small airways and alveoli (fluid)
*pulmonary edema, heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis or Resp. distress syndrome
Conducting zone are composed of
- cartilage (stops at trachea)
- goblet cells
- cilia (to resp. bronchioles)
- SM (to bronchioles)
Terminal bronchioles to alveoli are composed of
elastic fibers
no cartilage
Describe the epithelium in the conducting zone vs. respiratory zones
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar
- simple ciliated columnar
3. respiratory epithelium (ciliated simple cuboidal)???
Dead Space is air that you breathe in, but does not participate in gas exchange. What are the two divisions?
- anatomic: nose to bronchioles
- no gas exchange
- “last air in, first air out” - Physiologic
- anatomic + functional
- air in resp. zone
- no gas exchange
Physiologic Dead Space
Taco Paco Peco Paco
Vd = VT PaCO2 - PeCO2/PaCO2
*If PeCO2 = 0 then no gas exchange
Preload is determined by
- EDV is proportional to right atrial pressure
- inc. RAP = inc. preload
Afterload is determined by what the ventricle is working against when ejecting blood. For the left ventricle, afterload is determined by
Aortic pressure
- higher aortic pressure = higher afterload
- RV = pulmonary artery