Exam 3 Flashcards
Excessive or maladaptive response to physical symptoms or to associated health concerns
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Alterations or detachments in consciousness or identity that are so intense that the person loses identity, memory, or a sense of reality
Dissociative Disorders
Physical symptoms are not experienced or very mild, but severe anxiety is focused on the possibility of having or developing a serious disease
Illness Anxiety Disorder
A known medical condition is adversely affected by psychological or behavioral factors
Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition
Physical malfunctioning without physical or organic pathology to account for it
Conversion Disorder
Faking symptoms for personal gain
Symptoms are under voluntary control but there is no obvious reason for producing symptoms except, possibly, to produce increased attention through sick role
Factitious Disorders
Inducing symptoms in another. Can be a rare form of child abuse in which a caretaker causes a charge to have symptoms
Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another
Temporary loss of the sense of your own reality
Loss of the sense of the reality of the external world
Severe depersonalization and derealization
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
Loss of memory. Follows several patterns
Dissociative Amnesia
Inability to remember anything, including their own identity
Generalized Amnesia
Failure to recall specific events, usually traumatic, that occur during a specific period
Localized or Selective Amnesia
Memory loss revolves around a specific incident - an unexpected trip or trips
Dissociative Fugue