Exam 3 Flashcards
Lecture 1
Identify common clinical signs of forebrain dysfunction
Forebrain disease (Cerebral)
- Alterations in behavior or mental status
-Dull, depressed, not themselves
-Mild alterations - Walking in circles/pacing
- Central blindness: contralateral phenomenon
-Blind but intact pupil responses PLR - Seizures
- Decrease in facial sensation (contralateral)
- Postural reaction deficits (contralateral)
How an animal sees:
Light - optic nerve - optic chasm - crosses over to - optic tract - synapse in lateral genicula - to white matter - optic radiation to visual cortex
-Synapse occurs somewhere else, going down towards optic motor nerves.
-Mild incoordination
-Walk well
-Circle towards their problem
-Usually no gait deficits
-Head pressing
-Compulsive pacing: obstinate progression
Describe the organization of the motor system
Brain Functional Divisions
- Cerebrum
- Diencephalon
-Optic nerves - Brainstem
-Medulla - Cerebellum
- Vestibular System
Explain the relative location of sensory vs. motor tracts within the spinal cord
-Located entirely within the CNS
-Descend from brain to every segment of spinal cord
initiate voluntary movement
Both excitatory and inhibitory influence on LMN to maintain muscle tone and reflex arcs
-Located in CNS and PNS
-Involved with reflex arc (sensory and motor)
-Carry out motor function
- Pyramidal systems (motor cortex)
-Human mostly
-Corticospinal tract: major fiber system. - Extrapyramidal system (basal nuclei)
-Basal nuclei tract that is major is the
-Rubrospinal tracts
GAIT in an animal is from Rubrospinal tracts from BASAL NUCLEI where voluntary moment originates (not the cortex as humans)
Basal nuclei - Red nucleus of the midbrain in dogs
-Group of little neurons that live deep in the brain
-Biggest role in gait
-Red nucleus receives input from the motor cortex, then the rub-spinal tract for execution of voluntary movement
Cerebrum Lobes
Which lobe is in charge of conscious perception of proprioception?
What is crossover?
Frontal: motor areas
Piriform: smell, olfactory bulbs
Occipital: vision
Pariental - Somatosensory: consciousness and proprioception
Temporal - Hearing and balance, vestibular input
Limbic system: function of storing memories creating memories. Hypothalamus, amygdala.
Somatosensory cortex (from parietal lobe) function
Important for both brain and spinal diseases
Conscious perception of touch, pain, pressure, temperature
Conscious perception of Propioception
Hypothesize what clinical signs a lesion within each spinal cord segment will result in
Describe certain neuroanatomical gait abnormalities
Diencephalon divisions
and C/S when lesions
-Chief sensory integration center of nervous system
ARAS: Influenced by sleep centers in pons and medulla
Ascending Reticular Activating System
-Runs through entire brainstem and into thalamus
-Carries afferents going to thalamic nuclei
-Awakens and prepares the cerebral cortex “Switchboard”
-Accepts what is needed for consciousness and rejects what is irrelevant
-Visceral motor activity: autonomic nervous system
-Influenced by olfaction and limbic systems ex: stomach cramps prior to finals
- Superoptic neurons produce ADH and Oxytocin
- Paraventricular also produces them
-Similar to cerebral
-Circling to either side
-Visual impairment
-Possible endocrine dysfunction: PU/PD, abnormal eating patterns
-Behavioral problems (limbic)
-Temperature regulation
-Non-specific pain
Red Nucleus
Nerves in Midbrain
- Oculomotor (CN III) nuclei: somatic movement of eyeball as well as constriction of pull - autonomic
- Trochlear (CN IV): innervates dorsal oblique muscle
- Tectotegmentospinal tract: sympathetic innervation of the eye (dilate)
Possibly hypothalamus
-Severe gait abnormalities
-UMN paresis and ataxia
-Abnormal mentation: disruption of ARAS. Stupor or coma
-“Decerbrate rigidity” inhibition removed, hyperextension of limbs, overwhelming amount of stimuli
Motor nucleus of Trigeminal (CN V)
Sensory nuclei Trigeminal CN V
Pontine micturition center (PMC) controlling urination
-Same as midbrain
-Marked mentation change
-Gait disturbance
-Dysfunction of CN V: muscles of mastication atrophy due to tumor
-Possible dysuria.
CN VI-XII come out of here
and Vestibular Nuclei
-Respiratory center
-Autonomic control of HR and BP
-Medial longitudinal fasciculus: assess head trauma. It is a highway. Vestibular information comes through CN VIII and eyes move accordingly
-Medullary reticular formation gives raise to medullary reticulospinal tract (UMN tract)
-Nucleus ambiguous: poorly arranged system. Larynx, pharynx, and esophagus
-Alterations in consciousness
-Autonomic dysfunction: abnormal HR, RR, BP
-Respiratory problems (UMN for respiration): Cheyne-Stokes respiration
-UMN Paresis
Does not initiate movement
Regulates, range, rate and force of our movement.
1. Cerebellar cortex
2. Medulla
3. Nuclei
-Outside: thick layer germinal cells (grow)
-Molecular layer
-Granular layer
Dividing and migrating during gestation = Hypoplasia or abiotrophy (wear out faster, preprogrammed)
Spinocerebellum: regulates our muscle tone. Unconscious movement
Vestibulocerebellum: eye movement, balance
-Intention tremor is the most common: bob head movement, can’t control overcorrection of movements
-Hypermetric movement: ataxia, GOOSE STEPPING
-Truncal sway
-Ipsilateral menace deficits
Lecture 2
Spinal Cord
Gray matter inside
White matter outside
Opposite of brain: gray matter outside, white matter inside
Hypothesize what clinical signs a lesion within each spinal cord segment will result in
C8: T1 nerve already
L5: sacral nerve segments already
Motor: UMN tracts descend in white matter of spinal cord to synapse on LMN in the gray matter of spinal cord
Those facilitory to flexors = walking
a. Corticospinal
b. Rubospinal
c. Medullary reticulospinal
Those facilitory to extensors = standing
a. Vestibulospinal, pontine reticulospinal
Balance system helps weight bearing
Ascending fibers for proprioception and pain are located mainly dorsally and laterally
-Usually affect both: ascending proprioception fibers as well as descending UMN
-Ataxia and Paresis commonly seen
UMN interference over LMN
-Release of muscle inhibition
-Ex: Exaggerated patellar reflex
-Loss of check and balance system
Spinal Cord Lesions
Clinically Important LMN
-Paresis or plegia
-Depressed or absent spinal reflexes
-Decreased muscle tone
- C1-C5 section
-Descending UMN tracts to all 4 limbs
-Ascending GP and nociception from all 4 limbs
-Origins of Phrenic nerve C5-C7 (diapraghm)
-Descending sympathetic fibers to the eye
-Nerves that cause pupil dilation are in the cervical region
Lesion C/S
-Gait affected in all 4 limbs (tetra or hemi)
-UMN signs to all 4 limbs: Increased tone, hyperactive spinal reflexes, patellar reflexes
-Delayed postural reactions (proprioception deficits) in all 4 limbs
-UMN bladder
-Rarely respiratory difficulty
-Rarely Horner’s syndrome: sympathetic fibers that innervate the eye
- C6-T2 section
-Descending UMN to all 4 limbs
-Ascending general proprioceptive fibers and nociception from all 4 limbs
LMN to the front limb
-Pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers
-LMN of phrenic nerve
-Lateral thoracic nerve: innervates the cutaneous trunci muscle
Lesions C/S
-Gait affected in all 4 limbs
-Delayed postural reactions in all 4
-LMN signs to FORELIMBS: decreased muscle tone, decreased reflexes.
-UMN to HINDLIMBS: normal to hyperactive reflexes in rear
-UMN bladder
-Horner’s and phrenic nerve dysfunction possible but less likely
Two engine gait: two different motors working the legs
-Difficulty bearing weight in the FRONT LIMBS
-SLOW backend
- T3-L3 section
-Descending UMN to REAR LIMBS only
-Front legs normal
-Ascending general proprioceptive and nociception from rear limbs
-Hypogastric nerve = L1-L4: bladder function
-Boder cells: confusing cells, live here. They go back upstream and provide inhibition to front legs = EXTENSION and RIGIDITY FRONT limbs
Schiff-Sherrington phenomenon
-Gait affected in hind limbs
-Normal postural reactions and reflexes in forelimbs
-UMN to hindlimb: normal to hyperactive reflexes, possible crossed extensor reflex.
-Delayed postural reactions in hinblimbs
-UMN bladder/sphincter: rigid bladder and spinchter
-Possible Schiff-Sherrington phenomenon
- L4-S3 section
-UMN to rear limbs only
-GP and nociception from rear limbs only and pain fibers
-LMN to the rear limbs
-L4-L6 femoral nerve
-L6-S1(2) Sciatic nerve
-S1-S3 - pudendal nerve
-S1-S3 - pelvic nerve
-Gait affected (variably) in hind limbs only
-Normal postural reactions and reflexes in forelimbs
-LMN sings to hindlimb: decreased spinal reflexes, decreased muscle tone, tail, anal sphincter.
-Delayed (variable) postural reactions in hindlimb
-LMN Bladder/sphincter: impact on the bladder, different than UMN
S1-S3 Section
Plantigrade stance
-Forelimbs normal
-Gait may be normal
-Posture could be normal or plantigrade in hindlimb
-LMN anal sphincter
-LMN bladder
-LMN tail
-Bladder should be normal
-Anal tone should be normal
-Rare Cd spinal cord segment disease
Lecture 3
Determine whether or not neurologic disease is present
Perform the major parts of the neurologic examination
Define what is normal vs. abnormal response
Assess severity of dysfunction
Neurologic Exam
-Nervous system disease present?
-Recognize/interpret abnormal signs
-Localize lesion
-Assess severity of dysfunction
-Differential diagnosis
-Tentative prognosis
Neuroanatomic diagnosis»_space; etiologic diagnosis
Localization - differentials - diagnostic plan
- History: time course of the disease. Acute vs. chronic. Static, improving, progressing
- Observation: Mention, Posture, Gait.
-Bright, alert, responsive, depression/dull, conscious but inactive.
-Severe signs: obtunded (sleeps when undisturbed), Stupor: touch, noise does not cause arousal. Strong stimuli to respond. Coma (unconscious), Demented: inappropriate. - Postural reactions: sensory inputs from receptors in limbs, and body, visual system, vestibular system.
-Abnormal: wide-based stance, leaning, head tilt, schiff-sherrington posture, decerebrate rigidity.
-Increased muscle tone (usually extensors): Sign of UMN disease
-Decreased muscle tone: LMN disease
Gait, very complex
-Basal nuclei (& motor cortex) initiation of movement
-Cerebellum: coordination how much movement gets released
-Vestibular system: gravity
-Spinal cord: takes information down to peripheral nerves and neuromuscular functions
Forebrain lesions: rarely cause gait abnormality. It is midbrain or caudal.
- Spinal reflexes (myotatic & withdrawal)
- Cranial nerves
- Palpation
- Sensory perception
Changes in
-Behavior/attitute/onset of seizures
-Muscle tone/symmetry
Definitions related to Gait
Not a localizing sign by itself
Forebrain lesion
-Wide circles
-Generally towards the lesion
Vestibular Dysfunction
-Tight circles
-Head tilt usually present
Animals usually circle toward the lesion
-Lack of coordination
- Vestibular ataxia: loss of orientation of body with respect to gravity. Drift, lean, fall, roll.
- Cerebellar ataxia: not weak, very uncoordinated, trunk sway, hypermhtric.
- Propioceptive ataxia: disruption of ascending proprioceptive fibers. Spatial information fails to reach the brain . Limbs crossing over, scuffing digits, standing, don’t know where to put the leg, delay in the protraction (forward movement of the leg).
Postural Reactions
-It is a Complex responses that maintain normal upright body position when pushed/moved
-Does NOT specifically localize region
-Good for abnormalities in nervous system
-Often first abnormality test, may notice deficits prior to overt gait problems
-Very sensitive not very specific
-Assess for ASYMMETRY!!
Requires ALL
-Sensory systems
-Spinal cord
-Cortical integration (somatosensory cortex)
-Motor system UMN & LMN
-Neuromuscular junction to flip the switch back over
-Propioceptive positioning (paw placement test)
-Hemiwalking: used for large animals
Spinal Reflexes
Which is the best in forelimb, hindlimb?
-Independent of higher brain centers
-Does not require any activation of brain
-Does not necessarily indicate patient can feel pain
-Most reliable forelimb
-Most reliable sciatic reflex withdrawal
-Reflex intact even with cord transection
-Evaluates: Component of reflex arc (sensory and motor) The integrity of the spinal cord segments
-Influence of descending UMN pathways on arc
-Help us localize spinal lesions!
- Myotatic (stretch) reflexes
-Monosynaptic: one connection, one nerve up, one nerve down - Flexor (withdrawal) reflexes: multi synaptic. Recruits more muscle fibers to get the leg pulled back
Forelimb Reflexes
-Flexor (withdrawal): all limb flexor mm. All nerves from C6-T2
Hindlimb Reflexes
-Patellar: Femoral; L4-L6
-Sciatic: Sciatic; L6-S1
-Withdrawal: Sciatic; L6-S2
-Cutaneous trunci: Lateral thoracic; C8-T1
-Increased muscle tone
-Normal to hyperreflexia
-Flaccid muscle tone
-Decreased to absent reflexes
Tips for Spinal Reflexes
-Perform with animal lateral recumbency
-Pelvic limb first, then thoracic
-Myotatic reflexes first, then flexor
-Do one side, then flip to other side
Patellar Reflex
Which nerve is tested?
Withdrawal Reflex
Hold the pinch on the toes
Forelimb Withdrawal reflex
What nerves/spinal cord?
Test objective: “Cutaneous trunci is absent caudal to …?”
Perineal (Anal) Reflex
Nerve evaluated
-Pudendal (S1-S3)
-Perineal (S1-S3)
Cranial Nerves
Which cranial nerves are not usually tested?
-CNI and CN XI
-Most test are reflex arcs
-Some are responses: implication that requires cortex
1. Menace response
2. Nasal sensation
Consistency order is key
Which cranial Nerves are usually assess during neurological exam?
- Menace Response
CN II, VII - Cortical, cerebellum
-Move hand toward one eye, opposite eye is covered
-Blinking is the normal response
-Not present in puppies and kittens until about 3 mts
Requires contralateral cortical input
- Palpebral Reflex & Facial Sensation
CN V, VII - Cortical
-Medial cantos of the eye
-Afferent: CN V (ophthalmic branch)
-Efferent: CN VII
- Pupillary Light Reflex
What are the branches of the trigeminal nerve?
Which are we testing with Nasal Sensation test?
Nasal sensation test the ophthalmic brach +/- maxillary
-Contralateral, so cortex somatosensory test too.
Pupillary Light Reflex
What are we testing?
Afferent: CN II (optic n)
Efferent: CN III (oculomotor nn)
Assessment of the pupil size and symmetry
Swinging light test: Direct PLR = what is happening in the ipsilateral eye
Indirect = what is going on in the opposite eye
Physiological Nystagmus
What is being tested? Afferent, Efferent
-Oculocephalic Reflex & Oculovestibular Reflex
Test for connection of MLF which is the connection between CN VIII, CN III, IV, VI.
Afferent: CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear) - Gravity
Efferent: CN III, IV, VI
Abnormal signs
-Spontaneous (resting)
-Positional (inducible)
Gag Reflex & Jaw Tone & Tongue
Gag Reflex
Caudal Brainstem
Afferent: IX, X
Efferent: IX, X, (XI), (XII) back of the throat
Abnormal: no jaw tone usually
Jaw Tone
From Trigeminal nerve
Lesions: atrophy of temporals/masseter muscles, loss of jaw tone, dropped jaw (bilateral)
From CN XII (Hypoglossal nn)
General Somatic Efferent
Neurological Exam
Spinal Palpation
-Hyperesthesia = increased sensitivity to stimulation
-Perform from caudal to cranial
-Vertebral column (start at L7)
-Press spinous process and epaxial muscles
-Gently flex and extend neck
-Squeeze transverse process
Neurological exam
Evaluated by
-Cranial nerves
-Spinal reflexes
-Propioceptive positioning
-Spinal palpation
Still to be evaluated: superficial pain and deep pain
Perform if needed and always last
-Perception of noxious stimuli Afferent information.
-Heat, pain, pressure, chemical
-Often difficult to differentiate from superficial and deep pain perception
Pain is a conscious, emotional sensation which means it requires input from the brain
Perform test
-Use the least noxious stimulus possible
-Fingers before hemostats
-Skin/webbing between toes, nailed, or last digit
-Normal response indicates deep pain perception. Withdrawal of limb (unless LMN location)
-Behavioral response: anxiety, vocalization, attempt to escape
-Turning head, attempt to bit
-Increase in respiration or pupil dilation
-withdrawal of the limb only does NOT indicate pain perception
-If voluntary movement in its limbs = 99% of the time will have nociception
-Do not unduly harm the animal by crushing its toes
Neuro Exam Light version
- Mentation
- Paw placement +/- reflexes
- Menace response +/- PLR, palpebral reflex
Lecture 4
Identify key points from neurological case history
Assimilate exam findings
Assign a neurolocalization based on all findings
Generate a brand differential list based on sign-time graph
Sign-time graph
Severity vs. time
- Congenital/anomalous
- Neoplastic
- Degenerative
- Inflammatory, Toxic
- Traumatic, vascular
Case 1
Forebrain disease?
1.Mental status: QAR
2.Walking in circles: no
3.Seizures: No seizures
4.Central blindness: No central blindness
5.Decreased facial expression: (contralateral) No
6.Postural reaction deficits: proprioceptive ataxia both rear limbs. Moderate to severe paraparesis. Normal postural reactions in front limbs. Very delayed paw replacement and hopping bilaterally in rear.
-Forelimbs: normal
-Rear limbs: exaggerated patellar reflexes bilaterally. Cutaneous trunci absent bilaterally caudal to L1
-CN: normal
-Spain pain elicited on palpation at thoracolumbar junction
Arched back, walking as if drunk
-Gait affected: midbrain or caudal to it because forebrain does not cause gait abnormalities
-Lesion location: caudal to foramen magnum bc mentation normal
-Caudal to T2 bc forelimbs normal
-Lesion is T3-L3
-Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Case 1B
-Affected rear limbs
-1 year history of wobbly rear limbs
-No improvement steroids, pain meds.
-Absent paw replacement and hopping bilaterally
-Rear normal patellar reflexes bilateral, normal withdrawal bilaterally.
-Cutaneous trunci absent caudal to T13
-Location: T3-L3
-Degenerative: chronic, progressive, non-painful thoracolumbar myelopathy in an old-aged dog.
-Degenerative, Neoplastic, Infectious.
-DX: Fluid accumulation in Spine “diverticulum”
Case 2
-6 yo beagle
-No history of trauma
-Screamed and reluctance to move
-Screams when approached
Neuro PE
-Ambulatory with mild tetra paresis and proprioceptive ataxia 4 limbs
-Slightly delayed paw replacement and hopping 4 legs
-All spinal reflexes normal
-Marked pain and hyperesthesia elicited on gentle flexion of the neck
-Lesion location: C1-C5, caudal to foramen magnum bc mentation was normal
-Acute onset, painful disease resulting in cervical myelopathy in a middle-aged dog
-DX: IVD herniation
Case 3
Signalment: 6 yo, female spayed west highland white terrier
-Recumbent in backyard 4 days earlier, unable to walk
-Static over past 4 days
-Left thoracic and pelvic limbs: voluntary movement
-Urine scald in inguinal region
-No other significant abnormalities
Neuro PE
-Dog falls to the right when placed on feet
-No motor function seen on right
-Absent proprioception right front and hind, slightly delayed on left rear and front
-Reflexes: most significant 0-1 withdrawal right thoracic limb
-No pain on spinal palpation or neck flexion
-Lesion location: C6-T2
-Acute onset, non-progressive, non-painful, asymmetrical.
-DX: Stroke, Ischemic myelopathy
Case 4 highlights
History: fallen down stairs, depressed
PE: collapsing trachea and locating patellas typical for breed
Neuro exam: anxious, inappropriate, slow to respond to stimuli.
-Paced around always to the right.
-Rt side: normal postural reactions
-Lft side: delayed to absent paw placement and hopping
-All spinal reflexes normal
Central blindness phenomenon
-Absent menace response (CN VII, CN II) OS, normal OD
-Normal palpebral (CN V, VII) and pupillary light reflexes (CN II, III) UO
-Nasal sensation blunted (CN V, CN I, CN VII) left, normal right.
-Normal oculi-vestibular movements
-Normal gag reflex.
-Lesion: Intracranial
-Circling and compulsive to the right: forebrain right side affected
-Acute onset behavioral changes. Progressively more severe despite medication
-DX: Meningioencephalitis, Asymmetrical Brain, Right-sided.
Case 5 highlights
-Noticeably decreased muscle tone and moderate muscle atrophy
Neuro exam
-Lateral recumbency
-Flaccid paralysis/tetraplegia with absent muscle tone
-Unable to bark, can move mouth
-Can move head slightly
-Absent postural runs and spinal reflexes in all 4 limbs
-CN normal
-DX: diffused LMN or neuromuscular disease
1. Absent spinal reflexes in all 4 limbs
2. Widespread flaccid paralysis with muscle atrophy
3. Aphonia (inability to bark)
Acute, idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis, AKA Coonhound paralysis
-Ddx: tick paralysis, coral snake bite, botulism, fulminant myasthenia gravis
Case 6 highlights
-Orthopedic disease
Case 7 highlights
signalment: 8mt old female intact Yorkshire terrier
-Thin 3/9
-Innapropriate mental behavior
-Normal gate
-Propioception delayed, hopping delayed in all four limbs
-spinal reflexes normal
-CN: absent menace (CN II, CN VII), normal palpebral and PLR OU.
-Insidious onset, minimally progressive disease showing forebrain signs in a young, toy-breed.
-Lesion: forebrain (cerebrum)
-Ddx: degenerative, anomalous, metabolic, nutritional, infectious.
-DX: Congenital Hydroencephalus
Case 10 highlights
-Slowly progressive gains abnormality since 2.5 yo. (3.5 yo Golden retriever)
Neuro exam
-Truncal sway
-Intention tremors
-Cerebellar ataxia (marked)
-No paresis noticed
-Hyperactive reflexes
-No cranial nerve abnormalities
-Slowly progressive onset of severe cerebellar deficits in a young, mature dog
-Cerebellum dysfunction/deficits
-DX: Neosporosis (neospora caninum). Degenerative, infectious
Case 12
DX: Clot older dog, Disk herniation with compression of caudal equine L7-S1
-Slow, insidious onset of hair abnormalities in an older dog, large breed
-Pain elicited when tail elevated
-Location: L4-S3
-Decreased withdrawal bilaterally hind limbs = caudal to T2
-slightly increased patella reflexes bilaterally: means L4-L6 Femoral ok.
-L7-S1: SCIATIC problem
Case 13
Old German Shepherd
DX: degenerative myelopathy
Slow insidious onset of gait abnormality in al older large-breed dog. No pain elicited
-Hip dysplasia history
-PE: normal
-Neuro exam: wide based stance in pelvic limbs. Truncal ataxia, thoracic limbs appear normal. Severe paraparesis with marked proprioceptive ataxia. Paw replacement absent in both hind limbs. Hemiwalking pelvic.
-Cutaneous trunci absent caudal to T13
-Location: T3-L3
-Patellar reflex normal (L4-L6 Ok)
Lecture 6 Seizures and Epilepsy
Understand what conditions can mimic seizure activity
Compare different types of seizures and epilepsies
Develop a clear understanding of how to diagnose primary (idiopathic) epilepsy
Describe what aspects of epilepsy management need to be expressed to clients
1 What is a seizure?
2 What is nor a seizure?
- Clinical manifestation of excessive and or hyper synchronous neural activity
-originate from forebrain (cerebrum/thalamus)
A. Generalized
B. Focal
- Seizures are NOT
-Acute vestibular dysfunction
-Animals sleeping/dreaming
-Tremors (can be confusing)
-Movement disorders
Seizures Definitions/Stages
- Prodrome: before onset of seizure
-Changes in behavior, anxiousness, seeking attention, hiding
-Can last several days - Aura: initial manifestation of seizure
-Drooling, vomiting, pacing, whining, barking,
-Seconds to minutes in duration prior to full seizure - Ictus: actual phase event per EEG.
-Seconds to minutes in duration - Postictal phase: abnormal behavior, disorientation, deep sleep, weakness, confusion, blindness, sensory and motor dysfunction.
-Minutes to 48 hours - Interictal period: Time between seizures