Exam 3 Flashcards
Unchanged or decreased frequency of BMs
Pebbly or cracked stools
Straining/painful stooling
Constipation S/S
Constipation Contributing Factors
Stool withholding
Slow transit
Sensory (taste, smell) abnormalities
Laxatives (Dosing)
PEG (0.4-0.8 g/kg/day max 17g or 1 tsp/full year of age max 4)
Lactulose/Sorbitol 70% (1 mL/kg q12-24 max 60/30 mL/day)
Mineral Oil (1-3 mL/kg/day max 45)
Concomitant Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Suggesting Organic Etiology
Persistant vomiting, GI blood loss
Rashes, joint complaints, fever
Dysphagia, weight loss, stunting
Categorized by timing & content:
Acute watery - hours - days
Acute bloody/Dysentery
Prolonged (7-14 days) or Persistent (>14 days)
Diarrhea Presentation
Diarrhea Diagnostics & Management
Depends on Category:
Watery - rehydrate, observe
Bloody/Dysentery - Infection/allergy/autoimmune - get a stool sample
Persistent - Parasitic, bacterial, or enteroviral infection, or unmasking of a chronic condition
Malnutrition - refeed
Low-grade fever
Watery diarrhea; vomiting
Respiratory symptoms
Viral Gastroenteritis Presentation
Acute Gastroenteritis Management
Viral, Bacterial, or Malnutrition-related
Vaccination to prevent (Rotavirus); probiotics to shorten
Rehydration (low-os ORS)
Refeeding (2-4 hours post rehydration); zinc supplements (malnutrition-related diarrhea)
Bacterial gastroenteritis
May not be bloody
Salmonella Infection Presentation
Salmonella Infection Management
3 mo.+: Rehydration/refeeding
<3mo., imm. comp., SCD: Antibiotic dependent on susceptibility (PCNs, Bactrim, tetracyclines)
Vomiting, poor feeding, poor growth, FTT, Tooth erosion Blood in the stools Coughing, breathing problems Irritability
GERD Presentation, Signs
“Disease” means complications/sequelae
GERD Management
Avoid upright position while feeding
<12mo: rice cereal
12mo+: H2RA (-tidines) or PPI (-prazoles)
Bacterial GE+
potential for HUS (Pallor, fatigue/SOB, hemophilia/hematuria)
Bloody, watery, and dysenteric OR
1. Bloody, solid diarrhea
E. Coli
Diarrhea quality important in differentiating type of e. coli infection:
1. Shiga toxin producing e. coli
E. Coli Management
Inpatient AGE therapy (aminoglycoside or 3rd-gen cephalosporin antibiotic –> susceptible antibiotic)
High Fever (>40); CNS involvement Bloody Stool Severe abdominal pain
Bacterial Gastroenteritis Presentation
Bacterial GE+
Cramping abd pain
Shigella Infection Presentation
C Diff Infection Management
Discontinue antimicrobial agents if on them OR
IMMEDIATELY start PO metronidazole x 10-14 d if not
Feeding dysfunction/dysphagia, esophageal food impaction, heartburn/GERD symptoms
Esophageal stricture
Eosinophilic Esophagitis Presentation
Eosinphilic Esophagitis Management
Eliminate dietary allergens
Topical corticosteroids
Painful swallowing, drooling, food refusal
Necrosis w/ ulceration, perforation, mediastinitis, or peritonitis
Caustic Esophageal Burns Presentation
Caustic Esophageal Burns Management
Inpatient steroids, then endoscopy (48-72 hours postingestion) and go from there
Dysphagia, odynophagia, drooling
Regurgitation, chest/abdominal pain
Foreign Body Ingestion Presentation
Foreign Body Ingestion Management
Non-motile esophageal body - Removal in 24 hours
Button battery - emergent excision
Other - will pass spontaneously
Recurrent pulmonary infections
Vomiting, dysphagia
Anemia, failure to thrive
Hiatal or Paraesophageal Hernia
Hiatal/Paraesophageal Hernia Management
Upper GI series or CT to confirm
Surgery to repair
12- wks: Nonbilious/projectile vomiting, dehydration
Avid nursing
Pyloric Stenosis
Pyloric Stenosis Management
BMP (hypochloremic alkalosis) & US to confirm
Rehydration/electrolyte balance followed by pyloromyotomy
Epigastric pain, vomiting, and hematemesis/hematochezia/melena
Gastric/Duodenal Ulcer
Gastric/Duodenal Ulcer Management
Upper GI endo to confirm
Culture to determine H. pylori involvement: treatment with amoxicillin, clarithromycin, & a PPI
Bile-stained vomiting
Overt SBO
Intestinal Malrotation
Intestinal Malrotation Management
Upper GI series to diagnose (DJJ/Jejunum R of spine)
Surgery; volvulus is emergent
Diarrhea, dehydration
Electrolyte or micronutrient deficiency states
Growth failure
Short Bowel Syndrome
Short Bowel Syndrome Management
Continuous formula through gastrostomy tube
Acid suppression, antimotility and antidiarrheal agents
Antibiotics to treat small bowel bacterial overgrowth
Recurring abdominal pain+screaming+knee-drawing
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Bloody stools
Tender, distended abdomen w/ sausage-shaped mass
Intussusception Dx & Tx
Confirm with abdominal ultrasound > AXR
GI referral - Air Enema Reduction or surgery
Painless swelling to small area of groin
May abate when the infant is active, cold,
frightened, or agitated
Singular, depressible
Inguinal hernia
Maroon/melanotic rectal bleeding
Meckel Diverticulum
Meckel Diverticulum Management
Meckel Scan (special nuclear dye) to confirm Refer for surgery
Fever and periumbilical/RLQ abdominal pain
Anorexia, bilious post-pain vomiting
Constipation, diarrhea
Acute Appendicitis
Acute Appendicitis Management
CRP & WBC elevation specific, not sensitive
Confirm with ex-lap
Refer for appendectomy
Newborn failing to pass meconium, emesis
Abdominal distention and reluctance to feed
Hirschsprung Disease
Hirschsprung Disease Management
Confirm with biopsy
Refer for surgical repair
Crying with defecation; holding back stools
Red bleeding outside of stool following defecation
Anal fissure
Anal Fissure Management
Confirm visually
Stool softener
Sitz baths for comfort
Initiation of Antibiotic Treatment 1-14 days prior
Persistent Watery Diarrhea
Abdominal Pain, Fever
C. Diff infection
Upper vs Lower GI Bleed Management
Saline gastric lavage vs not
EGD vs Colonoscopy: ID site of bleed
Three or more recurrent episodes of stereotypical vomiting in children usually older than 1 year; the
emesis is forceful and frequent, occurring up to six times per hour for up to 72 hours or more
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Management
Trigger avoidance (re: migraine triggers)
Sleep (Diphenhydramine, Lorazepam)
Antimigraine, antiemesis Rx
Recurrent attacks of abdominal pain or discomfort at least once per week for at least 2 months
Little relationship to bowel habits and physical activity
Functional Abdominal Pain
Functional Abdominal Pain Management
Restriction of various sugars/sweeteners?
Peppermint Oil?
Diarrhea, vomiting
Failure to thrive, anorexia, poor weight gain
Abdominal pain, distention, edema, ascites
(bulky, foul, greasy, pale stools)
[Repeated infections]
Malabsorption Syndromes
(Fat malabsorption)
[Carbohydrate malabsorption]
Management of Malabsorption Syndromes
Nutrition replacement (albumin, hi protein, low fat) Diuretics
6 - 24 mo
Chronic diarrhea, vomiting
Abdominal distention, irritability
Anorexia, poor weight gain
Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease Management
Strict dietary gluten restriction
Supplemental calories, vitamins, and minerals (acute)