Exam 3 Flashcards
body composition
Examining Height and Weight are not enough predict healthy weight
Body Mass Index
BMI=weight(lb)*703/height^2 (in^2)
BMI is an ok measure in the right circumstances
Valid- children & sedentary
- Invalid- many athletes
assessing body composition
body s chemical and molecular composition
body s chemical and molecular composition
Fat around internal organs, nerves, in muscle
component of fat mass: Sex specific
~9% above essen+al
- Needed for proper hormone release
component of fat mass: Storage fat
Subcutaneous and visceral
Subcutaneous and visceral
- Muscle
- Bone
- Blood
- Viscera
- etc
Large portion is water
body composition Provides more information
- Height and weight not enough to know fitness status
- increase Percent body fat, decrease performance
Body composition measured several ways
- Densitometry/hydrostatic weighing
- Air plethysmography
- Skinfold
- Bioelectric impedance
measures body density Hydrosta.c (underwater) weighing • Gold Standard - Muscle heavier than water, fat lighter than water - Most commonly used method - Accurate to within 1-2%
hydrostatic weight
Use body density to calculate %BF
- Mass in air
- Mass in water
- Volume (calculated)
Limitations of hydrostatic weighing
Lung air and intestinal volume confounding variable oConversion of body density to percent fat oFat-free density varies among people Different %BF equations exist Siri Equation (General Population
• Air plethysmography (Bod Pod)
- Another densitometry technique
- Air displacement (instead of water)
- Easy for subject, difficult for operator, expensive
- Similar limita+ons as underwater weight
- Similar accuracy as well
Dual-energy X-ray absorptometry(DEXA)
- Quantifies bone and soft-tissue composition
- Precise and reliable
DEXA Limitations
expensive to run
-$700-$1500 depending on location
size of the individual
-Table and imaging cameras only cover a certain area
- Most widely used field technique
- Measures thickness at a minimum of three sites
- Number of sites vary and sites may vary by location with gender
skinfold: Reasonably accurate
- ~3% accurate when tester is trained
• Pinch pressure is important - Visceral fat is not measured
Bioelectric impedance
- Electrodes on ankle, foot, wrist, hand
- Current passes from proximal to distal sites
- Fat-free mass good conductor, fat poor conductor
Bioelectrical Impedence: Tanita Unit
- Fast and easy means of
measuring %BF
Bioelectrical Impedence: Limitations
- Reasonably accurate
- May be affected by hydration status
adipose cells are like muscles
as adults we are considered to have a set number of cells
large genetic component to obesity
Obese individuals will develop a greater number of adipose cells which will store fat
weight loss with obesity
no such thing as spot reduction
exercise & diet
manageable exercise volume and intensity to start
- aerobic and resistance training
- workout with a buddy for good adherence
reduce caloric intake but not drastically
-200-300 / day drop
physiological factors:obesity
- heredity/genetic
- hormonal imbalances
- altered basic homeostatic mechanisms
lifestyle factors:obesity
- cultural habits
- inadequate physical activity
- improper diets
adipose connective tissue
- stores energy
- endocrine function
risks of fat/obesity
- inflammation
- high blood pressure
- narrowing of arteries
- clots in arteries
- type 2 diabetes
type 2 diabetes
NON-insulin dependent
- used to be called “adult on set diabetes” but has changed due to prevalence of children developing the disease
- 90% of all diabetes cases
diabetes prevalence
- 2% of world population has diabetes
- 9.4% of U.S. population has diabetes
- 22 million
diabetes: fasting glucose range
126 or more mg/dL
prediabetes: fasting glucose range
100-125 mg/dL
normal: fasting glucose range
99 or less mg/dL
prediabetes prevalence
86 million in U.S.
>1/3 of adults
-90% of them undiagnosed
a generally reversible condition characterized by higher than normal blood sugar
-will turn to type 2 diabetes in less than 10 years
true test for prediabetes and diabetes :
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)1
type 2: progressive disease related to lifestyle with a strong genetic link
as many as 220 genes have been implicated in T2DM
type 2: characterized by insulin resistance
cells not responding to insulin
type 2:
during initial years, beta cells are normal and may even increase in number
thoughts on causes of diabetes
- huge genetic link
- chronic inflammation and oxidative stress
- obesity
obesity : thoughts on causes
- Healthy adipose tissue releases cytokines that help maintain normal healthy blood vessels
- Increased adipose tissue releases:
• Inflammatory cytokines
• Resistin that interferes with insulin response
• Lower Adiponectin levels
type 2 initial signs:
polyuria- increased urination
–with glucose
weight loss???
type 2 symptoms:
- polydipsia
- polyphagia
- fatigue
complications: atherosclerosis-plaques
- coronary and systemic
- can lead to gangrene
- possibly stroke or heart attack
complications: neuropathy
loss of feeling and motor control
complications: glomeruloclerosis
thickening in kidney that limits function
complications: retinal deterioration
remember retinal deterioration
type 2: tx initially lifestyle intervention
-low glycemic load diets
– depletes sugar stores in muscle and helps to naturally increase glucose
uptake (without need for insulin)
» Overtime will increase insulin sensi2vity
- Lowers blood pressure, lower heart rate and more efficient control of blood vessels
- Fat loss for improved adipokine balance
- Decreases stress
progressive tx: oral hypoglycemics
- increase insulin in blood during all blood glucose levels
- so ingested sugar will have less effect
progressive tx: insulin
in late stage type 2, beta cells may die off or sop functioning, no longer producing insulin
produce our own heat internally
-70kcal/hr or 81 watts
same core body temp in all environments
-core body temp: 36.5-37.5° C
body fluid
~60% of body weight
Types of Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
Evaporation is
of water from body surfaces or breathing passages cool the body
radiation is
objects exchange radiation with each other andw ith the sky. warmer objects lose heat to cooler objects
convection is
heat is loss by convection when a stream of air (wind) is coolere than body surface temperature
conduction is
the direct transfer of heat when objects of different temperatures come into contact
heat sources for body
- Metabolic heat
- Environment
- Radiation
- Conduction
- Convection
heat loss from body
- Radiation • Primary during rest - Conduction - Convection - Evaporation • Primary during exercise
heat balance equation
M ± R ± C ± K - E = 0 heat balance
heat loss equation
If M ± R ± C ± K - E < 0
heat gain equation
If M ± R ± C ± K - E > 0
temperaturearound organs needed to survive
Changesthickness to allow for heat loss or insula+on
2 gradients to consider:
- core to shell
2. shell to environment
41 C is
fatal in prolonged exposure
42 C is the
highest recorded for short period
40 C normally
reached in heavy exercise
39.5 C
stop exercise in most labs
negative feedback mechanism for heat
integration center
- skin
- hypothalamic blood temp
integration centerq
-anterior hypothalamus
- skin blood vessels
- eccerine sweat glands
increased body temp
- Muscle metabolism
- Environment
• Convection - If warmer than skin temp
• Radiation
measurements of body temp
skin and core
cardiovascular changes
- Vasodilate blood vessels in the skin to increase radia+on and convective heat loss
- increase Heart rate and contractility in the heart
• More blood circulating to the skin and less filling time lead to a decrease in SV •
responses to exercise in the heat
cardiovascular changes
sweat electrolyte content
- Hot environmental temperatures > skin, core temperatures
- C, K, R: heat gain, E only avenue of heat loss
- Eccrine sweat glands controlled by POAH
sweat electrolyte content < plasma
- Light sweating: very dilute sweat • Duct reabsorbs some Na+, Cl-
- Heavy sweating: less dilute (more Na+, Cl- loss)
sweat is also occurring
- Typical sweat rate 1.5 - 2.0 L/hr
• Sweat is ultimately produced from blood plasma
• 2-3% of body weight per hour - increase sweating will lead to decrease blood volume
• Relative increase in hematocrit; which increase blood viscosity - Greater resistance to blood flow
• Further decrease stroke volume
hormonal response
exercise and body water loss stimulate adrenal cortex and posterior pituitary gland
hormonal control of fluid balance
loss of water, electrolytes triggers release of aldosterone and ADH
Aldosterone: reating Na+ at kidneys
ADH (vasopressin) retains water at kidneys
hot dry environment
- very warm air
- high solar radiation
- high reflective radiation
- low humidity
hot wet environment
- warm air
- high humidity
- evaporation is less effective
- increase sweating and faster dehydration
- Adaptation which occurs as an individual undergoes prolonged repeated exposure to a natural stressful environment
- Adaptations that occur in artificial environment
• Lab setting
Repeated exercise in heat: rapid changes for better performance in hot conditions
- Fast short term response (~10 days)
- Need ~1.5 hours of heat exposure per day
plasma volume(increase)
- Allows for adequate muscle and skin blood flow
- increase Heart rate, increase cardiac output
- Supports increase skin blood flow
- Greater heat loss, decrease core temperature
widespread sweating earlier; more dilute
prevents dangerous Na+ loss
optimized E heat loss
earlier release of fluid preserving hormones:
- aldosterone
- antidiuretic hormone
- renin-angiotensin mechanism
elephant in the room:
- humans are smart
- drink water (2% in body water before thirsty)
- during prolonged exercise take in 8 oz of fluid every 15 mins
- choose time of day to exercise
how can you monitor hydration levels/fluid loss?
changes on body weight
changes in body weight:
-weight self prior to and after exercise
Changes in body weight: calculation
weight)/pre-exercise body weight] × 100.
changes in body weight: loss of weight
- Fluidlossof1%-2%is likely an is of no major concern,but losses above this should be avoided
- Fluidlossof3%-5%of body weight results in cardiovascular strain and impaired ability to dissipate heat
- Fluidloss>7%is very dangerous
• “Heat Gear” isn’t as good as no clothes - Societal norms are a consideration
• Dissipate heat better without interference
- Radiation and Evaporation more efficient
- But, wear sun screen
health risks during exercise in the heat:
• Measuring external heat stress
- Heat index does not reflect physiological stress
health risks during exercise in the heat: Wet-bulb globe temperature equation (gauge of thermal stress)
- Dry-bulb T: actual air temperature (i.e., C)
- Wet-bulb T: reflects evaporative potential (i.e., E)
- Globe T: measures radiant heat load (i.e., R)
- WBGT=0.1Tdb +0.7Twb +0.2Tg
cold is
cold is huge range on earth:
10 to -56 degrees C
50 to -70 degrees C
white adipose
- Energy storage to be released into circulation
- Insulation
- Hormonally controlled
brown adipose
- Energy storage to be used for metabolic heat
- Innervated by SNS
response to cold: vasoconstriction in skin
- Particularly the extremities
- Limits heat loss via
- Limits radiation
- Thicker insulation layer
response to cold: cold induced vasodilation
Period of vasodilation to try to save tissue from death
response to cold: non shivering thermogenesis
BAT metabolizing fatty acids to increase heat production
response to cold: skeletal muscle shivering(shivering thermogenesis)
- Involuntary muscle twitches to increase metabolism for heat production
- Asynchronous MU activation
- Controlled by posterior hypothalamus
response to cold: frontal cortex
Again, humans are smart and capable
- We can make clothes and put them on
- Maybe go inside
- Drink warm liquids
exercise in the cold: muscle function
Critical Muscle temp ~27° C
Nerves and muscles slow
Altered fiber recruitment –> decreases contractile force
Shortening velocity and power decreases
exercise in cold: as fatigue increase , metabolic heat production decrease:
Energy reserve depletion with endurance exercise potential for hypothermia
decrease in fat metabolism
Normally, catecholamines increase–>FFA oxidation increase
Exercise in Cold–> increase catecholamine secretion but no FFA increase
VC in subcutaneous fat –> decrease FFA mobilization
glucose metabolic responses
- Blood glucose maintained well during cold exposure
- Muscle glycogen utilization increase
- Hypoglycemia suppresses shivering
We do not truly Acclimate or Acclimatize to cold
Up for debate
Cold is huge range on earth
10° C to -56° C
The things that do change are really just nervous system control of the system
and you are still uncomfortable
cold habituation
Occurs after repeated cold exposures without significant heat loss
decrease Vasoconstriction
decrease shivering
Core temperature allowed to decrease more
metabolic changes
Occurs after repeated cold exposures with heat loss
increase nonshivering and shivering thermogenesis
insulate changes
When increase metabolism cannot prevent heat loss
Enhanced skin VC ( increase peripheral tissue insulation)`
increase in insulation thickness:
increase white adipose
increase non shivering thermogenesis:
increase brown adipose
cold air is dry air:
- 37° C air is fully saturated at 47 mmHg
- Air in lungs
- 0° C air is minimally saturated at 5 mmHg
nasal breathing in the cold:
Good for:
- increase temp of air before enters core
- increase Water content before enters lungs
wet: water increases heat loss significantly
- Being in cold water will suck heat right out
- Standing vs Flowing water
wet: water on clothes
- Clothes getting wet will decrease insulation value by 30%
- If clothing is breathable….you will have increase cooling via convection and evaporation
- Layers are important to control temp during cold weather training
Altitude research is relatively young
First work major work in the 1960’s
• 1968 Mexico Summer Olympics
- Low altitude residents performed poorly in long distance events
• Dominated by Kenyans and Ethiopians
Partial pressures
-each gas has its own pressure
-daltons law
The total pressure (barometric pressure) is the sum of the individual par#al pressures
Barometric pressure at sea level
760 mmHg
Partial Pressures - Oxygen
Oxygen - 0.2093 x 760 = 159 (PO2)
Partial Pressure - Nitrogen
0.7903 x 760 = 600.4
Partial Pressure - CO2
0.03 x 760 = 0.223
Weight of a column of air in atmosphere
Pressure- exerting a force on a surface
high elevation- low pressure:
- Short column of air
- Lower force exerted
lower elevation- higher pressure:
- Taller column of air
- Increased force exerted
colder air
Air tempdecreases 1°C every 150m(~500^)
dry air
- Cold air holds less water
- Promotes evaporation
• Skin
• Respiration
increased solar radiation
- lower moisture content
- less cloud cover
ACUTE physio responses to altitude: Respiratory responses
-pulmonary ventilations
-increases instantly
-low PO2
-increased tidal volume
-increase CO2 expelled
-respiratory alkalosis(pH)
compensation- bicarbonate excretion
physio response to altitude: oxygen transport
- Lower PO2(ambient)
- gradient with alveoli
- Lower Po2(alveoli)
- gradient with blood
- RBC transit time increases
- Saturation of hemoglobin
- Sea level-98%
- 4300 m - 80%
ACUTE physio response to altitude: gas exchange at muscle
decrease at altitude
- gradient
- sea level(60mmHg gradient)
- (15mmHg gradient)
- 75% reduction in diffusion gradient
- driving force for O2
- tissues not receiving adequate O2
ACUTE physio response to altitude: cardiovascular response
blood volume
- increased respiration/urination
- Plasma volume decreases rapidly
- Increases hematocrit (relative)
- Continued exposure (absolute)
- EPO (kidneys)
- Stimulates RBC production
- *Compensation for lower PO2
cardiovascular response: submaximal exercise
Cardiac Output • Submaximal exercise - SV decreased (loss of plasma) - HR increases to compensate - Q elevated at a given workload » to compensate for lower PO2
cardiovascular response: maximal exercise
cardiac output Maximal exercise - Both SV and HR decreased » Therefore Q decreased » HR decreases because the heart uses O2 as well
vo2 max drop with altitude:
30% decrease at 4300 m
vo2 max drop with altitude causes:
- lower oxygen gradients
- lower cardiac output
cardiovascular responses
- Blood pressure • Increase in BP - Increased blood viscosity - Increase sympathetic tone • Older individuals at risk of CVD may need to take precautions even will mild tasks above ADL's
Need to Increase caloric consump#on
- Thyroxine
- SNS/Catacholamines
- ~500 calories
• Increased fluid intake - ~1 extra liter a day
• Iron & Ferri#n
altitude optimizing performance:
Two strategies for sea-level athletes who must sometimes compete at altitude
- Compete ASAP after arriving at altitude
2. Be at altitude for 2-3 weeks before competing
- Compete ASAP after arriving at altitude
- Does not confer benefits of acclimation
* Too soon for adverse effects of altitude
- Be at altitude for 2-3 weeks before competing
- Worst adverse effects of altitude over
* Significant Acclimation will have occurred
• Physiological adjustments to lower PO2
- Reducing physiological strain
• Never can reach sea level values*
pulmonary adaptations: increased pulmonary ventilation
- 40% higher than sea level (4,000 m)
• Elevated at rest and exercise
blood adaptations
• First two weeks - RBCs in circulation increases • Lack of oxygen (kidneys) - EPO • 4000 m (6 months) - 10% increase in RBCs • High mountain residents - HCT ~ 60% - Normal levels (~45%)
blood adaptations
As total RBC count increases so doesHemoglobin
• PV increases within 2-3 weeks
- Increased SV and Q
- Assuming drinking enough water
muscle adaptations
Increased capillary density
- oxygen delivery
best mechanism for altitude:
Live High/Train Low is generally accepted as the best protocol for
altitude training
- Get acclimatization benefits of altitude at rest
- Can still workout very hard training at higher pressures
Anaerobic activities
- No negative influence
• 100, 200, 400m (reliance on anaerobic metabolism) - May be improved (why?)
• Thinner air, less aerodynamic resistance
• Mexico City Olympics - World records (100, 200, 400, long jump)
- 4 calories/gram
- Energy source (45-65% of daily calories)
- Fiber
- Anabolic (insulin)
- Glycogen - limited storage ~300 grams
- Diet, environment, physical condition and exercise intensity determine glycogen use
carb loading
- Appropriate and beneficial for intense prolonged aerobic activities longer than ~1 hr
- Normal diet can maintain glycogen stores otherwise
- Greater the amount of glycogen stored = ↑ endurance performance as fatigue (BONKING) is delayed
proper way to load carbs
Not your night before competition CHO binge!
• 7 days before event: proper way to load carbs
- Reduce training intensity
* Eat a mixed diet of 55% CHO
3 days before event: proper way to load carbs
• 10-15 minutes of low
intensity activity/day w/ an
even higher CHO diet
• 10g/kg of body weight (BW)
How many potatoes/Gatorade’s would one consume to hit 350g?
- 70% of 2,000 calorie diet = 1,400 calories of CHO
* 350 grams of carbohydrates/day
- 4 calories/gram (10-35% of daily calories)
- Used to produce enzymes, messenger proteins (hormones), antibodies, transport/storage, act as buffer, controls plasma volume as well as structural components
- Responsible for nearly every task of cellular life!
How much protein to eat?
- General population = ~0.80g protein/kg of BW
- Endurance = 1.2-1.4 g/kg BW
- Strength = 1.6-1.7 g/kg BW
• Example 176# (80kg) male who performs resistance training = 128 - 136 grams of protein/day
What does 126 grams of protein look like?
- 1 ounce of meat ~6 grams of protein
* Whey protein scoop ~25 grams of protein
Well what about my kidneys?!
• In healthy individuals:
high protein consumption is not detrimental to kidney function
One study showed, protein intakes at 2.8g/kg (175% higher than strength athlete rx) did not impair renal function in well-trained athletes
What to do post-workout?
• 4:1 ratio of CHO to
protein within 2 hours
• 1/2 scoop of protein
in milk with ~2 large bananas
- 9 calories/gram (20-35% of daily calories)
- Makes up cell membranes/nerve fibers/brain
- Insulation, protection, vitamin absorption/storage/transport, steroid hormone production, bile
- Provides ~70% of our energy needs when resting
- 7 empty calories per gram
- Not a sleep aid!
- Anti-anabolic
- Dehydration of electrolytes not just water
- ↑ vascular function or any ergogenic qualities? - no research to support it being ergogenic at this time
Ketogenic Diet (KD)
- Fat-notdepletedlikeCHO,↑fatreserve,↑ lipolysis and ↓ RER = fat loss = potential performance improvement
- Elite gymnasts ↑ body composition and maintained strength on a 30 day KD
- Aerobic performance in well-trained cyclists was not compromised by 4 weeks on a KD
- Host of studies showing negative performance effects as well
- Safety:constipation,lethargy,vomiting,increased serum lipids
Paleo Diet (PD)
- Blood pH - muscle breaks down w/ ↑ acidity
- Eating ↑ CHO all day displaces high BCAA and nutrient rich foods. PD rx PWO CHO
- Research - Very minimal RCT: ↓ fat mass, ↑ insulin sensitivity, ↑ glycemic control and controlled leptin in RCT of DM subjects
- Safety: Possible calcium deficiency
Vegetarian Diet (VD)
- VD is followed for health benefits, weight management, nutrient density, alkalinity and proper CHO intake
- 2016 Meta-Analyses of 7 RCT found no differences between VD and an omnivorous one regarding physical performance
- Safety: depends on what VD is followed
- Vegan: B12 deficiency, Omega 3s, Zinc, Iron
• Everyone is unique and must find out what lifestyle works best for you!
• All emphasize: leafy greens, vegetables, nuts/seeds, olive/avocado oil, non-starchy CHO, low CHO fruit (berries)
Ergogenic Aids
Any nutritional, mechanical, psychological or pharmacologic procedure that increases athletic performance
• Dietary Supplement -
product taken to supplement the diet
Supplements are NOT regulated!
• Caveatemptor
• Potency,contamination,
standardization, efficacy all a gamble when buying supplements
• Proprietaryblendissue
Sodium Bicarbonate
• ActsasabuffersopHcanbe maintained during HIT
• Shown to ↑ the performance of all out exercise lasting 1-7 minutes
• 300 mg/kg of BW
• Safety: GI distress (spread
out dosage)
- Body produces
- ↑anaerobic production of ATP
- Buffer
- ↑FFM,strength, maybe boost brain health and immunity?
- Safety:nottoxic for healthy individuals
Branched Chain Amino Acids
- Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine
- Reduction of central fatigue = ↑ endurance and power d/t tryptophan absorption competition
- ↑ muscle protein synthesis, ↑ glucose uptake, anti-catabolic mechanisms
- Safety has been shown using 30g/day
- Mixed research, fasted workout benefits?
- Supplementtoproduce Carnosine (antioxidant)
- Buffer of H+
- ImprovedHIT performance, ~3% ↑ in muscular endurance, fatigue ↓, possibly hypertrophic
- Sideeffect:Paresthesia
Beet Root Juice
• NitrateNitriteNitric Oxide (NO)
• Arginine and Citrulline = ↑ NO
• ↑ Blood flow = more oxygen & nutrient delivery
• ↑mitochondrial function
• Time to exhaustion ↑,
anti-cancer properties (in vitro)
• Safety - hypotension, heart disease meds
1,3,7 Trimethylxanthine
- Acts on adenosine receptors
- Adenosine = sedative
- Nootropic
- ↓RPE and reaction time
- ↑in power output as well as aerobic and anaerobic exercise
- ↑ thermogenesis, BMR & fat oxidation = fat loss - possibly
- Cons: Tolerance and anti-sleep
- Toxicity seen at 20mg/kg of BW
- 1,454 mg for a 160# person
- CHO - glycogen
- Protein - vital for nearly all cellular processes
- Fat - vitamin absorption, hormones, insulation
- Ketogenic, Paleo, Vegetarian - All safe, see if one works for you!
- Supplements - Look for 3rd Party Verification
- Come talk with me at Office Hours!
What is Euhydratedd
Normal hydration
what is hyperhydrated
over hydration
what is hypohydrated
decrease in fluid leads to
ADH release
Aldosterone Release
Fluid loss of 1-2% is likely is
of no major concern, but losses above this should be avoided
Fluid loss of 3-5% of body weight
results in cardiovasular strain and imparied ability to dissipate head
Fluid loss > 7%% is
very dangeous
Drink an extra ____ for every pound of body weight lost
16 fl oz
Normal urine production in a day is
~1.5 L/day
Urine Specific Gravity - Hyperhydrated
Below 1.015
Urine Specific Gravity - Euhydrated
Urine Specific Gravity - Hypohydrated
Above 1.02
Physiological Variable - Ventilation: Acute
Increased ~40%
Physiological Variable - Blood pH: Acute
Increased (More Alkaline)
Physiological Variable - Plasma Volume: Acute
Decreased due to incresase in ventilation and urination
Physiological Variable - EPO Levels: Acute
Increases in first 2-3 days
Physiological Variable - Hemoglobin: Acute
No Change
Physiological Variable - Arterial O2 Content: Acute
Decreased (~80% Saturation)
Physiological Variable - Q at rest and submax exercise: Acute
Physiological Variable - Q At Max Exercise: Acute
Physiological Variable - Stroke Volume: Acute
PV Decrease –> SV Decrease
Physiological Variable - HR at Rest and Submax Exercise: Acute
Physiological Variable - HR at MAx Exercise: ACute
Physiological Variable - Muscle Fiber Size: Acute
No Change
Physiological Variable - VO2 MAx: Acute
Significant decrease ~10% per 1000 m (above 1500 m)
Physiological Variable - Ventilation: Chronic
Remains above sea level
Physiological Variable - Blood pH: Chronic
Returns to near sea level - renal compensation
Physiological Variable - Plasma Volume: Chronic
Increases but remains slightly below sea level
Physiological Variable - EPO Levels: Chronic
Move toward sea level as O2 neds are being met. ~10% increase in hematocrit
Physiological Variable - Hemoglobin Mass: Chronic
Increase near 10%
Physiological Variable - Arterial O2 Content: Chronic
Approaches near sea level
Physiological Variable - Q at rest and submax exercise: Chronic
Physiological Variable - Qat max exercise: Chronic
Increase but remains at sea level
Physiological Variable - Stroke Volume: Chronic
Increases but remains slightly below sea level - plasma volume
Physiological Variable - HR at rest and submax exercise: Chronic
Increases but remains slightly below sea level
Physiological Variable - HR at max exercise: Chronic
remains below sea level values
Physiological Variable - muscle fiber size: Chronic
decreases below sea level value
Physiological Variable - VO2max: Chronic
Increases but remains slightly below sea level