Exam 2 reviewer Flashcards
-Suburban sprawl heated political issues for many municipalities.
- Growth can consume valuable land resources and destroy a replaceable natural treasures.
- Necessary to establish a formal statement of development and planning policy.
Comprehensive plans.
Outline a comprehensive strategy for growth.
Enumerate the two.
-Preserving valuable land reserves.
-Foster optimum economic viability.
____________address short term goals and explore future challenges.
Comprehensive plans.
Comprehensive plans are the plan may break down the city or country into planning zones and these are.
Enumerate also the common issues.
Single family and multifamily units commercial and industrial space, open space, and whether these are over or under target projections.
Common issues include:
Existing and proposed housing transportation networks environmental conservation areas, public facilities (schools, fire and police stations, libraries, parks and recreation facilities, sewer and water services, bikeways, overall drainage consideration, economic development, target areas and objectives.)
Some of the more extensive comprehensive plans provide design guidelines with incentives such as _________ between municipality and developer.
cost sharing.
Modern zoning is under what?
Zoning ordinances.
Classification of land use types that establishes a range of permissible development options for a piece of property.
Modern zoning.
Under zoning ordinances name of use classifications are___,____,___,___? (Mentioned the 9)
historic preservation.
Under zoning ordinances, it is a helpful in pinpointing appropriately sized parcels for an intended land use.
Also determining which parcels could be considered for a change of zoning to allow a different and more intense use.
Zoning maps.
Under zoning ordinances, each category includes (Mention the 5)
-Minimum standards for layout
-setback from RROW
-allowable density
-parking spaces requirements,
-maximum building space, footage.
It establishes regulations that govern how parcels of land are subdivided and developed. This may include the procedure for the transfer of property titles.
Subdivision ordinances.
Under subdivision ordinances, it requires the development of preliminary and final subdivision plats.
The set of guidelines that must be adhered to in order to obtain a building permit.
Site plan ordinances.
Under site plan ordinances. It relates directly to the zoning ordinance in that it established the construction specifications, and these are.
Parking spaces,
lot coverage,
storm water management areas,
drainage structure,
street and curb details,
Mention the different type of maps.
Topographic maps.
planimetric maps.
tax maps,
sanitary sewer maps.
water map,
This map at municipal surveyor’s office, shows contour, identify all major high points and low points as spot elevations and provide a basis for preliminary engineering and feasibility analysis.
Topographic maps.
This map provide accurate source of data without incurring a full scale physical survey.
Topographic maps.
Show the accurate placement of lot lines and physical features.
Planimetric Maps.
Can be obtained at the mapping Department of a city or municipality.
Planimetric Maps.