Exam 3 Flashcards
- Natural Revelation
Psalms 19:1-2
God Testifies through witnesses
Hebrews 2:3-4
- Apostles had God’s Word
1 Thessalonians 2:13
- Selective revelation
Deuteronomy 29:29
- Revelation is God’s disclosing of truth about:
- Natural revelation is also known as:
General revelation
Recipients of Special revelation are:
Some people, some places, some times
General revelation is sufficient to save:True or False
- God attributes known:
Romans 1:18-20
Romans 3:1-2
Jews entrusted with God’s words
God’s thoughts revealed to apostles and prophets
1 Corinthians 2:9-11
- God’s way of speaking
Hebrews 1:1-2
Our bible is all we have today of special revelation:True or False
Inspiration is in the:
- All scripture inspired
2 Timothy 3:16-17
1 Peter 1:10-12
Prophets studied their own prophecies
Plenary inspiration:
All of the scripture is inspired
Verbal inspiration means that the thoughts of scripture were inspired: true or false
- Not by bread alone
Deuteronomy 8:3
- Scripture inspired to the letter:
Matthew 5:18
Inspiration is a matter of :
Sometimes God directly dictate the Words of scripture: true or false
- God spoke through David
Hebrews 4:7
The bible is:
A collection of Authoritative Texts
- Scripture is Holy:
Romans 1:2
- God cannot lie (NT)
Titus 1:2
Scripture cannot be broken
John 10:34-35
Inerrancy does not allow for:
- God is always true (let God be true)
Romans 3:4
- God’s words are pure
Psalm 12:6
Inerrancy is the logical consequence of inspriation: true or false
- Your Word is truth
John 17:17
Scripture has been preserved with sometimes partial errant copies: hence the need for higher criticism. true or false
- With all authority
Titus 2:15
God’s word must be obeyed
Deuteronomy 28:15
The church as an institution is the ultimate source of authority: true or false
Define the meaning of authority:
The Right to Rule
Scripture has the right to tell people what they must believe and do.
- Jesus’ words carry authority even over creation:
Mark 4:41
- Apostles’ commandments come from Jesus
1 Corinthians 14:37-38
Preaching and teaching has a derived authority from scripture: true or false
- The basis for scripture’s authority is:
God’s Authority
- Great Commission by Jesus’ authority:
Matthew 28:18-20
Define the meaning of sufficiency:
The Bible has all the truth people need in order to rightly relate to God.Being enough
Sufficiency means that one cannot use extra-biblical terms to explain the meaning of scripture; true or false
The Word Grows you:
1 Peter 2:2-3
- Faith once for all given
Jude 3
- Dont tamper with God’s book (NT)
Revelation 22:18-19
- Character and effect of God’s Word
Psalm 19:7-9
- Don’t add or take away:
Deuteronomy 4:2
- Everything for life and godliness
2 Peter 1:3
The 3NT textual families DO NOT include which of the following:
- Hold to the traditions:
2 Thessalonians 2:15
- Original not preserved:
Jeremiah 36:28
- Meaning of Preservation:
How, and how accurately does God keep the Scriptures after the original manuscripts?
The NA27/NA28 text is the basis for which modern translation?
Most modern translations use the eclectic approach with Majority/Byzantine priority: True or False
- Tyndall first English full version of the Bible:
- Geneva Bible
- Authorized King James Bible
The Major OT manuscripts are the Masoretic text, the Samaritan Pentateuch, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: True or False
- The Mystery of Godliness
1 Timothy 3:16
- Threefold witness:
1 John 5:7-8
God________ preserves the scriptures
Deuteronomy 24
Divorce and Remarriage
Joshua 7:19
Glory to God through Confession
Joshua 14
Caleb asks for the toughest job
Judges 17:6
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes
Genesis 2:24
Institution of Marriage
Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments
Esther 4:14
The Providence of God
2 Samuel 24:24
No burnt offerings that cost me nothing
1 Samuel 13:14
A man after God’s own heart
1 Kings 12:19
the United Kingdom divides
444 BC
Return under Nehemiah
1446 BC
The Exodus