Exam 2 Review Flashcards
Job Analysis
A formal procedure by which the content of a job is defined in terms of tasks performed and human qualifications needed to perform the job.
Training them
to perform those aspects of the job that are important
Paying them
High levels of performance warrant higher pay
Classifying jobs
Jobs with similar performance criteria are grouped together.
Four Job Related Aspects
Tasks, Position, Job, Job Family
are at the lowest level of procedures and they are the basic units of work that are directed toward meeting specific job objectives
is next in line and a set of tasks performed by a single employee
which means a set of similar positions in an organization, for example a secretary or receptionist
Job Family
which is a grouping of similar jobs in an organization like a clerical job family. There’s one family.
A job is…
a situation and a person acts on the situation
Jet Stream
Enduring, recurring atmosphere stream. North America it goes from west to east. Flow of air. People have enduring behaviors.
Job Analysis Simplified
Studying the characteristics of the job
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics. Ex: Quantitative ability, kind, optimistic.
Dimensions of Performance
Based on how you behave and what you do for the organization
Contextual Features
Some people like temperatures different, quieter, louder, etc.
Cashier Performance Domain
- Operating cash register
- Bagging Merchandise
- Answering the customers questions
Organizations don’t…
care about you except for the behaviors you can exhibit to better them.
Quote involving human beings being alike *
“All human beings are like all other human beings, and all human beings are unlike all human beings.”
As a job analyst you are:
Photographer: trying to capture complex events taken place, takes hundreds of photos.
Detective: Looks for clues to find out what is going on.
Job Analysis Terminology
Data gathering, investigating process. Analyze a job to understand the demands.
Job Description
What the job actually is, the description of it. Product of a job analysis. Info about the job.
Job Specification
Focuses on the person performing a certain job. Also a product of job analysis. Human characteristics.
Job Evaluation
A process similar to job analysis, builds on job analysis but is specifically focused on the financial worth of a job. Monetary value to the job, how much to pay someone.
Performance Evaluation
Focused on an individual person, not a job. On their attributes.
Job Analysis Example
Binning picks his nose for an entire lecture and a student complains. Counter-Productive
What “causes” Job Behavior
Personal Factors, psychological traits and constructs (KSAO’s), situational forces, weak vs. strong situations
A psychological contstruct is…
- Hypothesized cause for observed regularity in human behavior
- Label for a cluster of covarying behaviors.
- Mental construction ~ Conceptualization
- Psychological Tool
Competency Modeling
A process for determining the human characteristics needed to perform successfully within an organization
Job Performance Criteria 2 options
Objective Performance Criteria
Subjective Performance Criteria
Objective Performance Criteria
A set of factors used to assess job performance that are (relatively) factual in character.
Subjective Performance Criteria
A set of factors used to assess job performance that are the product of someone’s judgements of these factors (Ex: Supervisor, peer, customer).
Nine Major Job Performance Criteria
- Production
- Sales
- Tenure or turnover
- Absenteeism
- Accidents
- Thefts
- Counterproductive Workplace Behavior
- Emotional Labor
- Person-Organization Fit
Dynamic Job Performance Criteria
Aspects of job performance that change (increase or decrease) over time.
Correlation Coefficient
A statistical index that reflects the degree of relationship between two variables.
A standard for evaluating tests that refers to the accuracy or appropriateness of drawing inferences from test scores. Often contrasted with reliability.
Construct Validity
The degree to which a test is an accurate and faithful measure of the construct it purports to measure.
Criterion-related validity
The degree to which a test forecasts or is statistically related to a criterion
Content Validity
The degree to which subject matter exerts agree that the items in a test are a representative sample of the domain of knowledge the test purports to measure
A concept reflecting the economic value (expressed in monetary terms) of making personal decisions
Future performance, intelligence. A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
Concurrent Validation Strategy
Concerned with how well a predictor can predict a criterion at the same time, or concurrently. Diagnose the existing status of some criterion.
Predictive Criterion-related Validity
Collect predictor information and use it to forecast future criterion performance.
Rating Errors
1.0= a perfect prediction
The closer it is to 1 the closer together the scatter plot is.
Criterion Deficiency
The part of the conceptual criterion that is not measured by the actual criterion
Conceptual Criterion
The theoretical standard that researchers seek to understand.
Actual Criterion
The operational or actual standard that researchers measure or assess.
Criterion Relevance
The degree of overlap or similarity between the actual criterion and the conceptual criterion.
is any variable used to forecast a criterion. Weathermen use barometric pressure to forecast rainfall. Doctors use body temperature to forecast illness.
Criterion Contamination
The part of the actual criterion that is unrelated to the conceptual criterion.
Bias: actual criteria systematically or consistently measure something other than conceptual criterion.
Error: the actual criterion are not related to anything at all.
A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
Position Analysis Questionnaire
A classification of objects designed to enhance understanding of the objects being classified.
An online computer based source of info about jobs
Performance Appraisal
is the process of assessing performance to make decisions (Ex: about pay raises).
“Can do” (maximum performance)
Affective Traits
“Will do” (typical performance)
conceptual system where the adjacent categories are more similar. 6 items around one in the middle all being connected in a way.
Cognitive Functioning (Umbrella Construct)
Alfred Binnay
- Intelligence
- Quantitative Ability
- Spatial Relations: visualize in minds eye
- Reasoning
- Memory
- Perceptual Accuracy
Physical Functioning
- Strength
- Stamina
- Psychological Fitness
- Stature
- Appearance
Psychomotor Functioning
- Coordination
- Dexterity
- Control Precision
- Reaction Time
Affective Functioning
- Emotional Labor: paying to do something you don’t want to do
- Mood
- Impulsivity
- Positive and Negative Affectivity
- BAS and BIS
BAS (Behavioral Activation System)
Neurologically based system in everyone’s brains that motivates us to survive or get a reward. (drinking a beer, doing well on exam)
BIS (Behavioral Inhibition System)
Our feared reactions to perceive threats. Similar to BAS but pushes us away from harmful things and bad behaviors.
Valuative Functioning
- What people think and feel in one valued result
- Attitudes
- Values
- Interests
- Prejudices
- Preferences
Somatic Functioning
- Combines physical and emotional reactions
- Wellness
- Hardiness
- Somatic complaints
- Stress tolerance
- Vagal Tone: Self-esteem
Internal Perspective
Processes within an individual that explain why he or she behaves in characteristic ways.
- Attitudes, emotions
- Fairly stable across time and situations
External Perspective
How the individual is perceived by others that he or she interacts with (reputation)
- “She has a great personality”
- Getting along with others (cooperation)
- Getting ahead of others (competition)
Big Five Personality Traits O.C.E.A.N.
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)
Conscientiousness (the most common of the five)
Planful, organized, dependable, efficient, thorough, forgetful, careless, etc.
Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)
anxious, moody, irritable, fearful, stable, confident, tranquil
Sociable, assertive, positive affectivity, quiet
cooperative, helpful, unfriendly, unkind, sympathetic
open to experience, curious, imaginative, unconventional
Structured Personality Inventories
- 16PF
- Hogan Personality Inventory
- California Personality Inventory
- Myer-Briggs
Projective Techniques
- Rorschach Inkblot
- Sentence Completion
Simulation Exercises
- Leaderless group discussion
- In-Basekt
- Scheduling exercise
- Presentation role playing
Behavior Description (STAR)
Situation, Task, Action, Result