Exam 2017 Flashcards
What is the primary difference between “supervised” and “unsupervised” learning?
whether the training instances are explicitly labelled or not
Indicate which of “numeric”, “ordinal”, and “categorical” best captures its type: blood pressure level, with possible values {flow, medium, high}
Indicate which of “numeric”, “ordinal”, and “categorical” best captures its type: age, with possible values [0,120]
Indicate which of “numeric”, “ordinal”, and “categorical” best captures its type: weather, with possible values {clear, rain, snow}
Indicate which of “numeric”, “ordinal”, and “categorical” best captures its type: abalone sex, with possible values {male, female, infant}
Describe a strategy for measuring the distance between two data points comprising of “categorical” features
Hamming distance OR cosine similarity OR jaccard OR dice
What is the relationship between “accuracy” and “error rate” in evaluation?
accuracy = 1− error rate
With the aid of a diagram, describe what is meant by “maximal marginal” in the context of training a “support vector machine”.
the width of the margin (= distance from separating hyperplane and the support vectors) should be maximised
What makes a feature “good”, i.e. worth keeping in a feature representation? How might we measure that “goodness”?
good = correlation/association with category of interest (and non-redundant)
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: multi-layer perceptron with a softmax final layer
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: soft k-means
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: multi-response linear regression
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: logistic regression
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: model tree
For the mode below state whether it is canonically applied in a “classification”, “regression” or “clustering” setting: support vector regression