Exam 2 Study Guide Flashcards
What is sensation?
receiving, translating, and transmitting messages from the outside word to the brain
What is perception?
Organizing and interpreting information received from the outside world
What is the bottom up process?
driven by sensory information, relies on sensory input
- Ex: A person seeing a picture for the first time and concluding. (There were no preconceived notions)
What are top down processes?
driven by knowledge, expectations influenced by perception
- Ex: A person is told what to think about a photo before being shown it. They are likely to be influenced by other peoples thinking
What is the goal of perception?
to provide people with relevant information for interacting with the world
What is the Cocktail Party Affect
- the ability to focus on one auditory stimulus while ignoring others
- Ex: Your at a noisy party and there’s a lot of noise and people. But someone says your name and you suddenly hear .
What is the process of attention?
Input, Sensory, Perception, Short Term Memory
What is Dichotic Listeing?
When do streams of information are being told to a person and they only pay attention to one side
What is the Early Selection Model?
We figure out early what we are going to pay attention to
What is the Late Selection Model?
All information sent forward and selection happens at short term memory stages
What is Divided Attention?
Two sources of information and we want to respond to both at the same time
- Ex: Phones in the car
What is Capacity Theory?
Their is a general limit to the amount of mental work a person can preform. A persons ability to preform multiple tasks depends on the capacity required
What is the Stroop Effect?
When you have words that are different colors people will take longer to name the color than the word
Is attention a skill or a process?
A family of processes