Exam 2: Quiz 8 Flashcards
The kind of euthanasia that would be practiced on babies or young children who cannot consent.
Non-voluntary euthanasia
A terminally ill rational, autonomous adult requests assistance in dying
Voluntary euthanasia
A doctor removes a respirator from a patient, and critics claim she is morally responsible for the death of the patient
The principle of autonomy sometimes wrongly overrules all other considerations and takes over when it comes to medical assistance in dying
Self-determination runs amok
A doctor gives a patient a lethal injection, which directly results in the death of a patient. This is an act of ________________.
Timothy Quill’s actions in relation to his patient Diane
Physician-assisted suicide
Esophageal blockage made swallowing impossible; parents petitioned court to not do surgery to remove the blockage so they could “let nature take its course”
Baby Doe
James Rachels argues that this is no morally better than killing a patient.
Passive euthanasia