Exam 3 Flashcards
RNA Splicing: An Introduction
Any RNA seq coding or non that is retained in the mature mRNA (RNA ready to be translated)
Any RNA seq that is removed from the mature mRNA
Who’s got what:
No introns: Prokaryotes (Some do have self splicing) and viruses Introns and Exons: Eukaryotes but do have some with few or no introns.
Interesting Facts about Introns
Average # per gene:
Seems to increase with increasing “organism Complexity”
In general introns are much larger than exons
Portion of primary RNA:
-Range of 150 nt in an intron to 800,000
-Usually the largest portion of pre-spliced mRNA
Extreme Example:
- mammalian dihydrofolate reductase: Pre-mRNA is 31,000 nt (31 kb) and spliced is 2,400 nt
-human dystrophin: Gene is 2,400,000 nt long, RNAP sythnesis RNA at – 40 nt/sec takes 17 hrs to transcribe gene
Evolutionary Implications of RNA Splicing
One Theory:
Introns evolved from transposons splicing evolved to some transposon insertion
Another Theory:
Introns have always existed prokaryotes originally had them and lost them
Exon Shuffling Theory:
Introns provide cells a buffer zone to recombine exons as a single unit into new genes
Evolutionary Advantage:
Introns provide us a buffer zone for mutations
Intron Splicing Classes
3 Mechanisms (Classes):
Spliceosome-mediated splicing: most common almost all euk genes use this pathway
An intron that folds into an active structure and splices itself out
Group II Introns and Group I Introns: found in a few prokaryote and organelle genes
What is transcription?
Formal Definition:
Synthesis of RNA from a template
How it occurs
DNA-dependent RNA synthesis: “normal” tscript
RNA-dependent RNA synthesis: Synth of DNA from RNA template
Reverse transcription:
Synth of DNA from RNA template (not really tscript)
RNA Polymerase: The Claw
Active site at base pinchers
General Info: contains 4 subunits:
β, β’ (create active site) α2 and ω (proteins bound to β, β’)
General Structure:
Pincers: β, β’ interacting Active Site Cleft: formed when β, β’ bind
Catalytic Mechanism: Requires 2 divalent actions to catalyze the new phospidester bond one cation leaves after each rxn
Main Steps of Bacterial Transcription
1) Initiation:
RNAP binds promoters upstream of transcriptional start site (+1)
2) Elongation:
RNA Elongates mRNA
3) Termination:
Tscript is terminated
defined as when RNAP leaves DNA (NOT when mRNA leaves RNAP)
Introducing DNA Consensus Sequences: When You’re Trying To Find a Pattern That Might Mean Something Biological
Sequence Alignment:
Consensus Sequence:
Bacterial Transcription: Initiation
1)RNAP binds promoters
Promotor elements bound by RNAP and/or tscript factors
Consensus Sequence:
1) -10 box (pribnow seq) (TATAAT) 2) -35 box (TTGACA) 3) 2 reigons are highly conserved for many e.coli genes
Sigma Factors (σ70, σ32, σ54…)
General Information: E.coli and another bacteria evolved a 5th subunit: Sigma to RNAP
DNA Binding:
- binds -35 with helix-turn-helix
-too complex to describe
-10 binding region is complex
E.colli has 7 sigma factors
σ70 - normal unstressed growth
σH, σ32- heat shock sigma factor
Bacterial Transcription: Initiation (continued)
Some Enzyme Mechanics:
Irreversible step: "melting" of the DNA reigon into single strands Abortive Initiations: RNAP starts many times synth 1-9 nt from +1 stops and returns to +1 Escaping the promoter: If you can scrunch at least 10 nt may develop enough tension tp break the weak bonds holding RNAP to sigma - RNAP elongates and Sigma stays “Scrunching Model”:
Bacterial Transcription: Elongation
Lose sigma factor:
- RNAP proceeds into elongation without sigma factor
Coding strand: Doesnt interact with DNA at all what we see when we look in genome
Pairing of RNA and DNA:
- 8-9 ntof DNA paired with RNA in active site
Proofreading Capabilities:
Pyrophosphorolytic Editing: amino acids in the RNAP active site can remove the last nt added, functionally equivalent to DNA exo domain Hydrolytic Editing: RNAP can back up >1 base and can remove the RNA to new starting point
Bacterial Transcription: Termination
3 Types of Termination:
Rho-dependent Termination:
requires Rho protein, a ring like hexameric complex with ATPase activity
- Surrounds the nascent RNA
Rho-independent Termination:
In many cases e.coli contains DNA terminator sequences
- As inverted repeat followed by alot of A’s
- As it gets transcribed hairpin forms and forces RNAP off the DNA
- A-U pairs easier to break
TRCF-mediated Diassociation:
- When memorizing termination processes this is one!!
- When RNAP stalls the TRCF promote dissociation
- RNA lost and degraded
Transcription in Eukaryotes
-Super claw
- more proteins, regulation, and options
Transcribes all large ribosomal RNA
mRNA tscript
tRNA and 5srRNA subunit
RNA Polymerase II Structure:
“Basically” same as e.coli RNAP
Core Subunits:
Related to beta prime, alpha, beta, and omega
Common Subunits:
Subunits found in all 3 RNAP
Non-essential Subunits:
“congenitally dispensable”
best possible growth condition
Eukaryotic Transcription: Initiation Promoters
Class II Promoters:
Evolved from RNAP 2
1) Initiator seq contains the +1
2) TB2B recognition element
3) TATA box
4) Down stream elements
- +28 reigon and so onto the right
-not much or less is known
- Identifed in mutant screens for mutations that eliminate tscript
Eukaryotic Transcription: Initiation Promoters
Initiator Sequence (Inr):
Some genes have this region at the site of tscript initiation
Consensus: Py-Py-A-N-(T/A)-Py-Py
The TATA Box:
Seq at -25 to -31 nt region
Consensus: 5’ TATAAAA 3’
Downstream Elements:
Little or no consensus known
Eukaryotic Transcription: Initation The Proteins (Transcription Factors)
Pre-initiation Complex:
Complete set of general tscript factors and RNAP bound to the DNA
-General tscript factor protein complex
- binds to TATA box bc it contains a TATA box binding protein (TBP)
TBP-DNA complex:
TBP binds the DNA to facillitate other TF binding
-TBP also binds to other proteins
- 8-10 known TBP-Associated factors (TAF)
- Uses ATP to unwind/melt double helix
- RNAP 2 cannot do this
Mediator Complex:
- HUGE protein complex w/ >20 subunits amd chromatin
- mechanisms that allow proteins bound far away from the gene to affect tscript
TBP-DNA complex:
Eukaryotic Transcription: Initation Promoter Escape
RNAP II Carboxy Terminal Tail (CTD):
- Starts out as unphosphorylated
- In these states binds to promoter and tscript factors
- When it gets phosphorylated we have promoted escape
- Phosphorylation pattern changes to initiate different states of tscript
Eukaryotic Transcription: Elongation
Elongation Factors:
Proteins evolved in promoting elongation
1) maintain processivity for RNA
2) assist in splicing
CTD: Heptapeptide repeats:
7 peptide repeats
Phosphoryation of Serines:
Primary phosphorylation sites are on serines
Phosphorylation Patters:
1) Unphosphorylated= promotor binding
2) Phosphor of serine 5= promoter escape
3) Of serine 2= promotes RNA splicing
Eukaryotic Transcription: Elongation RNA Capping
What is it?
Capped with a modified (methylated) guainine that is bound by a 5’-5’ triphosphate bridge
When does it occur?
Very early in tscript within the first 30 nt sythnesized
1) Protects RNA from degradation
2) Enhances translation (helps ribosomes bind)
3) Enhances transport of mRNA out of nucleus
4) Enhances splicing efficiently at 5’ end
Eukaryotic Transcription: Termination Polyadenylation
What is it?
- Multiple ademines added to the 3’ end of the RNA
- Added without template
When does it occur?
-Close to the end of tscript (end is when RNAP leaves)
Proteins involved:
1.CTP domain bound by proteins called “Poly A” factors
2. CsTF binds poly a signal seq and cleaves nascent RNA
3. CpSF binds signal seq and recruits poly a polymerase (PAP)
4. PAP synthesizes the A tail
1) Protects coding seq from being quickly degraded
2) Improve translation of 3’ end mRNA
Eukaryotic Transcription: Termination
When does termination take place?
- Very soon after Poly A tail added
What facilitates termination?
- Torpedo Model: After capped mRNA is cut off, nuclease starts degrading the 5’ end of the remaining RNA –> when it hits RNAP, helps it release from DNA
Intron Splicing via Spliceosome
DNA sequence-mediated:
While splice sites are dependent on DNA sequence, there is actually very little seq requirement- means correct splicing req LOTS of control by other molecules
5’ splice site:
GU at 5’ end
3’ splice site:
AG at 3’ end
Branch site:
Chemistry of Splicing
1) 2’ OH of Adenosine in Branch site:
1. Nucelophilic attack of 2’ OH on branch point adenine and last nucleotide on upstream exon
2. Forms larant loop adenine has both 5’-2’ and 5’-3’ phosphidiester bonds
3. 3’ OH of last nucleotide in upstream bond between last nucleotide in intron and 1st nucleotide in downstream exon
3’ OH of 1st exon:
General Structure:
contains more than 150 proteins
small nuclear RNAs:
around 100-300 nt long
in complexes with proteins
small nuclear ribonuclear proteins:
name for individual RNA protein complexes
3 roles:
1) recognize the 5’ splice site
2) bring sites together for rxn
3) catalyze/help catalyze RNA rxn
Binds to 5’ splice site by complementary base pairing
Base pairs w/sequences at intron branch site and then associates with U6
Binds to 5’ splice site by base pairing after U1 and associates U2
Associates with the last nucleotide of upstream exon and 1st nucleotide of downstream intron and positions them together
Associates with u6 until u6 is needed and then disassociates
The Splicing Pathway
Starting Point:
RNA before spliced pre-mRNA
Step 1:
A) U1 binds 5’ splice site
B) BBP binds the branch site which contains branch-point adenine
Step 2:
U2 displaces BBP at branch site
Step 3:
U4,U5 and U6 bind each other
Tri-snRNP complex -floats around until it binds to U1 and U2 at introns (weak bonds)
Step 4:
Tri-snRNP complex binds U1 and 2
The Splicing Pathway (continuted)
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8
Self-splicing RNAs (are they ribozymes?)
Group II introns:
Group I introns:
Splicing Mechanism:
Splicing Errors (and how they are avoided)
Possible Errors:
1) Exon skipping 2) Pseudo splice-site selection
Splicing Fidelity Mechanisms:
1) Co-transcriptional loading 2) Splicing “guides”
Alternative Splicing
Regulated process:
Human Slo gene:
Drosophila Dscam gene
Interesting Splicing Phenomena
RNA Editing:
Cytidine deaminase and apolipoprotein B:
More Interesting RNA Modifications
RNA Editing:
Cytidine deaminase and apolipoprotein B
General Points
Formal definition:
Energetic cost:
4 Primary Components: 1)
The messenger RNA
Terminology Review
Sites of Translation Initiation
In Prokaryotes:
In Eukaryotes:
transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
Common Structural Elements: 1)
Examples of unusual nucleotides:
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
Steps in Charging of tRNA
Large: Small:
Svedberg Units:
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Large: Small: Combined:
Ribosome: Sites
3 Sites to know
A site:
P site:
E site:
Stages of Translation
Translation Initiation: Prokaryotes
Important Components:
1) 2) 3) 4)
Translation Initiation: Prokaryotes
The Process
Initial State:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Translation Initiation: Prokaryotes
The Process (continued)
Step 3)
The Process (continued)
Step 4)
Step 5)
Translation Termination
Stop codon recognition:
Release Factors:
Class I: Class II:
End result for ribosome