Exam 3 Flashcards
What did God warn Eli would occur to both of his sons on the same day?
That both of his sons would die on the same day.
What did the philistines capture from the Israelites?
The ark of the covenant
Meaning of Ichabod
The glory has departed
Name of stone that Israel’s victory over the philistines?
Ebenezer- stone of health
Why did children of Israel demand a King?
- Samuel son’s wasn’t accepted to the people
- There were increase threats against Israel
- Other nations had a King
Under what conditions would Nahash make a covenant with the people of jabeshgilead?
That the right eye of all the men of Israel would be put out
What vow did Saul make at the battle of Michmash
Placed a curse on everyone who stopped to eat anything that day until the enemy was concurred
Through what venue was David brought into saul’s court?
His musical ability
What event caused Saul to change his attitude towards David?
When he killed Golith
What was the reward to the Israelite who defeated Goliath?
- You will revive great wealth
- You will receive his daughter
- Tax exemption
Where did the death of Saul occur?
Mt. Gilboa
What are the three primary characteristics of Hebrew poetry?
- Parallelism
- Meter
- Stanzas
Who was the youngest son of Saul with whom David fought?
What tragedy occurred while the ark was in transit?
A Guy named Uzzah put out his hand to touch the ark & fell dead
What were the results of the curse David put on Michal?
She was un-able to bare children
After the ark was brought to Jerusalem, what did David want to do for God?
To build a house or a great temple out of seeder wood to worship
What did God promise David through Nathan?
The David Dynasty
With whom did David commit the of Adultery?
Who rebuked David for his son of adultery?
Nathan the prophet
What was the name of David and Bathsheba’s second child?
Solo man
Against whom did Ammon commit his violent sin?
Who killed Amnon?
Half-brother Absalon
At what location was Absalom proclaimed king instead of David?
Who was responsible for killing Absalom?
Which of David’s son declared himself his father’s successor as king?
Before his death, what did David delegate to Solomon?
He asked for wisdom to govern the ppl
What request did Solomon make of God while in Gibeon?
Wisdom to Grover
The student will need to recognize the major points in this lecture as they relate to the book proverbs?
Soloman wrote most of them
The major points in this lecture as they relate to the book of Ecclesiastes?
Written by Soloman when he was much older
What were the 3 principle rooms in Soloman’s temple
- the holy place
- portics
What happened after solomon’s dedicatory prayer at the temple?
Fire came down from heaven
Who was the man who eventually became solomon’s most significant adversary?
- Nalad
- Rezon
- jeroboam
Which prophet told Jeroboam he would be the king over ten tribes
What was the indirect cause of the divided kingdom?
For many year, they had been a rivial between the strong tribe
What was the direct cause of the divided kingdom?
Rehoboam refused to provide relieve from heavy taxation
Meaning of Samuel?
As of God
What mistakes did Jeroboam make when setting up new worship traditions for the people of Israel?
Institute ideal worship, other than worship of God
Who murdered Nadab, king of Israel, the succeeded him?
Which king of Israel was assassinated at a party by a captain of his army?
Zimri- 7 days
Which king of Israel moved the capital of Israel to Samaria
Omri- 12 years
Who was stoned to death because he refused to sell his property to Ahab?
Which king entered into alliance with Ahab?
Who was married to a king of Israel, was also a daughter of Ethbaal, king of Sidon
Which prophet announced a severe drought because of the sins of Ahab and Jezebal?
Which prophet restored life to widow of zarephath’s son
At what location did Elijah defeat the prophets of Baal?
Mt. Comiinal
Where was Elijah when he heard the voice of God?
In a cane at Mt. Horeb
What was the final request Elisha made of Elijah?
Double portion of Elijiah
Which prophet predicted the death of Ahab?
Which book of minor prophecy is an oracle against the Edomites?
Which king of Israel was responsible for the death of Jezebel?
Which king of Israel entered Jerusalem and plundered the temple?
Which prophet was not pleased when God commanded him to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh?
Which prophet was a herdsman and layperson?
Which Egyptian king invaded Jerusalem
Who was the first “good” king over Judah?
Which king of Judah married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel
Who slew most of the descendants of David in order to ascend to the throne of Judah
Signifying the coming day of the lord, does Joel describe
Which king Judah began a fundraising project to repair the temple
Who was the only king of either Judah or Israel to die leaped
Which king of Judah invited northern kingdom of Israel to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover
Which king of Judah had his life extended by fifteen years
Who was the worst king in either Israel of Judah
“The book of the law” that had been given to Moses was found?
Under whose reign did the prophet Jeremiah begin his work
OT books are the principle sources for the information during the exile?
Who were the prophets during the time of the exile
Ezekiel, Daniel,
What did Daniel do to avoid execution by Nebuchadnezzar
Interpreted his dream
What does the story of Esther describe
Welfare of exiles
Who was the leader of the first group to return to the promised land