Exam 3 Flashcards
If jake is convicted in the us district court and then losses his appeal in the us court if appeals, he has the right to have the us Supreme Court review his case
Pretrial services programs are also known as early intervention programs
The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to determine the guilt of a defendant
In some jurisdictions, pretrial services agencies have authority to release certain categories of defendants
The two types of courts the function in the American criminal justice system are the state and federal courts
Once an appeal is accepted, courts within the appellate division conduct a new trial
In some instances, state courts will hear cases involving alleged violations of federal law
The keeney and Herrera decisions have severely limited access by state defendants to the federal courts
Most convictions, when appealed to a higher court, will be reversed
There are 12 us Supreme Court justices
At least 4 us Supreme Court justices must vote in favor of a hearing for a case to be heard
Although defendants have the right to an attorney at a trial, the us Supreme Court has not extended this right to be represented by counsel at a first appearance
McNabb v. Us established that defendants have to exhaust appeals in a state court system before seeking federal relief
In the manhattan bail project, not all defendants were eligible for release on their own recognizance
Plea bargaining is a process of negotiation the usually involves the defendant, the prosecuted, and the defense counsel and is founded on the mutual interests of all the involved
High level appellant courts are also referred to as
Courts of lasts resort
Courts that have the authority to review a decision made by a lower court are said to have
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the us Supreme Court
Which Supreme Court case held that new evidence of innocence is no reason to order a new state trial when constitutional grounds are lacking
Herrera v. Collins
On appeal, when a trial court or general jurisdiction offers a new trial instead of the review of the lower courts decision, it is giving a
A formal written accusation submitted to the court by a grand jury, alleging that a specified person has committed a specified offense, usually a felony, is known as an
At which stage of the hearing are defendants brought before a judge to possibly be afforded the opportunity for bail
First appearance
There are ___ federal judicial districts
A formal written accusation submitted to a court by a prosecuted, alleging that’s specified person has committed a specified offense, is known as an