Exam 3 Flashcards
What is the Code of Bushido?
the code of the samurai in the Japanese tradition
what is kami?
the japenese term for god or deity
What is Kami-Dana?
a “god shelf” found in the homes of those who practice shinto
what is the torii?
the Shinto gate marking the entrance to sacred ground.
What is the Haiden?
the outer area of the Shinto shrine where people purify themselves with water..
what is heiden?
the middle area (hall of offerings)
what is honden?
the inner area (main shrine) where only priests can enter
who are sammurai?
japenese knights who defends his master with his life
who are the shogun?
the landowner and warlords who ruled over one thousand years in Japan.
what is kamikaze?
the Japanese term meaning “divine wind”
what is the nembutsu?
offering praise to the buddha Amida
who is Izanagi
the male deity of the divine couple who journied to the underworld to find his wife
who is izanami?
the female deity of the divine couple who died giving birth to the fire god
who is amaterasu?
the sun goddess in japanese mythology
who is ninigi?
grandson of Amaterasu, ancestor of the first Japanese emperor and keeper of the three treasures
who is susanoo
the storm god (emerged from izanagi’s nose)
Who is buddha amida?
the buddha of the pure land
what is kojiki
the shinto writing that featured japanese mythology
what is the nihongi or nihon shoki?
the shinto writing that trace the line of emperors back to jimmu
lotus sutra
the primary text used by japanese buddhists
tenrikyo (tenri-kyo)
the heavenly reason sect that features God the parent
what us soka-gakkai?
largest new religion in japan, based on Nichiren Buddhism
what is tendai?
the “heavenly terrace school” that came to japan from china
what is shingon
the “true word school” that presents an esoteric form of buddhism
what is nichiren
the only form of buddhism that originated in japan and is named after the founder
what is zen
a form of Japanese Buddhism that features intense meditative practices.
what is pure land ?
the form of buddhism that features a western paradise
who is aum shinrikyo
an apocalyptic japanese group responsible for gassing the tokyo subways in 1995
what is shrine shinto
type of shinto that features worshipping at a shinto sacred place
what is state shinto?
form of shinto that emerged during the meji period (b.1868)
sectarian (sect) shinto
shinto that features groups like tenrikyo and rissho kosai kai
What is Tokogawa Shogunate
made Tokyo the capital city and adopted Confucianism
What is kami no michi?
the way of the kami in Japanese
what are the three treasures given to Ninigi?
Sword, jewel, and mirror
what is sumo
japenese wrestling mention in shinto writings
enuma elish
the encounter of The god of oceans and the god of fresh water leads to the creation of earth
gilgamesh epic
king of urul seeks a plant that offers immorality
God of the underworld
Goddes of magic, fertility
a king issued a legal code know as the Hammurabi code around 1725 B.C.E
zeus (jupiter)
a greek God ruler of the universe
hera (juno)
the goddess of women, marriage and childbirth.
what are the Minoans?
they colonized other greek islands, founded by legandary king minos of knossos
what are the babylonians
known for tower of babel
what are persians?
they defeated the babylonians and allowed jew to return to israel, their primary religion was zoroastrianism
ahura mazda
the wise lord, a god of zorastrian, he communicates to the world through six different archangles
angra mainyu
ahura mazda’s opponent, who is all evil, he resides hell and brings about sickness and death
a book of common prayer used by zoroastrians
tower of silence where vultures devour the corpse
what is the fire temple?
It is a sacred place of ritual
was a popular god who was the giver of cattle and sons, was god of frienship the later was associated with the bull
spenta mainyu
Zoroastrians that moved to india
who are the pharisees?
the teachers or rabbis
who are the sadducees
the jewish preists who conducted all temple sacrifices
who are the essenes
the wrote the dead sea scrolls and lived by the dead sea.
who are the zealots
the jewish group that wanted to overthrow the roman ruole in israel
what is orthodox Judaism
the jewish group that strictly follows the jewish legal codes
what is reform Judaism
german modernist movement influenced by moses mendelssohn
what is reconstructionist judaism
the jewish group founded by mordecai kaplan that promotes jewish culture
what is conservative judaism?
they attempted to provide a bridge between orthodox and reform Judaism
what is zionism
the jewish nationalist movement
what is Pesach (passover)
focuses on God’s liberation of the jews from egypt
what is purim
based on the book of esther and the sparing of the jews in persia
what is the rosh hashanah?
the jewish new year
what is the yom kippur
the jewish day of atonement
what is hanukkah?(chanukkah)
jewish festival of lights
what is shavuot
the jewish harvest festival
what is the diaspora?
the scattering of the jewish people after the fall of jerusalem in 70 CE
what is the exodus?
the escape from egypt
what is halakah?
the legal portions of the talmud
what is hasidism?
the “pious ones” who emerged in 17th century Europe as a popular mystical and devotional movement.
what is midrash?
jewish interpretation of scripture
what is mitzot
the hebrew term meaning commandment
what is the shabbat?
jewish holiday that begins on friday at sunset until saturday one hour after sunset
what is the shema?
“Hear o Israel the Lord our God is one”
what is the talmud
the oral torah used by rabbis to interpret by the hebrew bible
what is the tanakh?
the hebrew bible that includes the law, prophet and writings
what is the torah
the first 5 books of the hebrew bible
bar mitzvah
the coming of age ritual for a jewish boy
bat mitzvah
the coming of age ritual for a jewish girl
what is the holocaust
the death of six million jews during world war ll
what is kabbalah or kabbalism?
the jewish mystical movement based on the zohar
what is the pentateuch?
another name for the torah or first five books of the hebrew bible
what is the zohar
the sacred text used by jewosh mystics
who is moses Maimonides?
he identified the 613 commandments found in the Hebrew bible
who is baruch spinoza
many credit this jew for starting the enlightenment
who is Elie Wiesel?
holocaust survivor and noble peace prize winner who wrote books like “night”