Exam 3 Flashcards
E - Empathy statement. Ex. “I can see you’re very busy.”
D = Description of another’s behavior or situation (NON-BLAMEFUL). Ex. “I ordered my steak medium but it’s well-done.”
I - An “I” message (influence it has you you). Ex. “I can’t eat a well-done steak.”
A - Action Statement - What is it you want to happen? Ex. “Would you please exchange this for another, medium-cooked, steak?”
Assertiveness is a characteristic of behavior, not persons.
- Assertiveness is person-centered and situation-specific, not a universal characteristic.
- Can’t apply same situations across the board; every situation is different (no cookie cutter approach that can be applied to all situations); need to express what you feel
- Assertiveness must be viewed in a cultural context as well as in terms of situational variables.
- Assertiveness is predicated on the ability of the individual to freely choose an action.
- I can be assertive and ask but I don’t get to choose
- Assertiveness is a characteristic of socially effective, non-hurtful behavior.
- Not having hurt feelings isn’t the goal but framing it where you have mutual respect is the goal
How we learn assertiveness:
1) Instruction – difference between selfish and self interest
2) Behavioral modeling
4) Feedback
Process of moving gases into and out of the lungs.
Requires coordination to muscular and elastic properties of lungs and thorax).
CV system pumping oxygenated blood to the tissues and return deoxygenated blood to the lungs. (using concentration gradients to move respiratory gases.)
active process stimulated by chemical receptors in aorta
passive process depends on elastic recoil of lungs
chemical produced in lungs to maintain surface tension and keep alveoli from collapsing
collapse of alveoli prevents normal gas exchange
What can lung volume be determined by?
age, gender and height
tidal volume
air exhaled after deep breath in.
purpose of the Pulmonary circulation
moving blood to and from alveolar capillary membrane for gas exchange.
process of the exchange of gases in the alveoli and capillaries of the body tissues
What does the oxygen transport consist of?
lungs and CV system
key carrier for oxygen and transports 97% of the body’s O2?
What controls the regulation of respiration?
The CNS (neural) and chemical regulators. (CNS: Resp rate, depth and rhythm) (chem reg: maintain depth and rate based on changes in CO2, O2, H and pH in the blood)
4 factors that influence oxygenation
physiological, developmental, lifestyle and environmental
conditions that affects cardiopulmonary functioning directly affects the body’s ability
to meet O2 demands.
- Hyper/hypo-ventilation
- hypoxia
- decreased O2 carrying ability
- hypovolemia
- decreased
- inspired O2 concentration
- increased metabolic rate
- conditions affecting chest wall movement (IE: pregnancy, trauma, musculoskeletal abnormalities etc)
Retaining CO2 (determined by ABG-arterial blood gas tests that are drawn)
When does hypoventilation occur and what are the S/S?
Occurs when alveolar vent. is inadequate to meet O2 demand of body or rid enough CO2.
S/S: mental status change (drunk walking), dysrhythmias, potential cardiac arrest.
Removal of CO2 faster than it is produced.
What can hyperventilation be caused by and its S/S?
Caused by anxiety, drugs, acid/base imbalance, fever or chemically can induce
S/S: rapid RR, sighing breaths, numbness/tingling of hands/feet, light-headedness, loss of
consciousness, maybe Kussmaul’s breathing.
Inadequate tissue oxygenation at CELLULAR level.
What can cause hypoxia?
Caused by:
- decreased Hb
- diminished inspired O2 (high altitudes)
- inability to extract oxygen from blood
- decreased diffusion of oxygen from alveoli to blood (pneumonia),
- poor tissue perfusion (shock), and impaired ventilation (rib fx, chest trauma).
Two earliest S/S of hypoxia?
Apprehension, restlessness.
Later S/S of hypoxia
Some other S/S are: inability to concentrate, decreased consciousness, dizziness,
behavioral changes,cyanosis, increased pulse and depth of respiration.
What are some cardiac/respiratory changes that occur with aging?
- chest wall/airways become rigid and less elastic
- amount of air exchanged decreases
- cough reflex decreases
- mucous membranes dry and are more fragile
- decrease in muscle strength/endurance, and efficiency of immune system
- increased risk for respiratory infection!!
What are some lifestyle factors that increase the risk for heart disease which affects Resp?
Nutrition, exercise, smoking, substance abuse, and stress.
Environmental Factors that increase the risk for respiratory diseases:
Location: Altitude (mountains vs. plains), heat, cold, air pollution (smog, second hand smoke) air quality, second hand smoke, hot air and extremely cold air harder to breath.
Workplace: Asbestos, talcum powder, dust, airborne, fibers (breathing in these substances in can affect the lung tissue, increased risk of developing respiratory issues)
Airway assessment: what are we looking for?
- pain
- fatigue
- Cough and hemoptysis
- Wheezing
- environmental and geographic exposures
- smoking
- respiratory infections
- allergies
- health risks
- medications
Assessment of breathing patters: what are we looking for?
- tachypnea
- bradypnea
- apnea
- orthopenea
- dyspnea
- kussmal’s breathing
- cheyne stokes
- biots
seen with fevers, metabolic acidosis, pain, hypoxemia; rapid/fast breathing
seen with certain medications, metabolic alkalosis, or intracranial pressure; slower/depressed breathing
absence of breathing; during sleep
seen with heart failure and obesity; have to sit up to breath
seen with asthma, pneumonia, anxiety, CHF; difficult/uncomfortable breathing
Kussmaul’s breathing:
seen with metabolic acidosis; deep/labored breathing
Cheyne stokes
seen with chronic diseases, increased intracranial pressure or drug overdose.; rhythmic/deep pattern of very deep breaths then very shallow breaths and then no breaths and then the body kicks back in again to that original pattern
Biots (cluster) respirations
seen in patients with CNS disorders; short shallow breaths with periods of apnea (no deep breathing pattern)
Physical Examination: Assessment of the thorax
- inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
- observe the rate, depth, rhythm, and quality of respirations
- note the position the client assumes when breathing
- monitor patient’s oxygen saturation (SaO2) by using a pulse oximeter (place on the pt finger - be aware of cold, shaking hands or fingernail polish, can place in other areas to read the pt o2 level)
- shooting for 95%; anything below will be monitored; anything below 90% requires intervention - administer oxygen, deep breathing etc.
diagnostic studies re: airway
- Arterial Blood Gas
- Pulmonary function test
- Peak expiratory flow rate
- bronchoscopy
- lung scan
- thoracentesis
- sputum specimen
- chest xray
provides info on pt respiratory and metabolic status; will include acid-base imbalances; drawn from either the radial, brachial or femoral arteries
Pulmonary function test
group of tests put together to check the pt pulmonary status (breath/measure, exercise/measure, ABG)
peak expiratory flow rate
reflect changes in airway sizes; measure rate and note any changes
take a little tube with a camera on the end and go down pt mouth and look into the lungs looking for any masses; can take samples/sputum culture; can also remove foreign bodies and mucous plugs
lung scan
Nuclear scanning; go in if a mass has been identified on a chest x-ray; will allow to get a better image of mass; also used to identify blood clots
surgical procedure that uses a needle and goes through the chest wall and pull back out extra fluid that is on the lung; used to get samples to send to the lab for testing for infection/cancer
sputum specimen
have pt cough up sputum and send to lab for culture/sensitivity; or for cytology purposes
chest xray
most basic image of chest
Acute care interventions re: respiration
Try to manage whatever is causing the problem
- dyspnea management
- airway maintenance
- hydration
- humidification
- nebulization
- coughing deep breathing
- chest physiotherapy
- postural drainage
- promoting lung expansion
- position
- incentive spirometry
- noninvasive ventilation
1500-3000 mL per day unless contraindicated; keeps mucous loose, thin and flowing
adding water to gas; anything greater than 4 L
adding liquid to medication
coughing/deep breathing
cascade (cough, cough, cough, cough)
huff(saying huff with the cough)
quad coughing (spinal cord injury - press abdomen in and up);
deep breathing to help expand the lungs
chest physiotherapy
group of therapies that are going to be put together to help mobilize those secretions (percussion, vibration)
Postural drainage
semi to high fowler’s best position to help drain; have good lung go down if infection is only in one lung. High fowler’s best position for lung expansion
Promoting lung expansion
Ambulation - encourage early ambulation to promote lung expansion; get them moving; 1 week bed rest can cause up to 20% decrease in muscle
Incentive spirometry
5-10 breaths per session every hour while awake; focus is big deep breath in; (getting ready to blow out birthday cake) focus on expansion
Noninvasive ventilation
CPAP (continuous) provides air under pressure during inhalation and exhalation so that the airway is kept open and cannot collapse; BiPAP (bi-level) pressure delivered during exhalation is less than the pressure delivered during inhalation. (pt with sleep apnea, heart failure)
necessary when patient is unable to clear their airway secretions
Techniques of suctioning
oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal: used when the patient is able to cough effectively but unable to clear secretions; apply suction after the patient has coughed
orotracheal/nasotracheal: necessary when pulmonary secretions can’t be managed by coughing and no artificial airway is present.
tracheal suctioning