Exam 2 Vocabs Flashcards
Linear Transformation
a linear transformation is a mathematical operation that takes one vector and transforms it into another vector in a specific way.
A transformation is linear if
- T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v) for all u,v in the domain of T
- T(cu) = cT(u) for all scalar c and all u in the domain T
if each input has a unique output, and no two different inputs produce the same output.
Onto (surjective)
if every element in the output (codomain) has at least one element in the input (domain) that maps to it.
column, R^m -> R^n, R^n are the domain
Row, R^m -> R^n, R^m are the codomain
Range(The image)
The set of all possible output vectors that the linear transformation can produce. It is a subset of the codomain. the range is the collection of all vectors in R^m
The inverse of a Matrix
AA^-1 = I and A^-1A= I
Not all matrices have inverses. A matrix must be square (having the same number of rows and columns of n x n) and have full rank to have an inverse.
Standard matrix of a linear transformation
T: R^n -> R^m is a matrix A such that when you multiply A by a vector v in R^n, you get the result applying the linear transformation T to v.
A set of vectors that spans the entire space and is linearly independent. serve as building blocks, and any vector in the vector space can be expressed as a unique combination of these basis vector
The maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns it contains.It is a measure of the “dimensionality” of the space spanned by the rows or columns of the matrix.
the number of vectors in any basis for that space. For example, if you have a three-dimensional vector space, any basis for that space will have three vectors, and the dimension of the space is 3.
Column Space
The space spanned by the column vectors of a matrix
Null Space
Set of vectors that, when multiplied by a matrix, give the zero vector. It forms a subspace of the vector space.
A scalar value associated with a square matrix, providing information about the matrix’s properties