Exam 2 Quizzes Flashcards
the internal lining of the heart is known as the
the mitral valve is located between the ? And ?
left atrium; and left ventricle
What test measures electrical activity of the heart?
The circulatory system is divided into systemic and ? Circulation
T or F? The most commonly affected arteries in peripheral arterial disease are the femoral or popliteal arteries
Correct answer is True
Which of the following is used to confirm the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease
doppler ultrasound
The main function of the cardiovascular system is to
transport blood; oxygen; and nutrients
Vasospasm of the arteries and arterioles of the fingers and toes is characteristic of
raynaud’s disease
The time of cardiac filling is known as
T or F? The etiology of varicose veins includes long periods of standing; pregnancy and obestity
Correct answer is True
Hypertension affects approximately ?% of the populatio worldwide
Blokage of what artery impairs the flow of blood to the brain
carotid artery
What condition occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the oxygen needs of other body organs?
heart failure
Risks for atherosclerosis include all of the followin except - high cholesterol; high LDL; diabetes; hypotension
The most common cause of abdominal aneurysm is
What procedure is used to open a partially occluded artery
Blood return to the R atrium is delivered via the
venae cavae
What type of tissue are adenoids and tonsils?
Which structure is commonly called the windpipe
What is special about Type II lung cells
secrete surfactant
Which small structures help clean the respiratory tube lining
Which solid structure in the upper respiratory tract tend to block the airway and may regrow if removed
Why is the trachea always open for breathing
cartilage rings
Gas exchange from alveolus to capillary and the reverse operate by
Rhinitis involves the
nasal area; upper respiratory tract; and airborne allergies
Pharyngitis is essentially a
sore throat
Adenoids are often removed along with
Why does the common cold continue to plaque humans
new viral strains
Season rhinitis is commonly called
hay fever
Epistaxis refers to a
Which of the following is not a form of COPD; chronic bronchitis; emphysema; asthma; bronchietasis
Which of the following is not a lower respiratory disease; bronchitis; pneumonia; asthma; sinusitis
The rubbing of lungs and chest wall resulting in sharp pain describes
Where in the respiratory tract do asthmatic spasms occur
T or F? Tuberculosis is now considered a rare respiratory diseasae
Correct Answer is False
Vaccines are not availabe for ? Flu; pneumonia; asthma; or whopping cought
Tuberculosis is caused by
Which of the following causes Legionnaires’s Disease
A pneumothorax is more apt to occur in which of the following?
Pneumonia is caused by
bacteria; virus; or fungus
the fluid portion of the blood is known as
A pathological increase in red blood cell mass accompanied by an increase in white blood cells and platelets is a disease known as
polycythemia vera
The iron rich; oxygen-carrying protein in erythrocytes is known as
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is also know as
pernicius anemia
The leading casue of anemia worldwide is iron deficiency
Correct answer is True
The average life span of a red blood cell is
120 days
The symptoms of anemia are due to ? Of the tissues
The function of ? Is to defend tissues against bacterial and fungal infections
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia; or pernicious anemia; is caused by inadequate absorption or intake of vitamin B12 or deficiency in a protein call
intrinsic factor
Helicobactery pylori is a common cause of
gastric ulcers
Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acide used for
activating enzymes
Vomiting of blood is the principle sign of
esophageal varices
Burning chest pains resembling the pain of heart disease are characteritic of
T or F? The most common cause for esophageal varices is gastritis
Correct Answer is False
The most common cause of esophageal varices is
cirrhosis of the liver
Digestion begins in the
Digestion of proteins begins in the
Abdominal pain relived by eating and by antacids is characteristic of
peptic ulcers
Acid reflux is the most common cause of
Antibiotics can be effective in treatment of
gastric ulcer
Which of the following does NOT invlove the intestine Carcinoma of the colon; chrons disease; gastritis; chronic ulcerative colitis
Which of the following involves varicose veins
Pain in the right lower quadrant accompanied by nausea; vomiting fever; and leukocytosis; is most likely
Which is composed of the duodenum; the jejunum; and the ileum
small intestine
Which of the following has no lesion; no tumor; and no ulceration? Regional enteritis; spastic colon; chronic ulcerative colitis
spastic colon
A volvulus is a
twisted intestine
Hemorrhoids are diagnosed via the use of the
? Is the iron containing molecule found in red blood cells
acute forms of endocarditis involve the formation of nodules; or ?
? Is a sustained heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute
T or F? The diagnosis of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is based on the appearance of severe thrombocytopenia
Correct answer is True
T or F? Raynaud’s disease is usually triggered by exposure to heat
Correct Answer is False
The simplest form of atherosclerosis is? Which are thin; flat discolorations in the arteries that can enlarge and become thicker as they grown in length
fatty streaks
? Or red blood cellls; make up about half of the blood’s volume
The pericardium is a
double layered membrane that encloses the heart
T or F? ultrasound and angiography are used to confirm the diagnosis of peripheral artery diseasse
Correct answer is True
Lipds include cholesterol; phospholipids; and triglycerides
Correct answer is True
? Are small; dense networks of veins that appear as red or blue discoloraiton on the skin
? Cardiomyopathy is the least common form of cardiomyopathies; and is associated with reduced filling of the heart
there are 2 types of medicaion used in ? Treatment; anti-inflammatory medications and bronchodilators
T or F? Cystic fibrosis affects the endocrine glands; causing secreation of excessive thick mucus
Correct answer is True
T or F Risk factors for myocarditis include viral and bacterial infecations
Correct Answer is False
Plasma contains the protein ? Which promotes the blood’s ability to hold water and maintain presure inside the blood vessels
primary hypertenision is also called
essential hypertension
listening thorugh a stethoscope for abnormal heart sounds is an example of
T or F? Coronary heart disease is the leading casue of death worldwide
Correct answer is True
T or F? The most common cause of arteriosclerosis is atherosclerosis?
Correct answer is True
Hypertenision is broadly defined as an arterial pressure greater than ? On at least three consecutive measures
a small patch of tissue called the ? Acts as the pacemaker of the heart
sinoatrial node
the activity of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles is regulated by the ? In the brain
medulla and pons
T or F? Mature red blood cells emerge from the bone marrow as reticulocytes
Correct answer is True
T or F? A symtom of infective endocarditis includes a change in the sound or character of a heart murmur
Correct answer is True
What time of the year is the common cold more prevelant?
fall and winter
The ? Descends downward and brances into two primary bronchi; one for each lung
With ?; or tapping on the chect; the note raised and the vibration felt give clues to the state of the underlying lung and pleura
T or F? Ventricular arrythmias are more serious and potentially life threatening than other types of arrhythmias
Correct answer is True
T or F? Treatment for congestive heart failure cannot cure or reverse the condition
Correct answer is True
Raynaud’s disease is a disorder of the arteries in the
fingers and toes
In sickle cell disease; crystals continue to form as ? Is releases; and the red cells assume a sickled shape
the most frequent cause of iron deficiency in men and postmenopausal women is
gastrointestinal bleeding
T or F? Coronary veins provide the heart muscle with a reliable blood supply
Correct Answer is False
T or F? Treatment for Raynaud’s disease is aimed at reducing triggers for the symptoms
Correct answer is True
Vitamin ? Is required for the synthesis of the prothromin and thrombin clotting factors
In TB; healed lesions; visible on x-ray are called
? Is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood; and is also known as “bad” cholesterol
T or F? Heat block occurs when the atria and ventricles contact independent of eah other
Correct answer is True
T or F? One of the treatments for DIC involves the administraiton of intravenous anticoagulants
Correct answer is True
Hemophilia A is caused by a deficiency in clotting factor
In allergic rhinitis; ? binds to mast cells and induces them to release histamine
Which of the folloing is NOT one of the signs and symptoms of the common cold; sore throat; mucus plugs; runny nose; sneezing
mucus plugs
T or F? The principal dietary sources of Vitamin B12 includes fruit and vegetables
Correct Answer is False
T or F? Peak flow measures the maximum forces with which a patient can exhale
Correct answer is True
In peripheral arterial disease the most commonly affected arteries are the ? Arteries
femoral and popliteal
One of the symptoms of CHD is ?; a sensation of rapid pounding heartbeat
? Blood analysis provides qualitative information such as size; shape; and ratio of one cell type to another
T or F? The mitral valve lies between the R atrium and the left atrium
Correct Answer is False
T or F? IN physical examinations; the major sign of anemia is pallor
Correct answer is True