Exam 3 Flashcards


Blood Gas Analysis Lecture

  • Explain the physiology behind how an animal maintains acid- base balance
  • Describe the pathology associated with acidosis and alkalosis in a patient
  • Discuss why a blood gas sample is analyzed and what it determines
  • Explain how and where to obtain an arterial sample in the different species
  • Interpret a primary blood gas disturbance in a case example (you MUST know normal value ranges to do this)
  • List the factors that affect the accuracy of the arterial sample
  • Calculate the arterial oxygen content equation
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  • Explain the physiology behind how an animal maintains acid- base balance

what are the three principal mechanisms to buffer H?

What is the solubility coefficient?



Carnivores produce CO2 and excess H precursors
Herbivores produce CO2 and excess HCO3 precursors

-Liver metabolizes protein, generating 1mmol H/kg daily
-Kidney excrete H and reabsorb HCO3
-Lungs eliminate CO2
-Gut modulates acid, base, and water excretion

Buffering mechanisms

  1. Chemical:
    -extracellular HCO3 works within seconds,
    -phosphate, hemoglobin and proteins are intracellular buffers work within 2-4hrs
  2. Respiratory: chemoreceptors changes in pCO2 and [H+] works within minutes
  3. Renal: increased excretion of H+ works within hours to days.

Solubility coefficient

-Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation: many approaches to acid/base disturbances diagnosis and treatment are based on this equation.
-Solubility coefficient
-Relationship between pH and [H+] is exponential.
-pKa = pH at which 50% of an acid or base is in the ionized state.
-pKa of H2CO3 is 6.1
-Ideal HCO3:pCO2 ratio is 20:1

Mixed disturbances
-Two separate primary disorders occurring in a patient at the same time.
-pH change in opposite direction of the expected for primary disorder.
-Disorders can have a neutralizing or additive effect on pH.
-A triple disorder can be caused by metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and either respiratory acidosis or alkalosis.

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  • Describe the pathology associated with acidosis and alkalosis in a patient

What are the four primary disturbances and the expected compensatory response?


Causes of Respiratory Acidosis

-Anesthetic drugs and equipment dead space.
-Severe pulmonary disease
-Upper airway obstruction
-Neurological disease
-Malignant hyperthermia

Respiratory Alkalosis

-Overzealous IPPV
-Pain, fear, anxiety, stress
-Sepsis or SIRS
-Pulmonary thromboembolism
-Severe anemia
-Low cardiac output

Metabolic acidosis causes

-Vomiting, diarrhea
-Renal loss of HCO3 or retention of H
-IV nutrition
-Dilutional acidosis
-Ammonium chloride

Metabolic Alkalosis

-Vomiting due to pyloric obstruction
-Hypochloremia and hypokalemia
-Contraction alkalosis

Consequences of Acid-Base disturbances


-Impair cardiac contractility and response to catecholamines
-Decrease CO, decreased renal and hepatic blood flow.
-Ventricular arrythmias or fibrillation
-Arterial vasodilation and venous constriction centralized blood volume and causes pulmonary congestion
-Shifts oxygenated Hb curve to the right initially
-Hyperkalemia due to trans cellular shift
-Insulin resistance that impairs uptake of glucose
-Increased intracellular Ca
-CNS depression and coma
-Osteodystrophy and hypercalciuria


-CNS signs (agitation, disorientation, stupor, coma)
-Seizures or tetany due to hypokalemia (rare)
-Hypokalemia due to trans cellular shifting causes muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, GI motility disturbances, and altered renal function
-Shifts oxygen-hemoglobin curve to the left, which impairs oxygen release from Hb initially

Myocardial contractility decreased if pH <7.2

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Respiratory and Metabolic Alkalosis


The problem with each
NAGMA: hyperchloremic

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  • Discuss why a blood gas sample is analyzed and what it determines

-Excellent tool for monitoring respiratory acid-base status
-Electrolytes can also be monitored
-Quick results = quick treatment
-Can be performed while awake or under using arterial or venous samples

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Arterial gas vs. venous gas


Aterial sample
-Evaluation of respiratory gas
-Tells us what is happening on the respiratory side
-PaO2 = ~80-110 mmHg on room air
~ 500 mmHg if on 100% O2
-Bright red
-Pulsatile flow if catheter placed and arterial waveform present when attached to a pressure transducer

Venous sample
-Useful in determining acid-base status
-Slighter lower O2
-PvO2 = ~35-45 mmHg regardless of FiO2
PaO2 is 5 times the FiO2
ex: 100% oxygen to patient times 5 = 500 PaO2
-SvO2 65-75%
-Darker color of red
-No pulsatile flow from waveform present when attached to pressure transducer

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  • Explain how and where to obtain an arterial sample in the different species


-Clip and clean area
-Dry lithium heparin syringe or heparinize a 1-3 ml with a 22-25G needle, aspirate and expel before drawing blood.
-~ 1ml of blood
-No air bubbles
-analyze within 10 minutes or place rubber and store in ice up to 1 hour
-Apply pressure to sampling site to avoid hematoma

Small animals

-Dorsal pedal artery best
-Auricular, femoral, caudal artery, lingual artery

Large animals

-Facial artery, transverse facial, (horses, donkeys)
-lateral dorsal metatarsal artery, (horses donkeys)
-auricular artery (ruminants)
-lingual artery, femoral artery,
-medial artery (sheep)

Jugular vein acceptable

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  • Interpret a primary blood gas disturbance in a case example (you MUST know normal value ranges to do this)

Blood analyzers measure

-Partial pressure of oxygen (O2)
-Partial pressure of carbon of carbon dioxide (PCO2)

Blood analyzers calculate


Normal Blood Gas volumes

-pH: 7.35-7.45 (compatible with life 6.8-7.8 animals)

-FiO2: =0.21 at any altitude, but PB decreases with altitude.

-PaO2: 80-110 mmHg room air (95% SaO2)
Oxygen molecules dissolved in the plasma phase of arterial sample.
Mild hypoxia = 75-90 mmHg
Severe Hypoxia = < 60 mmHg
not bound to Hb. depends on the FiO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen)

-PaCO2: 35-45 mmHg
respiratory component of acid-base balance, used to determine if patient is hypocapnic, hypercapnia, or eucapnic. Inversely related to alveolar ventilation.

-SaO2: 95% (PaO2 = 80 mmHg)
The percentage of all available heme-binding sites saturated with oxygen from arterial sample calculated valued based on the position of the oxygen Hb dissociation curve.

-HCO3: 15-25 mmol/L (carnivore) 20-28 mmol/L (herbivores)
mainly responsible for regulating pH of bodily fluids. It acts as an immediate buffer when fixed acids enter blood. Also, facilitates the transport of CO2 from body tissues to lungs, bicarbonate-carbonic acid. Value is assessment of metabolic acid-base status. Most important buffer

amount of carbon dioxide present in the plasma. 85% actually due to bicarbonate

-BE: 0 +/- 4 mmol/L
Base excess is a mount of strong acid or alkali required to titrate 1L of blood to a pH of 7.4 at 37C while the partial pressure of CO2 is constant at 40 mmHg
Excess = metabolic alkalosis
Deficit = metabolic acidosis
Used to calculate bicarbonate therapy
mEq to infuse = BE x kg x 0.3
Infuse sodium bicarbonate 1/3 over 20 minutes: if given too fast increased paCO2 will cross BBB and cause cerebral acidosis, vasodilation, and hypotension; hypernatremia = cerebral hemorrhage.
Mild +/- 5
Moderate +/- 10-15
Severe > 15

-Lactate: <2.0 mmol/L

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How to interpret all this numbers?


Need to know the FiO2 and body temperature

Step 1

Determine if the sample is arterial or venous
-SaO2 >88% = Arterial
-SaO2 <88% = Mixed sample, venous or pulmonary disease

Step 2

Determine acid-base status of the patient
pH normal, acidic, basic
PCO2 normal, increased, or decreased
HCO3 normal, increased, or decreased

Step 3

Assess the ventilatory status (PaCo2)
-Hypoventilation = increased PaCO2
-Hyperventilation = decreased PaCo2
-Normal ventilation

Step 4 Assess how the animal is oxygenating

-Is the patient breathing room air?
Calculate Alveolar-arterial O2 gradient (A-a) to determine effect of hypoventilation
A= [(barometric pressure -47)*0.21 -(PaCO2/0.8)]
a= PaO2
A-a = the gradient between the alveoli and the arterial blood

A-a Gradient

-Normal 0-10
-Probably normal 11-20
-ARDS? 21-30
-ARDS >30
ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome

If the patient is on an FiO2 >0.21

-Use PaO2:FiO2 ratio (used to compare arterial samples when the PaCO2 is stable)
Example: PaO2 = 450 mmHg FiO2 = 100% O2
PaO2 : FiO2 ratio = 450/1.00 = 450 normal function

PaO2:FiO2 ratios
>400 mmHg = normal pulmonary function
200-400 decreased pulmonary function
<200 severe pulmonary dysfunction

Step 5

Determine the Anion Gap

AG= (Na+K) - (Cl+HCO3) = UA(anions) - UC(cations)??

Law of electroneutrality: in reality there is no anion gap, just unmeasured anions.
Causes of increase: Ketoacids, Uremic acids, lactic acids, glycolic acid, and Salicylic acid.
Decrease: due to hypoalbuminemia usually

“emia” indicates changes in blood
“osis” indicates physiological process causing disturbances

The response to respiratory disorders occurs in two phases with two expected compensatory responses
1. Acute < 24hrs
2. Chronic > 48 hours

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  • List the factors that affect the accuracy of the arterial sample

-Air bubbles: increase PaCO2 and decreased PaCO2
-Excess heparin = decreased pH. Use specialized syringe and <0.1 ml of heparin in 2 ml of blood.
-Delay in analysis = decreased PaO2 and pH; increased PaCO2.
-Blood clot in sample; hemolysis, collecting from catheter
-Syringe type - glass preferred, plastic ok if analyzed within 10 minutes
-Temperature and barometric pressure
Hyperthermia - artificially lowers PaO2 and PaCO2
Hypothermia - artificially elevates PaCO2 and PaCO2
-Get rid of bubbles within 30 seconds
-Recommend PICO syringes (containing balanced sodium heparin that is lyophilized, so no danger of dilution effect)

Hypoxia vs. Hypoxemia

-Hypoxemia: decreased PaO2, SaO2, or Hb content. PaO2 <60 mmHg and/or SpO2 <90% severe hypoxemia
-Hypoxia: general term for impairment of oxygen delivery to tissue (DO2). Takes into account cardiac output (CO) and oxygen uptake at tissue level. So hypoxemia is one type of hypoxia.

Causes of Hypoxia

-Reduced oxygen delivery to tissue (decreased CO - Left or right Shunt)
-Decreased tissue oxygen uptake (cyanide, CO, alkalemia)

Causes of Hypoxemia

-Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch: The most common
-Low FiO2
-Right to left shunt
-Diffusion impairment

What is V/Q mismatch?

-Pulmonary parenchyma disease such as pulmonary edema, pneumonia, pulmonary contusions and pulmonary neoplasia will lead to hypoxemia secondary to V/Q mismatch

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  • Calculate the arterial oxygen content equation

CaO2= (SaO2 x Hb x 1.34) + (PaO2 x 0.003)

Patient A
Hb = 7g/dL
SaO2 = 95%
PaO2 = 80 mmHg

Patient B
Hb = 15 g/dL
SaO2 = 85%
PaO2 = 55 mmHg

Patient A = 9.15 ml O2/100mL more hypoxemic
Patient B = 17.25 mL O2/100mL

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Anesthesia Complications & Emergencies Dr. Kelley

What is the first rule of anesthesia?
How should you approach problems?
What should you do if you panic?


Do not panic

-Panic occurs when your ideas do not match outcomes
-If you panic, panic constructively: go back to the basics, Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
-Ask for help

Have a Plan checklist
-Plans will address the majority of problems that arise
-Plans are not always elaborate
-Be ready and willing to implement plan

Approaching Problems

  1. Identify that there is a problem: 5 minute sweeps
  2. I identify the problem
  3. Address the problem
  4. Follow up
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What are some of the common and uncommon patient undesirable occurrences during anesthesia?



Cardiovascular complications
Temperature regulation
Regurgitation and possible aspiration


Complications due to surgical or diagnostic procedure
Human error or patient idiosyncratic reaction

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  1. Identify hypotension in an anesthetized patient

Which method is trusted most by Dr. Kelley?



Severe decrease in BP leads to decreased perfusion of optic nerve and kidneys - post-anesthetic blindness or renal failure (other organs will follow shortly)

What is too low BP?
-Systolic < 80 mmHg

What is normal/expected at LMU?
> or = 90 mmHg

Methods to determine BP

-Blood pressure cuff, droplet
-Oscillometric (Pulse detection by oscillometric machines depends on the amount of change in the volume of the arm with each pulse (small pulses are more difficult to detect) and on the regularity and rate of those pulses. With regular pulses and a relatively smoothly changing arm volume it is much easier for the microprocessor to estimate the systolic and diastolic BP)
-Arterial catheter “Gold Standard”

Droppler trusted the most

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  1. Describe treatment of common causes of hypotension

What is the source of the low blood pressure?
-Pump (heart)
-Pipes (vasculature)
-Volume (blood)

Do they all respond to the same therapy?

Initial steps
-To identify
-To treat



-Consider increasing the HR (pump)
-Consider decreasing inhalants (pipes)
-Consider fluid bolus (3-5 ml/kg over 10-15 minutes)
-Regardless look for UNDERLYING CAUSE

CV Supportive Agents

-Alpha 1, Beta 1

- Alpha 1, Beta 1 predilection, Beta 2
-Caution: pre-existing arrhythmias
-Onset: 2 minutes
-Only in critical care settings

-Alpha-1, Alpha-2, B-1, B-2 predilection.
-Bolus or CRI

-Alpha-1 predilection, Alpha-2, Beta-1, Beta-2.
-First/bride treatment for equines, but can also be used SA

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Review Receptors and Activation results


Alpha1: vascular smooth muscle = contraction = increase BP
Alpha2: Presynaptic adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals and GI tract = Inhibitory, negative feedback, activation leads to decrease of norepinephrine release from presynaptic terminals = High stimulation of sympathetic.
Beta1: Prominent in the heart, SA node, AV node = increased conduction in velocity, increased contractility in ventricular muscle. In salivary glands, adipose tissue, and kidney = promote renin secretion
Beta2: Vascular smooth muscle of skeletal muscle, walls of GI and bladder, and in bronchioles = relaxation or dilation.

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  1. Organize an approach to manage hypoventilation

-Look for causes many are iatrogenic: drugs, positioning of patient, hypothermia, Pop-off closure, obesity

-Treat causes accordingly: alter protocols, positions, etc.

Capnography is the “Gold Standard” for ventilation monitoring
Normal: 35-45 mmHg for PaCO2

-Why can some hypoventilation be accepted while undergoing anesthesia? because of increased FiO2
-PaCO2 influence on oxygen is described by the alveolar gas equation

Alveolar Gas Equation

PAO2 = FiO2 (Patm-PH20) -(PACO2/0.8)

At 100% oxygen = 625 mmHg
At 21% oxygen (room air) = 61mmHg problems

Addressing Apnea

-Hand ventilation: there is not set rate that will work for every patient
-Supplementation vs Suppression

Addressing Hypoventilation

-Looking at minute volume using minute ventilation
MV= Respiratory Rate x Tidal Volume
Tidal volume (mL).
Example: (250 ml) x (12 RR) = 3000 ml/min
-Rate may be slow or fast
-Supplementation vs Suppression
-Monitor progress with Capnography

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  1. Explain the common causes of hypoxemia

** If breathing 100% O2, pulse oximetry should read 94%**

-Nearest to the patient first

Oxygen Hb disassociation curve

SpO2 & PaO2
90 60
80 50
70 40

Major causes of Hypoxemia

  1. Hypoventilation
  2. Low fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2)
  3. Diffusion impairment
  4. Ventilation/perfusion mismatch (V/Q)
  5. Shunt

Each can have multiple causes

Low FiO2
-Check the flow meter: is it turned on, is the rate appropriate for the circuit type?
-Check the pressure gauge on the tank (if using portable)
-Is your machine/circuit appropriately connected?
-Is there a leak?

Diffusion impairment
-What would be the likely cause under anesthesia?
-How would you be able to determine this?

V/Q mismatch
-Species and underlying disease dependent (horses don’t like to be on their back)
-Can and does happen to all anesthetized patients to some degree
-How can it be managed?
-Maintain both sides of the equation as best and possible: ventilation, perfusion, cardiac output.

Right/Left Shunt
-How do you determine a shunt? not much can be done

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Thermoregulation Complications



-Taking to long in surgery is the number one cause
-Tiny patients get cold quickly


-Different than fever
-Causes: malignant hyperthermia
-Species differences

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Myopathy and Neuropathy


~ 1% up to 15% incidence in dogs

-Passive process: may only appear as nasal or oral discharge = silent
-Ensure airway patency
-Treat with copious lavage and suction +/- Bicarbonate

Myopathy and Neuropathy

-Myopathy caused by ischemic muscle damage due to prolonged compression or inadequate padding and or prolonged hypotension leading to under-perfusion of muscles
-Peripheral neuropathy caused by stretching, compression, ischemia, metabolic derangement, and surgical resection
-Prevention is better than treatment: adequate padding, short time in surgery, promptly treat hypotension.
-Treatment includes IVF for diuresis, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, sedative if needed, and vasodilators.
-Rehabilitation therapy is also beneficial

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  1. List potential common complications that could occur in an anesthetic episode



Preventable complications

-Human error: never walk away from the patient
-leaving pop-off valve closed
-Intracarotid or perivascular injection
-Tracheal tear from turning intubated patient attached to breathing system 90 degree rule of rotation
-Miscalculations in medications
-Equipment malfunction: oxygen tank runs out, improper use of machine or breathing system, hole in ETT cuff, etc.

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Philosophical Anesthesia


Human error will happen
Always label syringes
Stabilize patient prior to anesthesia and continue to monitor into the recovery period
When complication does occur KEEP CALM and quickly communicate the problem to the peri-operative team.
Hold a M&M rounds afterwards to discuss complication (s)
Development of a SOP to prevent or reduce future occurrences

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Procedural Sedation

  1. Describe the difference between tranquilization, sedation, and general anesthesia.
  2. Discuss how you would change your approach for a patient that requires heavy sedation to accomplish a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure compared to providing premedication prior to induction of general anesthesia.
  3. Describe your technique or approach for a “difficult” or non-compliant patient requiring sedation.
  4. Classify commonly used veterinary drugs by their Schedule number and describe how this impacts your record keeping and the abuse potential of the drug.
  5. List the methods, according to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, that are considered acceptable, conditionally acceptable and unacceptable methods of euthanasia. Describe what drugs are used, how to confirm death, and proper disposal of a body.
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  1. Describe the difference between tranquilization, sedation, and general anesthesia.

-Behavior changes and relief of anxiety
-Patient is calmed, stress is reduced, indifferent to minor pain

-wildlife/exotic anesthesia mostly
-Patient rendered incapable of movement

-State characterized by central depression accompanied by drowsiness. Unaware of its surroundings but responsive to pain stimuli

General anesthesia
-Drug induced unconsciousness
-Controlled and reversible depression of CNS
-Patient not arouse by noxious stimuli.

Reasons for Sedation and General Anesthesia

-Safe surgical experience
-Restraint for examination, exotics, wildlife
-Safe transportation
-Diagnostics and therapeutic procedure
-Humane slaughter of food animals

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  1. Discuss how you would change your approach for a patient that requires heavy sedation to accomplish a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure compared to providing premedication prior to induction of general anesthesia.

All depending on the practice and/or patient
Tech preference, etc.



Premedication prior to inducing general anesthesia

-Premedications may be given IM or IV
-An IM dose is generally 2 times the IV dose
-Neuroleptanalgesic approach is common but species and patient dependent.
-Example: Hydromorphone 0.1 mg/kg IM
-No “make them a rug” unless necessary

Heavy sedation required for a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure

-Neuroleptanalgesic approach commonly used
-Yes, “make them a rug” unless physical status warrants a more cautious approach
-Consider reversal for short procedure

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  1. Describe your technique or approach for a “difficult” or non-compliant patient requiring sedation.

“White coat syndrome” BP is higher at a health care provider facility than at home. An owner could actually buy a white coat and conditioned the animal at home.

-Pre-existing conditions could be aggravated and induce pain: osteoarthritis, dental disease, otitis external, oncological pain, ophthalmic disease.

Non-pharmacological approach CAT

-Fear-free or low stress handling
-Separate waiting areas for cats and dogs
-Feliway diffuser or calming spray
-Meals or treats in carrier then short car rides while giving treats
-Avoid standing over the cat, directly making eye contact, and trying to touch the animal right away.
-Move cats into the exam room as quickly as possible or provide a towel to cover the carrier.
-Don’t let the cat wait too long
-Soothing music

If this approach is not working, then chemical restraint may be appropriate

-Distinguish between nervous and aggressive patient
-Body language is important

Non-pharmacological approach DOG

-Calm dog will interact socially, easy to approach. Wiggling tail/body
-Nervous dog may be hiding, or retreats, tense body language, yawing or licking noted.
-Gently offer treat and see if it is accepted
-Consider using pheromones (Adaptil)

Medications for owners to give at home

-Gabapentin: several hours prior to transport for cats (150 mg or 50mg depending on size). It may cause ataxia, so warn owner. It can last 12 hours. Dogs a higher dose than used for pain
-Selio (dexmedetomidine gel) for dogs with noise phobia, prior to transport
-Trazadone, for anxious dogs and cats, after surgery confinement use
-Alprazolam (Xanax) higher dose than used to treat anxiety
No diazepam oral for cats = hepatic necrosis
Be sure to warn owner of all potential complications

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“Chill Protocol”


-Evening before appointment: Gabapentin (20-25 mg) PO
-Prior 1-2 hrs, Gabapentin and Melatonin.
-Prios 30 min, Acepromazine (15-30 mins onset of action, lasts 4 hours, Horses, cats, dogs Ok).

Treat Pain

-Buprenorphine 1-2 hrs prior to travel to vet’s office

Multimodal approach to analgesia
-Add a local anesthetic, NSAIDs for inflammation and pain, Ketamine CRI at sun-anesthetic doses for preventing wind-up OR Amantadine for oral admin

Motion sickness
-Maropitant (Cerenia) 2 hours prior. Dose 8mg/kg (much higher dose than regularly)


When to sedate?

What is the Neuroleptanalgesic approach?


-If patient has visible signs of fear, anxiety, stress, struggle for long and do not respond well to be giving a break.
-Give them a break right away, don’t let them struggle for long

Neuroleptanalgesic approach

  • A sedative or tranquilizing drug + Opioid = Synergistic effect


-Dexmedetomidine + butorphanol
slightly higher dose if given IM (5-10 ug/kg) and (0.05-1 mg/kg) Twice the IV dose
-Hydromorphone if more painful procedure planned
-Morphine can be used as well preferably IM (vasodilation due to histamine release if IV too fast, hypotension). (0.2-0.5 mg/kg)

Drugs to use with Caution

-Benzodiazepines: paradoxical excitement
-Acepromazine: many side effects, no reversal agent, prolonged recovery, unreliable sedation

Helpful equipment

-Basket muzzle: can be placed by owner/handler
-“Clipnosis” technique in cats: pinch-induced behavioral inhibition
-Squeeze cage
-EZ-Nabber for cats or small dogs: medications can be given through the mesh, IM injection too.
-Towels, thick gloves, etc.

The difficult dog

-Needle length considerations when fat patient
-IM drugs likely
-Dark room
-Ketamine (3mg/kg) or Telazol IM + Dexmedetomidine + Opioid
-Ketamine wears off in ~20 minutes, Telazol lasts longer but rough recover if given alone

Other options

-Alfaxalone (10 mg/ml) IM, volume concern in large dogs. 2-4 mg/kg usually works. Can combine with Alpha2 agonists, ace-romaine, midazolam, and/or any opioid. 5 min onset, but short effect.

Ideal for sick patient: Alfaxalone + Midazolam + Hydromorphone/Morphine

The difficult CAT

-Ketamine + Dexmedetomidine + Butorphanol = Kitty magic
-Hydromorphone or morphine can be substituted
-Ketamine is absorbed through oral mucosa, so spray in the mouth, will cause salivation
-Dexmedetomidine + Opioid or
-Telazol (instead of Ketamine) + Butorphanol + Hydromorphone/Morphine
-Alfaxalone + morphine + midazolam, IM
-Select opioid based on the level of expected pain, use doses described above.

Shelter Medicine CatSnip Protocol

Telazol bottle reconstituted with:
- 4cc Ketamine + 1 cc large animal xylazine + 4.25 cc Bupronorphine
= 0.2 cc <5lb, 0.3 cc 5-10lbs, 0.5cc 10-15lbs cats.

The difficult, old, sick patient

-Midazolam best choice
-Morphine or alfaxalone alone with Midazolam

Try to Avoid

-Ketamine alone
-Acepromazine alone
-Benzodiasepines in young and healthy
-Diazepam IM (not water soluble)

Reversal Agents

-Alpha2 agonists: Yohimbine, Tolazoline, Atipamezole. IM reversal and start with half amount
-Benzodiazepines: Flumazenil (to effect)
-Full-mu receptor opioid agonists = Naloxone. Start with 1-4 ug/kg IV for partial reversal
-Buprenorphine very difficult to reverse

Chamber or box inductions should be avoided if possible CATS

  1. Classify commonly used veterinary drugs by their Schedule number and describe how this impacts your record keeping and the abuse potential of the drug.

Schedule I

-No currently accepted medical use and high potential for abuse.
-Most dangerous.. potentially severe psychological and physical dependence
-Heroin, LSD, Marijuana, Ecstasy, Methaqualone, Peyote.

Schedule II

-High potential for abuse, potentially severe psychological and physical dependence.
-Also considered dangerous
-Vicodin, cocaine, methamphetamine, pentobarbital, methadone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, morphine.

Schedule III

-Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Abuse potential less than I-II but more than IV.
-Tylenol with codeine, ketamine, telazol, thiopental, buprenorphine, anabolic steroids, testosterone.

Schedule IV

-Low potential for abuse, low risk of dependence.
-Alfaxalone, Xanax, Darvon, Diazepam, Midazolam, Ativan, Tramadol, Butorphanol

Schedule V

-Lower than IV, usually antidiarrheal, analgesic purposes.
-Robitussin, Lyrica.
GABAPENTIN 2018 included as V

What form is needed to transfer/order Schedule II drugs - the highest schedule vets can use?

DEA 222

  1. List the methods, according to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, that are considered acceptable, conditionally acceptable and unacceptable methods of euthanasia. Describe what drugs are used, how to confirm death, and proper disposal of a body.

Mechanism for Euthanasia

  1. Direct depression of neurons necessary for life function
  2. Hypoxia
  3. Physical disruption of brain activity

Ideally should be rapid loss of consciousness, followed by cardiac and respiratory arrest and subsequent loss of brain function.


Barbiturates acceptable

Acceptable with conditions

-Inhaled anesthetics if SA <7kg
-CO2 with conditions
-Argon or nitrogen chickens and turkey with some conditions


-KCL, MgSO4, MgCL2 unless animal is under general anesthesia

Administration Routes

-Intracardiac only if under anesthesia
-Oran, IM, SQ, intrapulmonary, intrathecal NOT ACCEPTABLE

Drug commonly used

Pentobarbital + Phenytoin (cardiac depressant)

-Pentobarbital: severe depression of medullary and vasomotor centers when high dose.
-Not food animals
-Avoid contact with skin

Dr. Ebner, propofol prior to euthanasia

Confirming Death: Rigor Mortis or 2 of the following:
- LACK OF: Pulse, Breathing, Corneal Reflex, Toe Pinch Reflex, Breath Sounds or Heart Sounds w/ Stethoscope
- PRESENCE OF: Gray mucous membranes
- Must confirm death
- State/Local laws: Pentobarbital limits (wildlife access to body in burials)


Equine Anesthesia



1950 evolve into a more scientific process
1970s Xylazine

Most significant: Alpha2 agonists followed by administration of ket-val for short term IV anesthesia

Ketamine + valium

  1. List the anesthetic considerations for an equine patient having general anesthesia

Pre-Operative Evaluation

-Current medications, supplements are medications in this regard
-PE findings
-Lab results/data
-ASA classification
-Fasting: 3-6 hrs adult
-Viral infections: elective surgery postpone for 1 month post resolution
-Normal PVC = 35-45% TS = 6-7g/dl


-IV access always in place prior to anesthesia
Safety first
-Adequate staff and facilities
-Increased risk of anesthesia in horses
-Anatomy and physiology
-Obligate nasal breathers
-Prone to V/Q mismatch
-Myopathy and neuropathy
-Mortality rate 1% in non-colic horses compared to 0.1% dogs or cats

Increased Risk if

-Fracture repair
-<1 month or old >14years
-Colic and or emergency surgery
-Between midnight and 6am
-Duration of anesthesia
-Trauma, dehydration, , stress, general poor condition, systemic disease
-drug choices
-Breed predisposition (HYPP, myelomalacia)
-Foal on inhalant with no premedication carries higher risk
-Halothane higher risk
-Acepromazine LOWERS risk or mortality, stabilizes the heart
-TIVA associated with lower risk

Respiratory Considerations

-Compression atelectasis on dorsal recumbency
-Anesthetic depress respiratory drive, muscle function, ventilation rate and volume, response to hypercarbia and hypoxia
-Inhalant: some areas of lung perfused but not well ventilated = worsens hypoxemia by contributing to V/Q mismatch
-Upper airway obstruction from nasal edema expected, especially if head below level of the heart

Cardiovascular Considerations

-2 AV block due to inherently high vagal (activity of vagal nerve CN X) tone -normal
-Wondering pacemaker is common due to large SA node
-Biphasic P wave is normal, but predisposition for the atria to develop a re-entrant rhythms
-Second-degree AV block is the most common kind of arrhythmia detected in horses and is even more common in fit horses.

Atrial Fibrillation

“f” waves along the baseline. No P waves with variable QRS response.
Rhythm is irregularly irregular. May be incidental or associated with heart disease.
Treatment: QUINIDINE converts to sinus rhythm. Good prognosis if AF <4mts.

Apneustic breathing
(prolonged insp, short exp)

Cardiac arrhythmias are generally produced by one of three mechanisms: enhanced automaticity, triggered activity, or reentry. Reentry, due to a circuit within the myocardium, occurs when a propagating impulse fails to die out after normal activation of the heart and persists as a result of continuous activity around the circuit to re-excite the heart after the refractory period has ended; it is the electrophysiologic mechanism responsible for the majority of clinically important arrhythmias.

  1. Explain which drugs are typically used as part of an anesthetic plan, especially any specific side effects they might have in equine patients

Pre medication


-Adjunct with other sedatives
-Breeding stallions = penile prolapse potential (rare)

Alpha2 agonists

-Sedation, muscle relaxation, analgesic
- Xylazine: onset 1-2 minutes, lasts 3-10 minutes up to 1.5 hrs (Decrease GI motility)
- Detomidine: onset 5 min, lasts 30-120 mins
- Romifidine: onset 30 secs to 5 minutes, lasts 2 hrs


(combine with alpha2 agonist to reduce excitement)

-Butorphanol: onset 3 mins peak at 30 mins, last up to 4hrs
-Side effects: bradycardia, ataxia, restlessness, excitement, decreased intestinal motility.


-Rarely by themselves except foals

Drugs for IV Induction

-Ketamine + benzodiazepine
-Ketamine + guaifenesin
-Ketamine + heavy alpha2 agonists sedation
Ketamine causes significant respiratory depression
-Thiopental + guaifenesis
-Propofol not common due to cost, large volume
-Telazol + alpha2 agonist excellent induction, but not smooth recovery

  1. Discuss equipment needs for safely administering inhalant anesthesia in a horse


-Machines: Large Y piece
-15-30 L reservoir bag
-Larger built-in ventilator
-Larger sodasorb canister
-Oxygen flowmeter must deliver at least 10 L/min
-Scavenging can be active or passive


-Hydraulic lift with protective padding
-Soft ropes to tie on limbs
-Oxygen demand valve
-Padded recovery stall
-Sling, overhead hoist, ropes for the head and tail, correct size halter.

Drugs for Maintenance

-Isoflurane MAC = 1.31%
-Sevoflurane MAC = 2.31%

Need end-tidal concentration maintained of inhalant at 30% greater than MAC to prevent movement during surgery

TIVA (“triple drip”) Recipe

-500 ml 5% dextrose
-25 g GG (Guaifenesin) = 5%, Hemolysis if >15%
-500-600 mg ketamine
-250-300 mg xylazine

1/2 ml/kg/hr
Use up to 1 hour

Adjunct Drugs

-Lidocaine CRI: improves analgesia and GI motility, reduces MAC by 25%
-Morphine-Lidocaine-Ketamine = Can reduce MAC by 50%
-Locoregional techniques


Fluid Therapy


 Hypovolemia and/or dehydration should be corrected prior to anesthesia
 Crystalloids
◦ Replacement fluids (isotonic) @ 5-10 ml/kg/hr

 Can you name one type of isotonic fluid?
- 0.9% NaCl, Ringer Lactate, Dextrose (D5W)

◦ Hypertonic saline (7.2%) @ 2-4 ml/kg over 15 minutes for
emergency resuscitation of hypovolemic patients. Must follow with isotonic crystalloids.
 Colloids
◦ Synthetic (hetastarch, vetstarch) or natural (whole blood or
 Blood volume ~ 8% of body weight (kg) in adults and ~
9% in foals
◦ Foals are not able to compensate for increased fluid load and may retain fluids  edema

  1. Explain the key factors to insure a safe induction, maintenance and recovery period for equine patients

Induction Period

-Keep noise down
-Owner at safe distance
-Be sure patient is adequately sedated
-“Head to knees, Ketamine Please”
Never induce and excited horse
-Person at the head of the horse has the most responsibility: “dog sit” position as it falls
-Free fall induction: once begins falling, turn head the opposite direction of how you want the horse to lay


-Blind intubation can be performed in lateral or in sternal recumbency
-Mouth gag 5” length PVC pipe +/- elastic tape covering
-Can use sterile lubrication jelly for tube insertion
-Confirm tube placement by feeling it move along the tracheal rings
-Large syringe (60cc) to inflate cuff

Total Intravenous Anesthesia TIVA

Inhalant anesthesia:

-Higher oxygen flow rate (20ml/kg/min) and vaporizer setting at the beginning
-Maintenance level (5-10 ml/kg/min)
-Fluid pole or way to hand TIVA


-Systematic approach
1. Hook up machine/patient to oxygen and scavenging, attach IVF
2. ECG, SpO2, ETCO2, place arterial catheter, attach and zero transducer.
3. Temperature probe and lube eyes
4. Start IPPV if needed and BP is OK
5. Check arterial blood gas in 20-30 minutes
6. Keep record up to date
Constantly assess level of anesthesia especially prior to surgical stimulation!

Physically or visually monitoring
-Palpate pulse and assess strength
-Auscultate the heart
-Capillary refill time
-Mucous membrane color
-Respiratory rate pattern
-Inspiratory effort, degree of chest wall and abdominal movement.
-Movement of the ears, limbs, tail, teasing of neck muscles, swallowing

always be prepared for the patient to become light and start to move
-Communicate to surgeon to stop stimulation
-All available hands to safely hold patient on the table
-Ketamine 100-300 mg IV
-Thiopental 300-500 mg IV
-Propofol up to 200 mg IV
-Increase vaporizer and O2 rate, give IPPV
-Consider adding a local anesthetic block if possible.

Physical signs of anesthetic depth

-“eye signs” palpebral and corneal reflexes, lacrimation, nystagmus, position of the eyeball.
-Dissociative Anesthetics (Ketamine) makes the reflexes less reliable
[Reminder: Other side effect in horse was apneustic breathing]
-Muscle tone, movement of the limb
- Ear movement
-Anal sphincter tone
-Response to surgical stimulation
-Shivering, stretching
-Respiratory rate and BP are less reliable during surgical plane of anesthesia

Anesthetic Record

-Neat, accurate, every 5-10 minutes. “if it wasn’t written down, it did not happen”


-Communicate coordinate with surgery team to move into recovery area
-Potentially life-threatening period, DO NOT LET GUARD DOWN
-Xylazine dose as inhalant is discontinued to make recovery safer
-Enough people and enough drugs on hand
-Use demand valve to deliver IPPV until spontaneous ventilation resumes
-Ensure patent airway, nasal tube
-Quiet dark room, maybe towel over eyes, cotton in ears
-Maintain a “safe” position of dorsal side of neck and control head at all times. Hand and tail ropes
-Time varies, usually 30 minutes, >60 minutes is prolonged
-Discourage standing when nystagmus is still present
-When able to stand for a few minutes with no ataxia is close to ready to leave recovery area


Keys to equine anesthesia Success


-Understanding that is risky business
-Have or develop “horse sense”
-Be knowledgable in pharmacology and equine physiology
-Keep MAP > 70 mmHg
-Adequate padding and positioning
-Maintain patent airway
-Keep surgery < 3hrs
-Safety of personnel and animals
-Be prepared for the worst case scenario
-Human error 55-60% of anesthesia associated M&M, equipment failure, adverse effects of drugs, surgery, species, and patient-related factors.

  1. Describe the acceptable values for vital signs under general anesthesia and how variations from this could effect the outcome for a patient

Where do you place the lead for base-apex ECG?


HR: 30-45 (foals 35-60) bpm
RR: 6-20 bmp
CRT: <2.5 sec
Temperature: >98 and <101
Arterial pH: 7.35-7.45
PaCO2: 40-60 mmHg
PaO2: 100-500 mmHg
ETCO2: 30-50 mmHg
MAP: 70 mmHg
Cardiac Output: 30-50 ml/kg/min (foals 40-60)


CO = SV x HR

Normal recovery when MAP > 70 mmHg ** Foals 40-60
-Arterial hypotension and post-anesthetic myopathy association
-Incidence reduced with use of TIVA or PIVA
-Treatment: lighten anesthetic depth, positive inotrope (Dobutamine) to effect or epinephrine, correct volume deficits, change anesthetic regimen to PIVA (partial intravenous)

Lead placement for Base-apex ECG

-Lead 1 accentuates P wave, making it easier to identify PGRST timing and morphology.
-Normal ECG does not reflect or indicate normal hemodynamics or cardiac contraction, it just show electrical activity.
-Lead 1 negative: Right jugular furrow
-Lead 1 positive: Left thoracic wall in the area of ventricular apex or level with olecranon process.


Exotics Anesthesia

  • Explain anatomical and physiologic differences among species that can effect anesthesia.
  • For species covered in lecture, develop a list of anesthetic concerns or possible complications for that particular patient.
  • Identify anesthetic drugs that should be avoided in a particular species and explain why. Identify anesthetic drugs that are safe to use in a species.
  • List equipment and personnel needed to safely anesthetize a species.
  • Describe the potential injuries to both the patient and personnel while working with various species.
  • Explain capture myopathy, how it could be avoided, and what the prognosis is for affected patients.
  • Explain anatomical and physiologic differences among species that can effect anesthesia.

-Data collection phase: history, PE findings, etc.
-Do homework researching specific concerns and recommendations for drug protocols for that species
-Develop anesthetic plan: pre-med, induction, maintenance, monitoring, pain management, fluid therapy, reversals, complications drug protocol, recovery drug protocol.
-Planning session with personnel
-Gather all supplies needed, check equipment
-Consider fasting times and client communication
-Cross fingers and get the party started

  • For species covered in lecture, develop a list of anesthetic concerns or possible complications for that particular patient.


-Similar to cats and dogs
-Dexmedetomidine + midazolam + Ketamine + supplemental O2

-Can regurgitate even after fasted, so no fasting necessary
-Prone to hypoglycemia, fasting no more 1-4hrs
-Monitor for hypothermia and hypoglycemia

-Sharp teeth can cause injury during restraining


-Small BW makes everything more challenging
-Don’t vomit so NO NPO (nothing per Os) required

- Prone to hypoglycemia, offer food right away after awakening
-Buprenorphine induces pica (analogous of vomit)
-Ketamine + alpha2 agonist
-Morphine sedates rats but excites mice
-Intraperitoneal injections should be considered. Right quadrant, avoid Cecum.
-Rapid cooling, hypothermia


-Fasting no more than 1 hr
-“Bunny burrito” for restraint
-High metabolic rate and fast elimination of drugs
-Combine ketamine with benzo, ace-romaine, or alpha2 agonist
-Always pre-medicate!
-NSAIDs, Local anesthetics, opioids helpful. IM quadriceps m.
-Isoflurane or sevoflurane for maintenance
-Monitor closely for hypothermia, hypoglycemia
-Pre-oxygen a must!
-Intubation 2-4 mm Murphy ETT, spray lidocaine on larynx
-Obligate nasal breathers, check patency of nares and nasopharynx
-Q-tip applicator to clear pharynx
-Auscultate lungs to ensure ETT not placed in bronchus


Avoid: Ketamine, butorphanol.
-NPO 8hr water 2-3 hr
-Use Alfaxalone IM if needed, buprenorphine
-Very short trachea


-Air sacs (4 paired and 1 unpaired = 9) function as bellows to the lungs
-Air into caudal air sacs - lungs - cranial air sacs - trachea

-Apnea >20 secs: reduce anesthetic depth and ventilate.
-Intubate for any procedure > 10 mins
-Bird have proportionally larger heart, higher SV, CO, rating MAP compared to mammals
-Stress released catecholamines = arrhythmias, pain
-Hypoglycemia should be corrected prior to surgery
-Do not fast if <200 g
-Turn off light and decrease noises when capturing
-Need higher fluid rates
-Warm up fluids
-Pre-oxyginate 5 mins prior
-Bradycardia stress
-Iso and Sevo can be used but likely to cause apnea
-NSAIDs ok
-Absence of palpebral and corneal reflex = excessive depth.
-Extubate when jaw tone returns
-Keep warm and dark quiet room

-Midazolam in macaws and cockatoos
-Alpha2 many adverse effects, use with caution
-Propofol in pigeons and chickens, marked respiratory depression
-Lidocaine toxicity at lowes dosage than dogs


-NPO adults 12-24 hrs
-Use panels or snares to restrain
-IM injection behind ear
-IV access and intubation can be challenging
-Can use all monitoring equipment but BP cuff difficult to place on limbs

-Levels of sedation different than other species
-Sharp teeth, use caution
-Malignant hyperthermia common, influence drug choices
-Dexmedetomidine + ketamine + Butorphanol
-Misazolam good


-Deer, mule deer, etc.
-Hypoxemia common. Provide supplemental O2
-Rumen tympany not common

North American Elk: ruminant tympana, hyperthermia, hypoxemia. Tx: supplemental O2 and partial reversal drugs

Bison: prone to bloat, hypoxemia, regurgitation.

Caribu: difficult to immobilize, higher dose requirement

Pronghorn antelope: extremely difficult to immobilize, high drug dose requirement. Hyperthermia is common

  • Identify anesthetic drugs that should be avoided in a particular species and explain why. Identify anesthetic drugs that are safe to use in a species.

Primates avoid ketamine and butorphanol
Rodent avoid buprenorphine = pica

Birds Avoid:
-Midazolam in macaws and cockatoos
-Alpha2 many adverse effects, use with caution
-Propofol in pigeons and chickens, marked respiratory depression
-Lidocaine toxicity at lowes dosage than dogs

Pigs: xylazine less effective

Bears: ketamine unreliable. Telazol best for anesthesia

  • List equipment and personnel needed to safely anesthetize a species.

Birds: Palpate pulse/Droppler (brachial, medial metatarsal, carotid, or palatine artery). ECG (close to body), Indirect BP cuff, SpO2 nor validated in birds.

  • Describe the potential injuries to both the patient and personnel while working with various species.
  • Explain capture myopathy, how it could be avoided, and what the prognosis is for affected patients.

Life-threatening symptom
-sympathetic exhaustion from sustained stress and intense muscular exertion
-Prevention is more important than treatment
-Limit capture time to < 2 minutes
-Captured wild animals should not be stressed/handled for 6 weeks
-Mortality >2% during chemical immobilization indicates anesthetic protocol should be re-evaluated
-Environmental factors, temp, humidity, rain, difficult terrain can increase incidence of exertion myopathy

Clinical syndromes identified

  1. Acute death syndrome (capture shock syndrome): weak and depressed and remains recumbent after reversal. Shock and death within 3-4 hrs
  2. Delayed peracute death syndrome: good after capture but relapses - ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest
  3. Ataxic myoglobinuric syndrome: ataxia, brownish urine, die within hours or days after capture due to kidney failure. Increased CK, LDH, SGOT and BUN. Most commonly observed syndrome
  4. Ruptured muscle syndrome: with 1-2 days port capture animal unable to support weight on hind limbs. Hock are hyper flexed, increased CK, LDH, SGOT. Usually dies within 3-4 weeks

Ultrapotent Opioids


Carfentenil: 8000x > morphine. It causes muscle rigidity if used alone. Long duration of action, so use naltrexone reversal (dose 100:1 ratio)

Etorphine: 2.5x < carfentenil. Can be used alone or with sedative. Very effective in angulates, rhinos, and elephants. Can last 7-8 hrs if no reversal give.

Thiapentanil: 6000x > morphine. More rapid onset, lesser duration of action than carfentenil

Diprenorphine (M50-50) antagonist used to reverse etorphine, but agonist properties as well, so overdose may cause continued immobilization

Adverse effects of ultra opioids: respiratory depression, hypoxemia, hypertension, CNS excitation, hyperthermia, regurgitation, bloat.





-Etorphine + detomidine + butorphanol works well
-Respiratory depression and hyperthermia common
-Skin is thin, so darts can cause severe penetration wound damage

Avoid: Carfentanil


-Increased anesthetic risk
-BP must be maintained in normal range to supply blood to brain
-Head and neck should be controlled at all times
-NPO 24 hrs
-Want short induction and recovery
-Prone to hypoxemia, intubation difficult


-Sensitive to respiratory depression following etorphine, black more than white
-Prone to same anesthetic complications than a horse
-Very thick skin (5-6cm dart needle) extremely dangerous, but horn can be easily traumatized
-Passive and active regurgitation occurs NPO 12-48 hrs, no water for 12 hrs
-If body temp >41C then reverse anesthesia
-Prone to myopathy/neuropathy, pump legs every 20 minutes


-Use allometric scaling when calculating doses
-Poor eyesight but excellent smell and hearing senses
-Social and reproductive behavior must be considered when planning anesthesia
-Etorphine drug of choice
-Hind limbs , back or shoulder preferred dart sites
-To avoid respiratory depression and hypoxemia place in lateral recumbency and intubate
-Avoid obstruction of breathing through trunk
-They don’t ventilate well on sternal


-Safety of personnel first
-Regurgitation can occur
-Avoid anesthesia after a meal
-Supplemental O2
-Telazol in carnivores preferred
-Alpha2 reconstitution decreases volume injected, enhance analgesia and decrease recovery times
Could mix Carfentanil in honey and give to bear


-Tigers have more anesthetic complications than other felids
-NPO 12-24 hrs
-Smaller require higher dose per kg
-Ketamine + alpha2 +/- opioid combo
-Closely monitor K in tigers, cheetahs and cougars
-Can give oral sedation to decrease the stress of darting
-Extubate when ears or eye movement occurs instead of waiting for swallowing


-Hypovolemic state in winter = decrease doses
-Polar bear: shoulder and neck site for drug delivery. Hypometabolic state in summer = decreased drug requirements. Hypoxemia is common. Plan to deliver O2 supplemental. Position carefully to avoid compartment syndrome
-Black bear: lower dose of Telazol can be used.
-Monitor for head lifting and paw movement. Use blindfold
-Hyperthermia and acidosis are common complications
-Antagonize alpha-2 if temp >41C


-No lungs but respire and require O2
-Adequate O2 in water are critical for safe anesthesia
-Cranial to caudal anesthetic flow delivery
-Opercular flap movement grossly evaluates respiration
-Anesthetic agent can be dissolved in water
-Monitor depth, lose of equilibrium, muscle tone, only reacts to strong stimuli = light anesthesia, respiratory rate and gill color
-Important to maintain anesthetic solution at temp range for species
-SpO2 is not effective in fish
-Patient must be kept moist and gills must kept wet for O2 exchange
-Lower temp longer induction and recovery times

Plan for a case: obtain baseline behavior parameters
-Fast for 12-24 hrs
-Prepare maintenance, induction, and recovery water containers. Match chemical and physical properties of water to patient’s current tank/pond water.
-Test water temp, quality, pH, nitrates, and ammonia
-Prevent drying of skin, fins, and eyes
-Marine species (cartilaginous) are more sensitive to hypoxic conditions than fresh water
-1-4 minutes out of water ok
-MS-222 most commonly used anesthetic, no anesthetic effect in mammals
-Vaporized Isoflurane can be bubbled into water, more rapid to mix liquid into water injected with a small gauge needle under water


-POTZ specific set point temperature within a preferred optimum temp zone. Different between species and sexes
-Squamates and chelonians 3 chambered heart, but 5 functionally
-Heart rate varies inversely with temp and body size. HR decreases with apnea
-No true diaphragm, negative pressure chamber instead.
-BG levels are lower than mammals
-Fasting prior recommended
-Recovery can take hours

Ventilation in Reptiles

-May convert to anaerobic metabolism if they are not spontaneously breathing or IPPV ventilated
-Patient may wake up during surgery
-Low oxygen levels stimulate breathing: recover on room air takes longer

Reptiles Squamates (lizards and snakes)

-Lizards: heart between forelimbs to middle of body. Snakes 20-25% of length from the head.
Vascular lung provides surface area for gas exchange and air sac regulates air flow
-All lizards bite, but also watch for scratching and whipping tail
-Inappropriate tail restraint ileitis shedding
Iguana can be immobilized for a short period by pressing down on eyes
-IV access is difficult in snakes

Reptiles Chelonians (turtle and tortoises)

-Inspiration is passive, expiration is active
-Dorsal surface of the lung is attached to carapace
-Can ventilate apnea turtle by extending/ retracting legs
-No functional diaphragm
-Shell is included in BW for calculation of doses
-IM in forelimbs (triceps) preferred
-Capable of delivering serious bite
-Keep patient at POTZ
-Air moves through nares open mouth breathing = bad
-ETCO2 not accurate due to cardiac shunts
-Ventilation assisted 4-6 bpm

Reptiles Cocrodilians

-Careful planning of restraint
-Can sweep head 180 degrees from side to side
-Heart location: middle cranial 1/3 of coelomic cavity
-Both heart chambers divided, foramen connects both aortic arches.
-During the divide response, pulmonary blood flow decreases and most RV output ejected into left aortic arch and bypasses the lungs.
-Electrician’s tape to hold mouth close


Ruminant Anesthesia


Learning Objectives
* Describe the physiologic and pharmacologic anesthetic considerations for ruminant anesthesia
* Compare the drugs that are typically used for each species, including any drugs to avoid
* Be able to identify any specific equipment needed to provide a successful anesthetic episode
* Explain how a ruminant recovery may differ from an equine recovery


Learning Objectives
* Describe the physiologic and pharmacologic anesthetic considerations for ruminant anesthesia


-Can restrain ruminants and use local anesthesia for simple diagnostics and simple surgical procedures
-More complex procedures will require general anesthesia
-Use similar equipment and drugs compare to equine anesthesia

Example Standing Procedures: Castration, displaced abomasum, C-section (routine), Wound repair, Teat surgery, Enucleation, Dehorning.

Example General Anesthesia: Orthopedic surgery, umbilical hernia repair, MRI to CT, Difficult C-section, Mass removal in an area that can’t be blocked, Extensive wound repair.

General Considerations

-PE and blood work: can be limited if patient is uncooperative. PVC/TP at minimum, Glucose if neonate

-Fasting requirements : Food 12-18 hours, water 8-12 hrs in large ruminants. Sheep and goats do not withhold water. Calves, lambs and kids 2-4 hrs if >1month. Young small ruminant <12weeks old not required due to potential hypoglycemia.
Fasting does not prevent bloat, but reduces fermentation, less production of gasses, which is issues causing for ventilation during under anesthesia

-IV catheter placement may require sedation first
-Gather any special equipment and personnel.
-Drugs: consult
-Intubation can be challenging
-Padding: ruminants can get myopathy or neuropathy

Anticipate Complications

-Hypoventilation: dorsal recumbency will worsen ability to ventilate
-Regurgitation: intubate swiftly and inflate cuff after induction, position head to promote draining, keep head elevated with nose pointing down during sedation and recovery. during anesthesia the head and neck should be positioned to encourage drainage.
-Intubation can stimulate regurgitation and cause bloat, rumen may distant but eventually eructation occurs.
Active regurgitation occurs when patients is too light under anesthesia, while passive occurs when patient is too deep


What happens with aspiration of acidic stomach/rumen content?

What are advantages and disadvantages of fasting?

What do you need to do before premedication?


-Mechanical airway obstruction from food particles
-Destruction of alveolar type II cells
-Immediate airway closure
-Possible pulmonary edema, hypoxia, cyanosis. Death in extreme cases.

-Severity depends on pH and amount of material aspirated (bacteria and solid matter)
-Normal pH sheep and cattle: 5.5-6.5

Withholding food, endotracheal intubation with properly inflated cuff after ETT placement are a must

How can the head be positioned?

-Elevate the throat latch area


-Even after all precautions 25% of adult cattle still regurgitate while under anesthesia
-Produces bradycardia and metabolic alkalosis risks
-Helps reserve functional residual capacity since ruminants have decreased tidal volume compared to horses.


-Syringe to rinse mouth prior to induction
-Remember to keep head and neck elevated and patient in sternal recumbency after premed.


Placement of IV catheter

What veins can be used in cattle sheep and goats?

What may be needed due to though skin?

What gauge is best?


-Jugular vein usually most accessed
-CAn use cephalic in sheep/goats
-Though skin: may need a release (aka “cut down”) incision.

-Large gauge catheter
Adult cattle: 12-14g
Calves, goats, sheep: 16-18g


GI and age of ruminant functionality


<3weeks = function as simple stomach
>3weeks = functions as a full ruminant


Learning Objectives

  • Compare the drugs that are typically used for each species, including any drugs to avoid


-Not approved for use in food animals by FDA
-Do not use in coccygeal vein (may hit artery and tail sloughs off)
-Contraindicated for hypovolemic or debilitated patients
-Increases risk of regurgitation
-Prolonged effects and elimination times


-Use to induce recumbence, but not on late pregnant cattle or sheep
-Not approved in food animals by FDA
-More potent in ruminants than horses (use 1/10th dose)
-Goats are the most sensitive
-Breed sensitivity: Brahmans>Herefords>Holsteins
-Stressful environment causes prolonged response in cattle
Sheep at risk for developing pulmonary hemorrhage and edema = Hypoxemia Alpha2 agonists not recommended**
-Causes bradycardia, rumen atony, bloat.
-Hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and increased urine production.
Oxytocin-like effect in uterus = premature delivery

Detomidine does not have the oxytocin like effect

Alpha2 Antagonists

-Talazoline: toxicosis reported in camelids, ruminants sensitive so reduce the dose and avoid IV admin
-Doxapram effective at stimulating respiration and reversal (0.1-0.5 mg/kg IV)

Side effects of antagonists: seizures, bradycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrest CAUTION


-Not typically used in ruminants: salivary secretions become more viscous and obstruct airways
-Decrease GI motility = bloat


-No analgesic effects, minimal sedation
-Typically combined with Ketamine for induction
-Midazolam (0.2-0.3 mg/kg)
-Diazepam (0.2-0.5 mg/kg, slowly IV)
Reversal Flumazenil


-Opioids can be used CAUTION with excitement and vocalization
-Morphine & Hydromorphone (not typically used in cattle)
-Buprenorphine: $$ not typically used in cattle

Induction drugs

Ketamine: combined with a benzodiazepine. Combine with Guafenensin to make “double drip” (500mg ketamine + 500 mL of 5% Guaifenensin (Hemolysis if GG >7%)

Telazol (1-4 mg/kg IV)

Propofol (GABA inhibitor): smooth induction and recovery. IV for induction or CRI for light plane anesthesia.
“Ketofol” = 2mg/kg ketamine + 2mg/kg propofol IV small ruminants


Why should you always intubate a ruminant during anesthesia?


-Prevent aspiration of salivary secretions
-Decrease risk of rumen contents aspiration regurgitation
-Attempting intubation when patient is too light may induce regurgitation
-More likely to regurgitate in dorsal recumbency
-Less likely to regurgitate if place in right lateral recumbency


Learning Objectives

  • Be able to identify any specific equipment needed to provide a successful anesthetic episode

What size of ETT?

-Adult cattle: 20-30 mm ID
-Calves: 8-12 mm ID
-Adult sheep and goats: 7-12 mm ID

-Laryngoscope 250-350 mm long blade helpful for sheep, goats, calves, camelids. Blind intubation in adult cattle.
-Stylet, mouth ties, dry gauze, and suction can be helpful


-Hyperextend the head and neck to make orotracheal axis of 180 degrees
-Blind incubation or with one hand in cattle (harder than in horses)
-Use laryngoscope and stylet in small ruminants

Intubation in Adult Cattle

-Insert dental speculum
-Manually find the larynx with hand
-Insert ETT between the arytenoids
-Must do quickly due to airway obstruction with hand
Be sure to flush mouth to clear debris (400 mL syringe)
-Smallest arm is best, no jewelry, you can’t visualize the larynx so gotta do it via palpation.

Maintenance of anesthesia

-Cattle: Isoflurane 1.47% (calves) Sevo: ??
-Goats: Isoflurane 1.13-1.63 %. Sevoflurane 2.3-2.7%
-Sheep: Isoflurane 1-1.5%. Sevoflurane 3.3%
Isoflurane more cost effective
Oxygen flow 10-22 ml/kg/min maintenance

Proper positioning

-Padding to prevent myopathy, neuropathy.
-Minimize pressure on radial nerve (can use rubber inner tube under shoulder)
-Support up the leg and align parallel to table
-Head down for saliva or regurgitation to drain out

Monitoring during anesthesia

-Heart Rate and Pulse quality
-Muscle Relaxation
-Respiratory Rate
-Blood pressure
-Ocular rotation, palpebral reflexes, pupil size
-Arterial Blood gases

-Direct BP is typical for in-hospital GA cases
-Auricular artery is a good place to draw arterial blood because skin is less thick
-Maintain MAP >60-70 mmHg
-Direct or IBP via arterial catheter placement into peripheral artery. Coccygeal or auricular.
-NIBP: Droppler/Oscillometric. Limb or tail (30-40% the circumference)


-Base-apex lead (Lead I): White = right jugular furrow, Black = Left axial region, Red = any site remote from the heart.
-Can use 16g. needle to place electrodes (though, thick skin)

Monitoring Ventilarion

-End-tidal CO2 35-45 mmHg
-Ruminants tend to hypoventilate
-Hypocarbia in ruminants

Mechanical ventilation

-IPPV tidal volume: 10-20 ml/kg
-RR: 6-12 bpm
-Excessive airway pressure can cause pneumothorax and emphysema.
-Cows do not have as much fibrous connective tissue in their lungs as horses do. Comparatively, horses have larger tidal volumes and cows higher RR and minute ventilation.

Ocular rotation during anesthesia

-Cows most reliable
-Palpebral reflex disappears with light anesthesia
-At induction, eyeball rotates ventrally and cornea obscured partially by lower lid
-Further increase in depth will lead to dorsal rotation of eyeball
-Ventromedial rotation = surgical plane of anesthesia
-Central eye = too light or too deep


What are the commonly observed normal values during anesthesia monitoring?


Calves: 90-130 bpm
-Camelids (juveniles: 100-125 bpm)


Learning Objectives

  • Explain how a ruminant recovery may differ from an equine recovery

-Leat ETT in place until strong laryngeal reflex returns and patient is able to remain sternal
Pull ETT inflated
-Immediately check for airway patency: semi-obligated breathers, so if they are mouth breathing they are pretty stressed.
-Keep nose pointed down for drainage
-Check for regurgitation and bloat: eructation = “sweet smell of ruminant anesthesia success”
-Generally uneventful compared to equine
-Keep in sternal recumbency

Sheep and Goats

-Active laryngeal reflexes, can use lidocaine topically
-Hypoventilate under anesthesia
-Anticipate IPPV
-Hypothermia, especially in young, can prolong recovery
-Rotation of globe (eye) does not occur, but nystagmus can be seen

Record Keeping

-Same attention to detail as SA
-Record vitals every 5-10 minutes


Eye rotation in cattle during anesthesia


Physical Rehabilitation

  • Listthegoalsofphysicalrehabilitationtherapy
  • Explainwhatispartoftheinitialevaluationofarehabilitation
    patient, including any tools or diagnostic tests
  • Summarizetherolethatnutritionplaysintheimplementation of a therapy plan
  • Describethedifferentmodalitiesthatcanbeconsideredaspart of the rehabilitation therapy plan for a veterinary patient
  • Foreachmodality,beabletodiscussthebasicprincipleof how it works, list any contraindications or other important information that would effect how you use it in your practice

What is Physical rehabilitation?


The use of noninvasive techniques, excluding veterinary chiropractic, for the rehabilitation of injuries in non-human animals”


  • Thermotherapy
  • Range-of-motion and stretching exercises
  • Joint mobilization
  • Massage
  • Proprioception and balance exercises
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Laser therapy
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy
  • List the goals of physical rehabilitation therapy

Who can perform it?


-Restore, maintain, and promote optimal function
-Improve muscle strength and reduce atrophy
-Improve outcome after surgery: increase tissue healing rate, remodeling of scar tissue
-Enhance quality of life: decrease pain, swelling, and muscle spasms. Improve fitness

Licensed veterinarian, registered/certified vet tech trained in physical rehabilitation.
Licensed physical therapist educated in veterinary anatomy and physiology
** All in accordance with state practice acts…under supervision of licensed veterinarian**
Violation could result in investigation, disciplinary action, or criminal prosecution.

  • Explain what is part of the initial evaluation of a rehabilitation
    patient, including any tools or diagnostic tests

Basic knowledge needed
-Behavior: fear, pain, stress recognition. Body posture, facial expression = first clues to emotional state.
-Orthopedic and neurological evaluation
-Tissue healing (muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and cartilage)
-Response of musculoskeletal tissue to disuse and remobilization
-Exercise physiology
-Principals behind therapeutic modalities

-Rehab should be a pleasant experience for the animal to decrease the risk of injury to patient and therapist.

Healing times

-Bone: 8-12 weeks
-Tendons: 2 months
-Ligaments: minimum 6 weeks up to 3 months
-Grade of severity: I-III

Initial Evaluation

-BCS dogs: ideally 2.5-3 out of 5 or 4-5 out of nine
-Posture/gait: lameness evaluation, standing and sitting limb position. Measure circumference of femur and humerus (affected and unaffected limbs for comparison)
-Range of motion in hip, stifle, hock, elbow, carpus. Goniometry
-Palpation of limbs and spine
-Neurologic exam/tests, orthopedic, CBC/chemistry profile UA.
-CT, MRI, ultrasound if available

  • Summarizetherolethatnutritionplaysintheimplementation of a therapy plan

Fish oil

-decreases inflammation and pain, and improves weight bearing. Not regulated by FDA, tell client that effectiveness, safety, not guaranteed.

Supplemental therapy

-ASU anti-OA properties. Dasauqin Advanced products
-Chondroprotectants have positive effect on cartilage, hyaluron sunthesis.
-Glucosamine-chondroitin in dogs OA conflicting weak evidence

Nutraceuticals: antioxidants

-Blueberries/cranberries: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
-Boswellia Indian frankincense, IBD, asthma, anti-inflammatory, potential for cancer treatment, pain relief.
-Curcumin reduces pain, inflammation, and stiffness OA and rheumatoid arthritis.

Pain management

-Multimodal approach is ideal
-As patient’s comfort level improves, the pain management strategy can be adjusted

Environmental Modifications

-Can often be overlooked but important
-Aging patients, stairs, floor surfaces, placement of food and water, etc.

  • Describethedifferentmodalitiesthatcanbeconsideredaspart of the rehabilitation therapy plan for a veterinary patient
  • Foreachmodality,beabletodiscussthebasicprincipleof how it works, list any contraindications or other important information that would effect how you use it in your practice


-Acute inflammation phase treatment
-Post operative or after exercise
-Reduces inflammation, edema, pain
-Improves mobility, minimizes hematoma formation and reduces muscle spasms
-PRICE treatment: protect, rest, ice, compress, elevate.
-Ice, cold baths/immersion
-Caution with very young or old patients or vascular compromise

-Commercially available units circulate cold water while applying compression


-Chronic pain
-Vasodilation due to increased temperature, increases blood flow, removes accumulated metabolites
-Treatment 30-45 minutes
-Helps connective tissue and muscle relaxation
-Contraindicated during acute inflammation, over area of hemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, malignant tissue.
-Avoid burns by using and insulation layer and checking skin frequently


-Pain relief, relaxation, promotes circulation
-Post exercise, OA patients, and edema
-Contraindications: open wounds, unstable fractures, severe pain, coagulation disorder, infection, neoplasia.
-Techniques include: stroking, effleurage (from distal to proximal), petrissage (rolling or kneading tissue), and trigger point therapy (compression of a small area of muscle belly where spasm is felt)

Therapeutic exercise

-Stretching, range of motion (passive and active)
-Aerobic conditioning, muscle strength, endurance training.
-Slow walks, treadmill, jogging, sit to stand exercises, dancing, pulling or carrying weights
-Correction of gait abnormalities
-Stimulating feet
-Weight shifting
WaterThreadmill: warm water relaxes muscles, easing joint pain. Buoyancy takes weight off the joints. Level of water typically above level of site of injury/pain

Aquatic therapy pool

-Different than treadmill
-After surgery or injury

Home Exercise program

-Home owner needs to journal the activities

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

-Delivery of an electrical current to the skin by surface electrodes placed over the painful region
-Analgesia by activating non-noxious large myelinated A-B nerve fibers while inhibiting C fibers within the dorsal horn of spinal cord.
-Increased pulse duration and stimulus intensity = greater analgesia
-Typically for chronic pain
-Contraindications: patients with pacemakers, seizure disorders, pregnancy, over infection, neoplasm, or overt heart.
-clip hair, clean skin with alcohol, use water soluble gel
-30 minutes, 3-7 times/week

Low-Level laser therapy

-Single wavelength light that leads to a photochemical reaction in the cells (exact mechanism unclear)
-OA pain and muscle spams treatment
1. Wavelength: determines tissue penetration
2. Power: more power doesn’t mean is good, can reduce the time
3. Treatment time: what it takes to deliver joules of energy
-Clip area, wash off any iodine or povidone-iodine from surgery to allow better transmission of light.
Protective eye gear for patient.
-Probe perpendicular to the skin
-Not over tattoos, malignancies, growth plates, photosensitive skin.

Targeted Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

-Delivers micro currents NOT production
-Increases blood and lymph flow = reduction of edema
-No heat is produced
-Does not interfere with nerve or muscle function
-Adjunct therapy for orthopedic injuries, degenerative disorders, neurological issues, wound care, other inflammatory conditions, post-surgical pain and edema.
-Can be used at home, farm, by any species, over casts or bandages.
-$150 cost to vet for 21 hours of use
-Non invasive easy to use

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT)

-Application of high-energy, high-amplitude acoustic pressure waves to tissue.
-Wave travels from soft and fluid tissue while releasing energy during density changes. Ex between bone and ligament.
-Thought to stimulate healing
-Used in horse suspensory ligament desmitis, tendonopathies, navicular disease, back pain, OA, and stress fractures. In dogs, it is also used to treat spondylosis and nonunion fractures.
-Exact mechanism of action unclear, but may decrease inflammation and swelling
-Can be uncomfortable and make loud noises
-Heavy sedation and anesthesia required, combine with NSAIDs
-Total 2-3 treatments every two weeks maximum

Stem Cell Therapy

-Mesenchymal stem cells come from connective tissue and are multipoint (capacity to differentiate into many cells)
-MSCs harvested from bone marrow, cultured, activates, 10 million cells injected to be effective.
-Takes 20-60 days to be effective
-Cost $2000-3000 to client


What is new in pain management?


Cannabinoids (CBDa)
-antioxidant, neuroprotectants
-Anti-seizure effects
-Anxiolytic effects
-Give with food, 2mg/kg
-Just because it is legal doesn’t mean it is safe.

Anti-nerve growth factor treatment options
-monoclonal antibody (canine and feline specific)


Happiness Factor


* Acorrectdiagnosticworkupisamust!
* Keepdetailedrecordstodocumentprogressandconstantly
reevaluate patient so changes in therapy can be made
* Nutritional plan should be included as part of the rehabilitation therapy
* Be sure patient is not in pain at any point during treatment
* StartSLOWandbuilduptoavoid(re)injury
* Involvetheclientsotheyarepartoftheteam
* Equipmentcanbemadewithsimplematerialsthatarereadily available…you don’t have to make a huge investment 