Exam 3 Flashcards
General Election
Election in which voters choose their elected officials
Primary Election
Election in which voters select the candidates who will run on the party label for the general election
Incumbency Advantage
The advantage an elected official who already holds a position has
Wesberry V Sanders
Rules that congressional districts should have roughly equal populations if this is feasible (1964)
Karcher V Daggett
(1983) Ruled Gerrymandering was against the constitution even if the populations were similar since it was not in good faith
Shaw V Reno
(1983) Ruled that redistricting on the basis or race alone was not sufficient if done beyond a reasonable amount
Shelby County V Holder
(2013) Ruled that section 4 of the voting rights act was unconstitutional. Ruled that the formulae to determine which districts were subject to pre clearance was wrong. Made it easier to make it harder for minorities to vote
Safe Seat
Seat in congress held reliably by a party
Open Seat
An election for a position in congress without an incumbent running
A campaign strategy telling voters why they should not vote for the opponent by highlighting information that raises doubts
Using detailed info on certain groups in order to specifically target them
Valence Issues
Issues that are widely supported and unlikely to differ among candidates
Position Issues
Political issues that offer specific policy choices and offen differentiate candidates views and plans of action
Wedge Issues
Divisive issues focused on a particular group that candidates use to gain support by taking votes away from their opponents
Redistribution of sears in House of Reps based in population changes
Redrawing district lines in order to keep populations similar
The redrawing of districts for political purposes
Reverion to the Mean
If candidates are becoming polarized the ones who will do best are those who appeal most to the middle
Vanishing Marginals
Trend marking decline of competitive congressional elections
Coattail Effect
A popular president or candidate boosting votes for others in their party
Presidential penalty
President’s party does poor in mid terms because people take out their dissatisfaction
Surge and Decline
The difference in turnout in presidential elections vs congressional or midterm elections
The way a member represents or gives back to their district from DC
The way a legislator reps their district when they are in it
Strategic Politician Hypothesis
Effect that the strength of econ and pop of pres have on decision to run for congredd
Public Opinion
Aggregate of attitudes about certain issues or officals
Voting Public
The people of the public who vote
Issue Public
Members of the public who focus on one issue
Having strong religious feelings or belief
Religious Saliency
The importance of religion in one’s life