Exam 3 Flashcards
Dual Federalism- narrow definition
Police Powers -
Hammer v Dagenhart
E.C Knight
Cooperative Federalism - expansive views- FDR
- National Labor Relation
- us v Darby lumber
- wickard v fill burn
- heart of motel v United States
Can states regulate interstate commerce?
- Cooley says they can regulate
a. legitimate local purpose
b. if individual differences need to be respected
can a state regulate affect of interstate commerce
southern v az says it can to be an undue burden
can states regulate affect interstate commerce
1.Maine v Taylor- legitimate purpose that can’t be served by nondiscriminatory alternatives
National Labor Relations
any effect on commerce allows congress to regulate
Darby lumber company-
end of production/distribution dichotomy
heart of Atlanta-
racial discrimination in lodging affects interstate commerce
Katzenburg v McClung
racial discrimination in restaurants affects interstate commerce
untied states v lopez
Raich v gonzales
reno v condone
Morrison v u.s
US VS Lopez
Gun Violence is not apart of interstate commerce
u.s v lopez
channels- highways, waterways, airways
instrumentalities- cars, trucks, boats
substantial relation to interstate commerce- is it effecting interstate commerce
condone v reno
article 1 section 1 - congress’s authority to regulate interstate commerce under the commerce clause
United States v Morrison
violence v women not interstate commerce states should regulate