Exam 2 Review Flashcards
a society’s shared understand of what is right and wrong
Collective Effervescence
sociologist who defined deviance and identified steps in which people become deviant (socialization)
Howard Becker
Behaviors and beliefs that violate social expectations and attract negative sanctions
the instance of deviance that first attracts a deviant label
Primary Deviance
further instances of deviance prompted by the receipt of the deviant label
secondary deviance
a renegotiation of social rules- the deviance becoming routine
Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571
collectively defining physical traits or social contitions as an illness
collectively defining a trait or condition as criminal
the process by which physical traits or social conditions become widely devalued
the idea that deviance is caused by a tension between widely valued goals and people’s ability to attain them
strain theory
Rebellion, retreatism, and innovation
Merton’s Deviance Typology
the idea that we need to be recruited into and taught criminal behavior by the people in our social networks
Differential Association Theory
the idea that deviance is facilitated by the development of culturally resonant rationales for rule breaking
Neutralization Theory
the idea that deviance is more common in dysfunctional neighborhoods
Social Disorganization Theory
the idea that labels that are applied to us influence our behavior
labeling theory
structural functionalist- believes that society is a system of necessary, synchronized parts that work together to create social stability. Notes that deviance is an important part of social change. It’s proof that social rules can be broken. Durkheim believes that deviance serves an essential function to give people an occasion to join together, condemn rule-breaking, and hold up the social rule.
Durkheim’s view on deviance
a society’s shared understanding of right and wrong
collective conscious
widespread normlessness or a waking of alienation from social rules
the strength of relationships and the sense of solidarity among members of a community
social cohesion
structures and the stability that they produce, function
components of structural functionalism
who made the argument that we can’t understand black people’s lives without also understanding black women’s lives
Anna Julia Cooper
who is the author of the yellow wallpaper, sexist society’s impact on white women
Charlette Perkins Gilman
occurs when two or more people oppose each other in social interaction, and each exerts social power
social conflict
a condition in which wealth, power, and prestige are most readily available to people with privileged social identities
social inequality
the idea the societies aren’t characterized by shared interests but by competing ones
conflict theory
a research month that involves inviting individuals to complete a questionnaire designed to college analyzable date
the subset of the population from which data will be collected
a term used to describe data that are applicable to the whole population from which the sample is drawn, not just to the sample itself
large territories governed by centralized powers that grant or deny citizenship rights
Nation States
when society is industrialized it is considered to be (blank) or it can be defined as people living together in current time
Modern Society
formal entities that coordinate collections of people in achieving a state purpose
social organization
complicated tasks broken down into smaller parts and distributed to individuals who specialize in narrow roles
division of labor
organizations with formal policies, strict hierarchies, and impersonal relations
pre-modern, modern, post-modern
Modes of thought
a belief in supernatural sources of truth and a commitment to traditional practices
Pre-modern Thought
the kind of authority that comes from culture
Traditional Authority
a belief in sciences as the soul sources of truth and the idea that humans can rationally organize societies and improved human life
Modern Thought
derived from logical principles
Rational legal Authority
the process of embracing reason and using it to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of human activities
Weber’s idea of Rationalization
a rejection of absolute truth in favor of countless partial truths and a denunciation of the narrative of progress
Postmodern Thought
a segment of the labor market in which companies contract with individuals to complete one short-term job at a time
gig work
widespread and enduring patterns of interaction with which we respond to categories of human need
social institutions
shared ideas about how life should be organized
the entire set of interlocking social institutions in which we live
social structure
the features of our lives that determine our mix of opportunities and constraints
structural position
widespread and enduring practices that persistently disadvantage some kinds of people while advantaging others
institutional discrimination
a persistent sorting of social groups into enduring hierarchies
social stratification
individuals who are well served by social institutions
individuals who are well-served by social institutions
individuals who are neglected or harmed by social institutions
mean, median, mode
measure of central tendency
the resources we used to get thing we want and need
financial resources that are or can be converted into money
economic capital
refers to money sitting in the bank and ownership of economic assets, minus debts
refers to steady sources of money
the minority of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth
economic elite
class, caste, feudal, enslavement
systems of stratification
system of stratification that sorts people into different positions in an economic hierarchy but also allow them to rise or fall
a system of stratification in which people stay in whatever level of stratified society they were born into and they pass their status down generationally
a system of stratification in which the rich and powerful individuals born into nobility reigned over a peasant class
opportunity to move up or down in the economic hierarchy
Social Mobility
an economic system based on private ownership of the resources used to create wealth and the right of individuals to personally profit
cash payments given to workers in exchange for their labor
German social scientist who examined capitalism
Karl Max
a class of people who employ workers
a class of people who are employed by others and work for a wage
resources that can be used to create wealth
means of production
the feeling of dissatisfaction and disconnection from the fruits of ones labor
a coming catastrophic implosion from which capitalism would never recover
crisis of capitalism
an understand that members of a social class share economic interests
class consciousness
an economic system based on shared ownership of the resources used to create wealth that is then distributed by governments for the enrichment of all
a capitalist system with little or no government regulation
Free market capitalism
associations that organize workers so they can negotiate with their employers as a group instead of individuals
Labor Unions
a patchwork of programs intended to ensure that the most economically vulnerable do not go without basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter
Social Safety Net
a capitalist economic system with some socialist policy aimed at distributing the profits of capitalism more evenly across the population
Welfare Capitalism
a system of financial support for the elderly, poor, children, people with disabilities, and unemployed
Social Security Act of 1935
widespread and enduring practices that persistently disadvantage some kinds of people while advantaging others
Institutional Discrimination
a term that refers to a society’s production of unjust outcomes for some racial or ethnic groups
the sorting different types of people into separate neighborhoods
Residential Segregation
residential segregation so extreme that many people’s daily lives involve little or no contact with people of other races
Hyper segregation
organized white resistance to integration
white fight
a phenomenon in which white people start leaving a neighborhood when minority residents begin to move in
white flight
places that lack beneficial or critical amenities; service deserts, food deserts, health-care deserts, green deserts, transit deserts, care deserts
Types of resources deserts
a research method in which data are layered onto a landscape divided into fine-grained segments
Spatial Analysis
the practice of exposing racial and ethnic minorities to more toxins and pollutants than white people
Environmental Racism
inequalities within education
Inequitable Educations
disparities in the academic accomplishments of different kinds of students
Achievement Gaps
the practice of placing students in different classrooms according to their perceived ability
a practice of disciplining and punishing children and youth in school that routs them out of education and into the criminal justice system
School-to-Prison Bias
a phenomenon in which people are positively or negatively serves across multiple institutions
cross-institutional advantage and disadvantage
advantage or disadvantage that builds over the life course
cumulative advantage and disadvantage
advantage or disadvantage that is passed from parents to children
intergenerational advantage and disadvantage
a model of marriage in which women and children are owned by men
patriarch/property marriage
a model of marriage that involved a wage-earning spouse supporting a stay-at-home spouse and children
breadwinner/ homemaker marriage
the idea that the home is a feminine space best tended by women and work is a masculine space best suited to men
Ideology of Separate Spheres
promoting childbearing and stigmatizing choosing to go child-free
a relationship model based on love and companionship between equals
Partnership Unions
the production of unjust outcomes for people perceived to be biologically female
the production of unjust outcomes for people who perform femininity
the form of masculinity that constitutes the most widely admired and rewarded kind of person in any given culture
Hegemonic Masculinity
the unpaid work of housekeeping and childcare that faces family members do once they return home from their paid jobs
Second Shift
the idea that an employee should devote themselves to their jobs wholly and without the distraction of family responsibilities
Ideal Worker Norm
an arrangement in which both partners do an equal share of paid and unpaid work
Shared Division of Labor
an arrangement in which one partner does more paid work than childcare and housework, and the other does the inverse
Specialized Division of Labor
a research method in which participants are asked to self-report their actives at regular intervals over at least twenty-four hours
Time-use Diary
the idea that children require concentrated maternal investment
Ideology of Intensive Motherhood
a concentration of women, trans women, gay, bisexual and gender nonconforming men at the bottom of the income scale and a concentration of gender-conforming heterosexual cisgender men at the top
Feminization of Poverty
an invisible ride to the top offered to men in female-dominated fields
glass escalator
the sorting of people with different social identities into separate occupations
job segregation
a positive correlation between the number of men in an occupation relative to women and the wages paid to employees
androcentric pay scale
a phenomenon in which men start abandoning an activity when women start adopting it
male flight
a sweeping change in gender relations that started but has yet to be fully realized
stalled revolution
a situation whereby women have more freedom than men but less power and men have more power than women but less freedom
freedom/power paradox