Exam 3 Flashcards
Land Conservation
The permanent protection of land areas by withdrawing them from development
Land & Water Conservation Fund
- supported by 10% of fedral revenue form offshore and gas drilling
- 70% goes towards purchase of land
- 30% goes to grants to support state and local conservation
Criteria for LEED certification
- Water efficiency
- Location and transportation
- Energy and atmosphere
- Materials and resources
- Innovation
Urban Sprawl
- Low density housing
- Segregated land uses
- increases in carbon emissions from transportation and large single family homes
- consumes agricultural land, open spaces, and natural habitats
Smarth Growth Strategies
- Modify ordinances to allow for zoning for residential land in city centers, commercial/industry in residential areas
- Tax credits and bonuses for concentrating developments
- Building and development codes that reduce impervious surfaces/pollution and increase energy efficiency
How is smart growth measured?
- energy consumption
- greenhouse gas emissions
- air and water pollution
- water recharge
- ecological health
- public health
- community happiness
Sustainable Communities
- dense/compact: more open space corridors
- walkable/bikable
- transit oriented
- affordable/mixed income
- low carbon footprint
- water friendly
- green infrastructure
- energy efficient
- proximity to employment
Walkable cities
use of streets that combine housing, shops, markets, schools, and health care; areas where cars are not required for everyday activities
Ahwanee Principles
Purpose: develop a set of community planning principles
Result: have resource efficient communities, diverse in population and use, conserve natural environments
- pedestrian and transit systems
- accessible public and community areas
Benefits of Brownfield remediation
- reduced risk to human/ecological health
- create jobs
- reduce auto traffic/ reduce air pollution
- increase local property values
-stimulate local economy
Urban Infill
development of vacant parcels in already built up areas; critical to smart growth and redevelopment
- revitalize existing communities and preserve outlaying greenspace
Marine Spatial Planning
Public process for organizing the use of marine space and pursuing social, economic, and ecological benefit
Need: marine environments experience intensive boat traffic such as recreation, oil and gas extraction and mining, fisheries, and energy
Regenerative Agriculture
improves soils health via organic composts, slowing water flow, rotational grazing, and enhancing carbon uptake
Northeast Ocean Plan
Goal is to focus on ecosystem-based management, monitoring and evaluation, best practices, data portal
- document marine activities and habitats
- stakeholder meetings and public comment
3 Goals of Northeast Ocean Plan
- Healthy Ocean and coastal ecosystems
- Effective decision making
- Compatibility among past, current, and future ocean uses