Exam 3 Flashcards
Lineage of turtles that retract their head straight back into their shell by bending the neck in a vertical s-shaped curve
Lineage of turtles that retract their head into their shell by bending the neck horizontally
Trochlear process
A bony process that acts as a pulley to guide the jaw adductor muscles
Dorsal part of the turtle shell made up of dermal bone with keratinous pattern of horny scutes
Ventral part of the turtle shell, made mostly of dermal bone with horny scutes
Horny scutes
Keratinous plates that cover the carapace and plastron bones of a turtle’s shell
Thermal inertia
Larger objects will change temperature much slower, so some sea turtles will be able to dive deeper to forage before they have to bask again
Temperature dependent sex determination
The temperature of the nest will determine the sex of the turtles. Lower temperatures will lead to males, while higher temperatures will lead to females
Lineage of lepidosauria with Tuatara. Only 2 extant species found in New Zealand. Most diverse during the Mesozoic period
When a lepidosaur can control where the tail is broken off. The tail grows back as cartilaginous rod rather than vertebrae
Cannot control where the tail is broken off, but weak points along the breakage planes allow the tail to break off with enough force
Paired copulatory organs that swell and come out of squamata. Only one is used during copulation
Acrodont dentition
Teeth that are fused to the jaw line in Tuatara, where they sit on the jaw line and are never replaced. Arranged to make sheers (2 rows on top and 1 on the bottom)
Group within squamata that have toepads that adhere to surfaces, large eyes, vocalize and have TSD
Skinks that are smooth, shiny, and have cycloid scales. They are extremely diverse and have limb reduction of loss