Exam 3 Flashcards
Biological Populations are
a group of potentially interacting and breeding individuals (but can pretty much be anything we define it to be)
Study Population
Population we are studying (e.g. university undergrads taking a psych course)
What characteristics might we wanna know about a population?
- Size
- Trend (see if policies are actually working)
- Distribution
- Age structure
- interactions with other species (population ecology)
- carrying capacity
Trends can differ based on how we define a population… (give example)
A bird population in the Netherlands vs the whole of Europe vs Washington State has different trends for the same bird…
Wolf hunting population example
- Pop estimated at 1,123 before hunt
2. 20% of population killed in 3 days after the hunt by the hunters
Counting pop size
When populations are small or confined in some way, counting is possible
(ie migration or congregation)
But this is not as reliable as we might expect (recall waterfowl counting survey)
Population size when organisms are more spread out
Marking individuals and recounting (some species already have uniqueness between individuals (whale tales and tiger stripes)
*there are a lot of assumptions for this simple model
Assumptions for capturing and marking and recapturing populations
- “Closed” population: no immigration, emigration, births, or deaths in time between first and last capture
- Equal chance of capturing all individuals: BUT 1. could be more likely to trap young individuals (naive, etc) 2. Not always true in small mammal populations: they learn to like being captured (“trap happy” also “can only ever trap a crow once”, they learn, become “trap shy”
- Enough time between capture occasions for populations to mix
What if we cannot trap enough or meet the assumptions of the trap and recount model?
(Ex: coyotes)
We can use grids/quadrants: divide landscape into manageable units and randomly sample a subset
- can use these to determine density, distribution, and frequency of occurrence
*if there’s a lot of habitat variability, random sample is not as accurate
Transects can be randomly placed, uniformly placed, or some combination
- can use the data to extrapolate plant or animal abundance
- can also use evidence of animals: tracks, scat
Wisconsin example of pack sampling
Wisconsin surveyed for packs
- determined how many packs these surveys usually missed
- multiplied number of packs by average pack size
So how did calculate wolf population size in a state?
Animals are too dispersed and in too large an area to count directly: we can use transects (is the area occupied or not?)
Relative abundance
(Not directly tied to actual number)
- often used to examine differences between habitats, treatments, etc
Ex: when talking about disease, might just want to reduce pop… can look at relative abundance: areas culled vs not culled
Population change over time: measuring trends
Measuring as 4 primary components - immigration - emigration - births - deaths (Typically we focus on births and deaths (easier to measure))
Exponential population growth
- Discrete AKA geometric growth
- individuals added in pulses
- eg most bird species breed once a year - Continuous
- individuals added to population without interruption
- can breed all year
- e.g humans
Discrete population growth formula
If lambda > 1, then population increases
If lambda < 1, then population decreases
If lambda = 1 then population stays the same
(Lambda cannot be less than or equal to 0)
For discrete populations, we can calculate population size into the future by modifying the previous equation
Results in an ever increasing or ever decreasing population (ignores some rules of biology)
Note that there is no change in growth over time
- population does not run out of resources
Exponential growth - continuous growth
Demographic Rates
We can use demographic rates calculated across individuals to model population changes over time
- survival rates or age distribution
- fecundity
- cannot predict an individual outcome, but can predict groups
Life Tables
life tables are a summary of how survival and reproductive rates vary with age
- can use them to see how populations will change over time
- can use them to help us calculate:
- population growth (lambda)
- generation times
- examine how population growth changes as we change population metrics (adult survival, reproduction, etc)
Age Structure
can play a big role in how a population will change over time:
- is often defined by either ages (years, months, etc) or stage (pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive)
- is important because it tells us about potential of population in the future
Rachel Carson
silent spring author
- documented decline of juvenile birds - young birds not being produced
- documented bad effects of pesticides on the natural environment
- eagles eat fish from ponds that have DDT… this gets rid of calcium, making eggs super thin… the eggs then get squashed resulting in few juveniles
… in the 1970s, DDT was banned
Populations grow in proportion to
their size - leads to exponential growth
Populations cant increase indefinitely because
- reduced access to food
- increased competition
- disease rates can increase
- predation may increase
“r” tells us
about the rate of population increase or decrease
r = instantaneous births - instantaneous deaths
Carrying capacity
Logistic growth: population increases rapidly, then stabilizes at the carrying capacity, K, maximum pop size that can be supported by the environment
Density-dependent effects - negative population effects
- High densities can cause changes in behavior, physiology, development, and specific population parameters (e.g., reproduction and survival)
- examples: disease, parasites, competition (intra - females not getting enough resources), predators - more individuals leads to non-reproducing animals increasing
- likelihood of juveniles to survive depends on how many already in pop
Maximum growth of population is at
the number of individuals removed from populations
H* is maximum sustainable yield
Positive effects of density dependence
- can swamp ability of predators to respond
eg. .. masting in trees (producing more acorns than squirrels can eat), schooling in fish, creche canada geese
Low densities can also negatively affect population growth:
- ability to find a mate is affected
- at low pop. densities, pop. growth is hurt: have to work harder to find a mate (Allee) effect)