Exam 2pt2 Flashcards
England found out the code for USA that Germany was opening a dialogue with Mexico and if Mexico aids Germany in the war, then Germany will give Mexico all the southwestern regions of the USA. What is this called and why is this important?
Zimmerman Telegram/ This is the reason USA gets involved in the WW1.
What are liberty bonds?
The more money you give to the government the more you get back in interest.
The war industries board organization was led by who? / What did this organization do?
Bernard Baruch / Organization tells factories what you can produce.
Who led the committee on public information?
George Creel
What did the national war labor board do?
Prevent strikes from happening which was an agreement with factory workers saying if they didn’t strike, they would get a 10% bonus in pay every week.
what is the league of nations and why does Wilson want it?
Where we have a global community where nations will send representatives to talk about disagreements on world events to prevent another war.
After Germany surrenders after eighteen months Wilson makes plans for USA to attend what? / What kind of points does Wilson make and why?
Peace Summons / Fourteen Points to make sure at the end of war USA mandates how the world works.
What are the Fourteen Points?
Freedom upon the seas, removal of all economic barriers, Equitable colonial self – determination, and the league of nations
Wilson receives a summon to go where? / Who is the leader of the republican party? / Did any republicans come with Wilson to the summon? / What does the republicans do?
France/ Henry Cabot Lodge / no/ Republicans doesn’t join the league of nations.
What sets up the next 20 years in Europe which is targeting Germany?
Treaty of Versailles
What happened under the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany has to say they started WW1 to humiliate Germany, Germany pay England and France 33 billion dollars in war reparations and in the process, it ruins the economy and enters depression, and Germany military can’t have a formal military and they can have merchant ships but no battleships and lost all their colonies to England and France.
Who does the Treaty of Versailles give rise to?
Adolf Hitler
A time where oil, railroads, and steel powered the US economy is called?
The First Industrial Revolution
Why did Wilson go to England and France? France and England backed Wilson against a wall to get him to sign the treaty so what did Wilson do?
To tell them the treaty is not right but they don’t listen. Wilson put his signature on the treaty of Versailles. So, England and France sign on to league of nations.
When Wilson comes back to USA what is Henry Cabot Lodge doing?
Henry goes on a tour saying to Americans why we should not join the league of nations.
Why did Wilson get on a train/ What happened while he was on tours? / Do the American people join the league of nations?
Explains to the people why we need to join the league of nation / Wilson has a stroke and is incapacitated for 2 years, and bed ridden. / People don’t join the league of nations
In the 1920s what revolution are we in?
The Second Industrial Revolutions
Why didn’t the league of nations prevent a world war?
Because the founder didn’t sign it and other countries doesn’t take it seriously and dies in 1938 before WW2 begins.
What is it called where the American people drive the economy by buying items/ What problems come with this?
Consumer Based Economy/ The economy over decades goes from good to bad.
What do we see Agriculture & Business?
The overproduction of products