exam 3 Flashcards
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
[H+], ROH
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
[H+], H2O
identify the reagent:
[H+] H2O, heat
identify the reagent:
[H+] H2O, heat
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
identify the reagent:
ROH, py
identify the reagent:
xs NH3
identify the reagent:
1) LiAl(OR)3H, 2) H3O+
identify the reagent:
1) DIBAH 2) H3O+
identify the reagent:
1) xs LiAlH4 2) H3O+
identify the reagent:
1) xs LiAlH4 2) H3O+
identify the reagent:
1) xs LiAlH4 2) H3O+
identify the reagent:
Na2Cr2O7 / H2SO4, H2O
identify the reagent:
1) xs LiAlH4 2) H2O
identify the reagent:
1) xs LiAlH4 2) H2O