Exam 3 Flashcards
Comic book industry process of production
- Industrial process - assembly line (writer, artist, colorist, etc.), mostly used by larger companies
- Artisan process
The Big Two Publishers - Mainstream
- Mainstream refers to dominance
- Mainstream criticized
- Documentary (didn’t talk about Holocaust or Vietnam War)
- Superhero genre
Independent Comic Book Publishers
- profit-oriented mindset
- mass marketers vs. niche marketers
Production - work-for-hire
- freelance/ownership of the properties
- long-term financial rewards for publishers like Marvel or DC
- ethical issues
- original copy to multiple copies
- select outlets & transports
- marketing/promotion
- 2 types of distribution (mass-market & direct-market)
Mass-Market Distribution
- newspaper stands, grocery & drug stores, etc.
- distributor sends multiple copies
- retailers returned unused copies
- burden on distributor
- problems: retailer wouldn’t always stock and leave the marketing/promotion to the distributor
Direct-Market Distribution
- subscription - retailers order copies
- burden on retailer
- creators - positive outcome - retailers select certain authors/artists
- created a star system
Distribution Monopoly
- Mid-1990s - exclusive deals
- Diamond - dominant distributor
- U.S. Department of Justice - diamond not a monopoly on “magazine” industry
- specialty shops
- online
- A system of beliefs that groups of people share, and believe are inherently true and acceptable
- A particular way of thinking and seeing the world that makes the existing organization of social relations and practices seem natural and inevitable
- Lays out the vision to which a society aspires - how things ought to be
- Our worldview
Characteristics of Ideology
- Culture is deeply connected to ideology
- Socially constructed
- Dominant ideologies/hegemony
- Perpetuated through socializing agents (socialization)
- Movies, TV shows, etc. (themes, messages)
Movies, TV Shows, Books, etc. contain myths
- Myths are simple stories w/ compelling characters & resonant plots
- Manifest messages
- Latent messages
- Provide ideals to live by (ideologies)
Myths, Ideology, and Superhero Genre
- Superhero comics and films – have a lot to say about our culture – about crime, individualism, etc.
- The simple stories (myths) convey ideology (worldviews)
- Fit our expectations (mirror culture)
- Perpetuate/socialize (shape culture)
Crime & the Superhero
- Origin/solution: Individual vs. societal perspective
- Origin of a crime - individual is a criminal inherently (born with it), individual is a victim of their circumstances (lived in poverty, etc.)
- Individualism vs. Collectivism/Populism
- Most films identify them as naive and a superhero needs to come & save the day
Who is the superhero?
Individual superhero - wealthy, educated, successful, “cares about the common man” but does not believe they can take care of themselves
Female Superheroes
- Golden Age
- Career girls, perky teenagers
- Wonder Woman didn’t need saving - she saved others
- WWII - women had to take over workplace
- Post-WWII - women lose their jobs & go back into the home
- 50s - Wonder Woman is romantic
- 60s - her powers are taken away & now is a spy
- 80s–present - hyper-sexualized, supporting role
- Feminist Movement
- Current issues: spider-woman image released, Milo Manara known for this type of work
- Can heroines star in their own movie?
Present - slow changes
- Increased interest in comic books among women
- Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)
- Marvel - A-Force - all-female avengers-inspired comic book
- Lesbian, gay, and bisexual characters
- First appeared in 1963
- Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
- Background: Mutants vs. Humans
- Magneto - mirrored a lot about Malcom X
- Professor X - facilitate relationships, allegory for MLK Jr.
- Civil Rights Movement
- All marginalized people who are “othered” & struggling to be accepted
Production (movies)
- Major studios
- Mini-majors
- Independents
Find movies to produce/distribute
- Movies produced (created) by distributor’s studio
- Movies from independent producers
- Cost-sharing w/ other distributors
Distribution (movies)
- Research
- Publicity to buzz (special events, tie-ins, stars/junkets, stars on talk shows/social media)
- Advertising/promotion
Exhibition (movies)
Major Chains: Regal, AMC, Cinemark Theaters
Emergence of Blockbuster Movies
- Late 1960s-1970s
- Film School Brats
- Counterculture films replaced with traditional genre
Jaws (1975) - The First “Real” Blockbuster
- Steven Spielberg
- Huge production budget (3.5 million/12 million)
- TV advertising
- Summer - wide release (limited on June 20 and wide on July 25)
- $470 million worldwide
Characteristics of Hollywood Blockbuster Movies
- Based on novel, comic book, TV show, etc.
- Sequels, prequels, remakes
- Market research
- Synergy
- Saturation advertising & promotion
- Global - action more popular than drama/culture
- Messages/themes
A type, class, or category of presentation that shares distinctive and easily identifiable features
Refers to the patterns in premise, structure, characters, plot, and trappings
Formulaic Analysis
Defines formulaic elements that are characteristics of a genre and examines the messages conveyed by the formula
- The initial circumstances, situation, or assumption that serves as the point of origin for a narrative
- A characteristic situation in which characters find themselves
Formulaic Structure
- Refers to the structure of the scenes in a movie, TV show.
- Identify a structure using descriptors “order” and “chaos”
- Reaffirms the worldview (ideology) of the story
- Most common plot structure - “order-chaos-order”
Formulaic plot
A planned series of events in a narrative, progressing through a struggle of opposing features to a climax and a conclusion
Formulaic subplot
Secondary stories that are frequently interwoven into narratives
Characteristics of social problem films
- Distinguished by subject matter: Spotlight a contemporary issue larger than the personal problems of the protagonists.
- Attempt to prompt reflection, discussion, and…action about a pressing concern of American social life
2 Narrative Modes (Social Problem Genre)
- Realism (function): prove that story & problem are authentic
- Melodrama (function): pity, outrage, action
Issues (Social Problem Genre)
- Historical facts - realism vs. melodrama
- Simplified, condensed, prettified
Disaster genre (key features)
- The disaster is not the conflict
- Start with normalcy (provides hope for post-disaster)
- Learn about conflict - usually human relationships
- Story becomes more than disaster
- Hero/heroine stops disaster from killing main characters
- Main characters resolve conflict
- Normalcy returns
Disaster Genre (question)
Entertainment, makes people’s lives not seem as bad, hope at the end, makes you feel stronger
Dystopian Genre
- Dystopia: A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.
- Dystopian films, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario (melodrama), make a current criticism about a trend, societal norm, or political system.
Some characteristics of the dystopian genre
- Futuristic (in response to a disaster)
- Post-apocalyptic (Mad Max, Waterworld)
- Science Fiction (Elysium)
- World will be worse than the one we are currently living in
- Social Commentary (social problem film) - questioning the sociocultural issues in our lives
Dystopian Films - Political Power and Resources
- Totalitarian government or dictator
- Concentration of money
- Propaganda used to control citizens
- Strong police force
Characters in Dystopian Films
- Good (the people) vs. Evil (government, technology, etc.)
- Protagonist - hero - usually unlikely and/or unwilling
- Antagonist - dictator, government, group
- Masses - aware of oppression (Hunger Games
- Masses - unaware of oppression (The Giver, Pleasantville)
- Masses - passive or unable to fight for themselves
- Typically, the people’s plight is due to a ruler who is either ruthless (President Snow) or who is misguided (Jodie Foster, Elysium)
Themes in Dystopian Films
- Good vs. Evil
- Self-sacrifice
- Human kindness/compassion
- Greed
- Police state vs. underlying problems
Sports as a cultural phenomenon
- Sports are connected with major spheres of social life such as family, economy, politics, education, religion, media, etc.
- Sports are social constructions
- Institutionalized
- Ideologies exist (some dominant) - world views - help make sense of the world - identify what is important, right and natural in the world
Sports and popular culture
- Hegemony - gender, ethnicity
- Quantitative in nature - see how many people watch superbowl
- Folk culture
- High vs. low culture - high: golf, skiing (elite), low: football, baseball
- Post-modern culture - all sports are equal
- Mass culture - sporting events are always happening
Characteristics of sports
- Social class
- Race
- Gender
- Hegemony
- When a new sport emerges, it becomes another site in which these issues must be renegotiated
Traditional ski culture
- Skiing requires spare time, significant economic capital and cultural capital - how to dress, language, etc.
- Hidden entry requirements - family tradition, dress code, techniques of sociability
Cultural Capital
- How to dress
- Language to use
- How to interact on/off the slopes
Snowboarding culture
- New, different, provides a way for youth to be different from parents and traditional ski culture
- Antisocial & uneducated
- Jake Burton - Father of Snowboarding
- Early adopters and early majority adopt snowboarding, in part, as a way to rebel against parents and traditional ski culture
- Strong connection to 3 other subcultures: surfing, skateboarding, and “hip hop/gangsta culture”
Heino Model
- Traditional culture
- Subculture emerges (rebellious youth) and challenges traditional values, beliefs, etc.
- Period of dissension
- Marketers (cool hunting) take notice and commodify the subculture’s cultural artifacts
- Subculture and its cultural artifacts become mainstream - initial values, beliefs altered
4 essential elements of advertising
- Paid - not how much it costs to make the ad, but how much it costs to pay the media
- Mediated
- Identifiable source
- Intent to persuade
Intended effect (advertising)
Attitude toward the brand and ad make for a purchase
Larger debates about advertising
- Demand creation (occurs when an external message drives people to feel a need or want) vs. demand response (people have needs & the products advertised are there to fill those needs)
- Materialism vs. self-control - people argue advertisements heighten expectations and make people believe the product is always the answer
- Shaping vs. mirroring
- Manipulation vs. persuasion (passive vs. active audience)
- Monolithic industry vs. diversified (separate competitive agencies)
Pro-Advertising arguments
- Supports the media and entertainment industries
2. Reflects our culture and (sometimes) can be considered “art” - maybe even “high art”
Basic Story Types
- Rebirth - snickers commercial w/ the Brady Bunch
- Quest - mission from point A to point B
- Rags to Riches - Cinderella
- Journey & Return - transformation between travel & homecoming
- Tragedy - dark side of humanity
- Comedy
- Parody
- Overcoming the Monster - supporting the underdogs
The process by which people understand or make sense of something
- The discipline that studies the nature of a system of meaning
- Can gain cultural attitudes from this approach
- Everything in your experience, every object, every action or event is a sign
- A sign induces you to think about something else
- Each sign has a meaning
- Influences you to think about other things besides the sign
Signifier & Signified
Sign = signifier (the perceivable part of the sign - visual, audio, textual) / signified ( the meaning evoked, or the referent captured by the signifier)
sign = car / brand message
Symbolic relationship
(Convention) - meaning is agreed upon by a large number of people, purely arbitrary, learned over time (American flag (signifier) represents Patriotism (signified))
Indexical relationship
(Causal connection) - there is a causal/direct link between the signifier and signified, not arbitrary
Iconic relationship
(Resemblance) - resemblance between the signifier and signified - when SNL cast pretends to be other people