exam 3 Flashcards
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Zona pellucida
-the thick transparent membrane surrounding a mammalian ovum before implantation.
is a natural substance found in the body, which is collected from either cows or pigs. It is cleaned up to remove animal substances.
Luteinizing hormone
- a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates ovulation in females and the synthesis of androgen in males.
- means the ability to move without help is the mot- at the root of the word.
Artificial insemination
- the injection of semen into the vagina or uterus other than by sexual intercourse.
- a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain.
- a surgical procedure in which a fiber-optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or to permit a surgical procedure.
Rubin test
- a test to determine the patency or occlusion of the fallopian tubes by insufflating them with carbon dioxide by transuterine injection.
- (HSG), also known as uterosalpingography, is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes.
In vitro fertilization
- a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body.
Gamete intrafallopian transfer-
transfer is a tool of assisted reproductive technology against infertility. Eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries, and placed in one of the Fallopian tubes, along with the man’s sperm.
Zygote intrafallopian transfer
- is an infertility treatment used when a blockage in the fallopian tubes prevents the normal binding of sperm to the egg. Egg cells are removed from a woman’s ovaries, and in vitro fertilised. The resulting zygote is placed into the fallopian tube by the use of laparoscopy
Embryonic transfer
- refers to a step in the process of assisted reproduction in which embryos are placed into the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy.
Human chorionic gonadotropin
- a hormone produced in the human placenta that maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy
Germinal stage
- is the time when the sperm and the egg unite.
- a mammalian blastula in which some differentiation of cells has occurred.
Embryonic disk-
composed of a layer of prismatic cells, the embryonic ectoderm, derived from the inner cell-mass and lying in apposition with the endoderm.
a layer of tissue on the outside of a mammalian blastula, supplying the embryo with nourishment and later forming the major part of the placenta
Embryonic stage
- of gestation is the period after implantation, during which all of the major organs and structures within the growing mammal are formed.
Cephalocaudal development
- refers to growth and development that occurs from the head down
Proximodistal development
- trend is the tendency for more general functions of limbs to develop before more specific or fine motor skills.
Breech presentation
- a position of a fetus in which the feet or buttocks appear first during birth
Cephalic presentation
- is a situation at childbirth where the fetus is in a longitudinal lie and the head enters the pelvis first.
Age of viability
- is the age at which a fetus can live outside of the womb. The age of viability is around 24 weeks but fetuses as early as 22 weeks can survive with stringent and intense medical intervention.
- an agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
a congenital syndrome caused by excessive consumption of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy, characterized by retardation of mental development and of physical growth, particularly of the skull and face of the infant.
Recessive trait-
is a trait that is expressed when an organism has two recessive alleles, or forms of a gene.
- the sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus
Braxton-Hicks contractions
intermittent weak contractions of the uterus occurring during pregnancy
Respiratory distress syndrome-
a condition in newborn babies in which the lungs are deficient in surfactant, preventing their proper expansion and causing the formation of hyaline material in the lung spaces
the birth of an infant that has died in the womb (strictly, after having survived through at least the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, earlier instances being regarded as abortion or miscarriage).
Postpartum depression
- depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue
- a hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates milk production after childbirth.
- the secretion of milk by the mammary glands.
- the normal discharge from the uterus after childbirth
- thin rubber sheath worn on a man’s penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as protection against infection
Combination pill
- birth control pills, also known as the pill, are oral contraceptives that contain estrogen and a progestin.
Intrauterine device
(IUD)- A device inserted into the uterus (womb) to prevent conception (pregnancy). The IUD can be a coil, loop, triangle, or T in shape made of plastic or metal.
- a contraceptive pill containing progestin and not estrogen.
- a dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
Basal body temperature
- is the lowest body temperature attained during rest. It is usually estimated by a temperature measurement immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken.
Ovulation methodus
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical muc
- the process of making something free from bacteria or other living microorganisms
- the surgical cutting and sealing of part of each vas deferens, typically as a means of sterilization.
- is a surgery by which vasectomies are partially reversed. Another surgery for vasectomy reversal is vasoepididymostomy.
Tubal ligation
- a surgical procedure for female sterilization that involves severing and tying the fallopian tubes
- (also known as a mini-lap) is one of the three most common methods of tubal ligatio
- a surgical procedure in which a fiber-optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or to permit a surgical procedure.
- also known as a vaginotomy, is a procedure by which an incision is made in the vagina.
Vacuum aspiration
- uses aspiration to remove uterine contents through the cervix. It may be used as a method of induced abortion, a therapeutic procedure used after miscarriage, or a procedure to obtain a sample for endometrial biopsy.
D & C
- Dilation and curettage refers to the dilation of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus and/or contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping. - often used method of first trimester miscarriage or abortion
D & E
- A surgical abortion performed during the second trimester of pregnancy by dilation of the cervix and removal of the fetus, placenta, and fetal membranes, usually by use of vacuum aspiration and surgical instruments.
- the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
Primary sex characteristics
- body structures directly concerned with reproduction.
Nocturnal emissions
- an involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep
- enlargement of a man’s breasts, usually due to hormone imbalance or hormone therapy.
- the practice or state of being married to one person at a time.
- polygamy in which a man has more than one wife.
- polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband.
Conventional adultery
- Also called infidelity or “cheating” runs the gamut from a “one-night stand” to an affair that persists for years
Consensual adultery
- extramarital relationships are conducted with the knowledge and consent of the partner
- are couples or singles who choose to have an open relationship, allowing their partners to have sex with other people, with their permission, of course