Exam 2 study guide for final Flashcards
Which of the folowing cells are least prone to injury
a. hematopoetic cells
b. Neurons
c. Hepatocytes
d. Testicular cells
Which cells are most prone to injury and why?
a. High metabolic cells and high proliferating cells are most prone to injuery because of their turnover and ability to get infected. High metabolic include :: liver, kidney, heart . High turnover is genital testicle, GI, hematopoetic cells.
• High metabolic cells
- cardiac myocytes
- renal tubular cells
- hepatocytes
• Rapidly proliferating cells
- testicular cells
- intestinal lining cells
- hematopoietic cells
a. Hypertrophy: increase in cell size
increased size of an organ or cell
decerased size of organ or cell or cell droopout
e. Atrophy: decrease in size of a muscle
b. Hyperplasia : increase in number of cells
replacement of once cell type with another
c. Metaplasia : one cell type changes to another
disordered unregulated cell proliferation without maturation
d. Dysplasia: disorganized hyperplasia
Orderly cell death WITHOUT inflamm
-Apoptosis: non inflamm, programmed, req energy, happens in normal embryo, making fingers, normal cell turnoever, damaged cells, one cell ata time
Disorderly cell death WITH inflammation
Necrosis – uncoordinated cell death, inflammation occurs, no need for ATP, cell membrane is disrupted, happens to cluster at a time., swelling due to loss of ion pumps
Death of a body part
gangrenous necrosis
Cell death occuring in granuloma
caseous necrosis
Irreverisble cell injury is more severe
Irreverisble cell injury is more severe: if you have a hole in cell membrane, long calcium influx, mitochondrial loss : types of irreversible cell injury are necrosis and apoptosis
A heart failure patient presents with hypertension he has some breathing problems that seem to be associated with pulmonary edema. He experiences dyspnea even when lying down. Papitation reveals a liver of normal size, which of the following is MOST LIKELY the cause of these symptoms
a. left sided heart failure
b. right sided heart failure
c. proportionate left and right sided heart failure
d. angina pectoris
Left sided heart failure. This will cause back up into the lungs since the left side wont be able to pump out systemically leading to breathing problems and pulmonary edema.
left sided heart failure
Edema- lungs, congestion and edema too much extravascular fluid in tissues. Causes include hormone fluid retention, heart failure, inflamm
o Heart failure is common cause of pulmonary edema (especially left sided)
Left-sided failure:
-caused by ischemic heart disease
-pulmonary edema and breathing problems -orthopnea (dyspnea lying down)
-reduaced blood perfusion to organs, such as kidneys
causes prerenal zotemi high BUN, ATN
Right sided heart failure
Right-sided failure:
-Lung disease (e.g., Cor Pulmonale-abnormal enlargement of right side of the heart)
-hepatomegaly; pools in liver –chronic passive congestion
• Pathway to death, ischemic heart disease #1, hypertensive heart disease #2, valvular heart diseas #3
Ascites-massive peritoneal space fluid in liver failure because blood wont go through portal system !
c. proportionate left and right sided heart failure
both ascites in liver and trouble breathing
Angina pectoris
Angina Pectoris (know types, causes and consequences)
1. Stable angina
a. Pain, 2min, relates to exertion, relieved by rest or vasodilators, due to fixed
coronary stenosis
2. Variant angina
a. Occurs at rest, brief, reversible spasm
3. Unstable angina (most dangerous—prolonged pain or pain at rest)
a. Worsening angina, prolonged pain, due to acute plaque change like blew up
*chest pain to ischemia related metabolites accumulate (blood cant clean our garbage from cell fxn and metabolism)
Tx: with vasodilation drugs to increase flow
decrease o2 consuption (decreases metabolites) beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, decreases heart rate. and decreases work of how much heart has to do.
Select the incorrect statement of a myocardial infarction
a. as many as 10-20% of these patients experience NO pain
b. the majorirty of these patients experience pulmonary edema
c. these are often assoc with mural thromubs
d. typically precipitated by atrial premature beat.
Myocardial infarct
know symptoms and complications
C. Myocardial Infarct
- Symptoms, diagnostic criteria
- restrosternal pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, nausea, can be asymptomatic though
- diagno 2 or more (ischemic chest pain >20 min, acute ekg change, rising falling of troponin, documentation of infarct)
F. MI complications: • No symptoms (10-20%) • Arrhythmias -95% • Congestive heart failure 60% • Pulmonary edema (60%) • Pericarditis (50%) • Mural thrombus (40%)
atrial premature beat
a. Increased rate of depolarization at any site to a rate faster than the sinus node is premature. (ectopic since comes from other area not sinus)
- Atrial premature depolarization-
- Ventricular premature depolarizations (VPBs)
- Junctional premature depolarization (av node/his bundle)
Select the incorrect statement
a. tachy arrhythmias are cardiac contraction rates of >100bpm
b. atrial fib is the most common inneffective cardiac contraction
c. essential hypertension is defined as elevated bp due to pheochromocytoma
d. hypertension caused by cognesitve heart failure wuld be considered secondary hypertension
essential hypertension has actually NO KNOWN CAUSE
Essential hypertension
Essential hypertension-(primary hypertension-it has NOT identifiable underlying
cause), and identify causes and consequences
a. Potential cause of essential hypertension is increased sodium retention and
intravasucular volume
b. Very common
c. Basically vessels are constricted in hypertension, kidneys see lack of blood flow and end up releasing renin, and inducing angiotensin. This increases sodium retention to make blood pressure go up. However as it keeps forcing up, it keeps damaging vessels causing damage.
Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension-(it is secondary to a separate underlying medical condition- e.x. CAUSED BY congestive heart failure) identify causes and consequences
a. Causes : endocrine, drugs, prego, renal failure, sleep apnea
b. Uncommon 5-10% of all hypertensive patients
c. Risk factors: black, old age, genetics, high salt diet, lack fo physical activity
tachycardia > 100 bpm)
Causes of conduction disturbance: (what causes brady or tachy)
- Ischemic heart disease–scarring
- Degenerative changes
- Antiarrhythmic drugs
- hyperkalemia
- MI**
- Trauma
- Congenital
- Tachy-arrhythmias (rates usually > 100 bpm)—including re-entrant circuits -multiple ectopic foci (firing too frequently resulting in a circle/loop firing pattern)
atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (MOST common-ineffective contractions) -risk of thrombi in atria and embolizing (blood pools in atria)- accounts for 25% of strokes - flutter still contracts somewhat organized, fibrillation is chaotic (kinda reentry circuit) disorganized, and most common sustained arryhtmia in clinical cardiology.
- Often in congestive heart failure, valvular disease or hypertension
- 10% > 65 years of age have AF
- can lead to scarring
- inefficient cardiac output, high risk of thrombosis or embolization
- Can lead to ventricular fibrillation- know consequences
- Sudden cardiac arrest- know consequences
- occurs when there is abrupt cessation of ventricle fxn due to rapid ventricular tachy OR ventricular fib. 90% fatal in cases.
d. @ risk is patient swith coronary artery disease, heart failure, inherited channelopathis (electrical conduction problems)
e. brain damage occurs in 4 min in SCA,
Which of the following is least likely to be a compensation for congestive heart failure
a. cardiohypertrophy
b. a reduction in cardiac stroke volme
c. increased catecholamine activity
d. tachycardia
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure cardiac output is insufficient for metabolic needs of body
- Body’s compensation to heart failure (due to systolic, diastolc dysfuncton)
- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
- Cardiohypertrophy
- INCREASE in stroke volume (e.g., Frank-Starling mechanism
- Increase catecholamine activity leading to positive ionotropic effect • Redistribution of blood flow (eg. Kidneys)
An elderly hypertensive man with type 2 diabetes has retrosternal chest pain every time he climbs stairs or otherwise exerts himself. The pain resolves 2-5minutes after he rests. it is ALSO* relieved when he takes nitroglycerine. The symptom pattern has been unchanged for the last 6 months. What is the LIKELY cause of the pain?
a. thrombus in coronary artery
b. fixed stable atherosclerotic stenosis of coronary artery
c. aortic dissection
d. pulmonary embolus
e. atrial fibrillation
Angina Pectoris (know types, causes and consequences)
- Stable angina
a. Pain, 2min, relates to exertion, relieved by rest or vasodilators*, due to fixed coronary stenosis
fixed stable atherosclerotic stenosis of coronary artery
Angina Pectoris (know types, causes and consequences)
- Stable angina
a. Pain, 2min, relates to exertion, relieved by rest or vasodilators, due to fixed coronary stenosis
thrombus in coronary artery
Coronary atherosclerosis
i. Cause 80% of heart disease
ii. Lesion can thrombosis, common sites are prox 2 cm of LAD LCX
2. Leading cause of death from heart disease (causes 80% of heart disease)
3. Link with stenosis (slow cause stable agina; abrupt causes thrombus/embolus)
aortic dissection
could be an MI
Myocardial infarct-symptoms
1. Can sometimes be asymptomatic
2. Scarring and its impact
3. What else could it be?
a. Pulmonary emboli, aortic dissection, pericardial tamponade
4. Dx criteria include @ least 2 : ischemic type pain over 20 min, acute EKG changes, rising then
fallig of cardiac biomarker like troponin, or patho document of infarct autopsy.
pulmonary emboli
could be an MI, or due to abrupt stenosis
Select the incorrect statement
a. valvular heart disease can be caused by strep infections
b. endocarditis can cause fatal thromboemboli
c. atrial premature beats are usually very dangerous
d. bradycardia is defined as fevewer than 60 bpm and can be caused by cardiac conduction blocks
*note: premature beats are not dangerous usually!
valvular heart disease
G. Valvular Heart Disease
1. define and relate to valvular heart disease—e.g., mitral valve
a. stenosis (aortic); valve won’t open
-aortic stenosis (post inflamm scaring in rheumatic heart disease, senile calcific aortic stenosis is most common,or calcified bicuspid valve.
-Calcific aortic valve stenosis (most common) (post inf endocardidits/rheum fever)
b. regurgitation (aortic)- can’t close completely
- post inflamm scarring, syphilitic aortisi, ankylosin spondyltisi
- mitral valve prolapse (large leaflets long chordae, wont close) , prone to
2. Types
• Rheumatic fever- systemic dsisae
• Infective endocarditis-dental procedure related. Types
-usually strep or staph (mitral valve 25% affects, tricuspid 10% affets)
• Often a pre-injured valve
Endocarditis can cause
Very destructive (mortality 70% if staph)
• Can cause thrombi (fatal as well!)
• Can destroy valvular tissue and cause perforations
• Infective endocarditis very dangerous
• Non cardiac – septic emboli
Definitions: bradycardia- 100 bpm)
a. Bradycardia – due to disturbance in impulse generation, impulse propagation, impulse propagation AV node to purkinje.
b. Lack of impulse propagation is conductinon block
i. Maybe you had a myocardial scarring, leads to fibrosis, cant generate
impulse through that hence conduction block
Select the incorrect statement concerning cardiac arrythmias
a. tachy-arrthmias can be caused by multiple ectopic foci
b. a risk of atrial fibrillation is a stroke causing emboli
c. often are associated with congestive heart failure
d. procainamide is first choice for ventricular arrythmias