Exam 3 Flashcards
An individual whose actions or attitudes fall outside the general accepted norms or values of a group or society
illegal activities. often enforced by laws
any reaction from others to the behavior of an indivudial or group.
Differential Association
criminal and deviant behavior are learned through associqation with others who engage in the behavior
Primary deviation
the actions that cause others to label one as deviant
Secondary deviation
occurs when an individual accepts the label of deviant and acts accordingly.
Conflict theory
crime and deviance are deliberate and often political
Strain theory of deviance
proposed by Merton. five sections. conformity,innovation,ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. ways of identifying deviance
Control theory
crime and deviance are the outcomes of an imbalance between impulses and controls.
Broken windows theory
views disorder and incvility withina community as linked to serious crime
Order-maintenance policing
integrates police into the community, teaching them to maintain peace and order (rather than solving crimes
Formal controls
foot patrols, zero-tolerance, anti-gang loitering, stop and frisk, juvinile snitch programs
Informal controls
community policing or the involvement of citizens in preventing and enforcing peace and order
War on drugs
issued by reagan in 1985, increased the size of federal drug control agencies and issuing mandatory sentencing
Prison-industrial complex
overlapping interests and efforts of goverment and industry to use servaliance, policing, and imprisonments as solutions to socioeconomic problems.
Political apparatus consisting of institutions and officials who rule over a territory, whose authority is backed by law, and who have the ability to use force.
Power within a given territory
legitamacy or the aqueisece of individuals based on a sense of duty
State-sanctioned violence
monopoly use of legitimate force within its borders
shared culture, identity, and desire for self-administration
a perspective, style of thought, or image of the world, the core of which lies the nation
Civic religion
attaching sacred qualities to certain institutional arrangements and/or historical events.
nationalism within a specific territory that is recognized as an autonomous political unit
Political system in which the opportunity to participate is widely shared among adult citizens
political expression is severly limited allowing for no meaningful citizen particpation
strong central power and limited political freedoms
Participatory democracy
A system of democracy in which all members of a community participate collectively in decision making.
Direct democracy
members contribute directly to the decison making process
Liberal democracy
elected representatives hold power and operate under classical liberal principles
power is distributed throughout society among a “plurality” of power centers.