Exam 3 Flashcards
What is the primary mechanism of action of nicotine in the synapse?
initially activates, and then blocks acetylcholine receptors (mixed/partial acetylcholine receptor agonist)
How can smokers get the same amount of nicotine from a “low tar, low nicotine” or “light” cigarette as from a normal cigarette?
all of the above
The current primary therapeutic use of nicotine is
aiding in smoking cessation
Acute nicotine overdose causes death primarily by
paralyzing the muscles used in respiration
Although lung cancer is not common about { } percent of all lung cancers occur in smokers
Tobacco mixed with fruit and other flavors is sometimes smoked in a group setting featuring a tall water pipe called
Bupropion is sold under this trade name as a drug used to aid in smoking cessation
Research on the mechanism of action of caffeine has focused mainly on its
antagonism of adenosine receptors
Which of the following health risks of caffeine use is false
caffeine is a potent carcinogen
How was coffee first discovered
goats ate coffee beans and “danced”
The unique xanthine in chocolate is called
Chocolate is made from the kernels of the
cacao plant
Theophylline, the xanthine present in tea leaves, has been used clinically to treat
About how many cups of coffee would it take to get close to the human LD50 for caffeine
This nutritional supplement is still sold with no restrictions despite a recent FDA warning about liver damage resulting from high doses
kava root