Exam 2- PNS Flashcards
what can affect contact with the PNS?
diaphoresis, hair, edema, wounds
what nerve innervates the adductor pollicis muscle?
the ulnar nerve
what is nerve stimulation of the adductor pollicis muscle a good indication of?
recovery of upper airway muscle function
which muscle used for PNS recovers later than the diaphragm?
the adductor pollicis muscle
where are adductor pollicis nerve stimulator monitors placed?
electrodes are placed over the path of the ulnar nerve
black is distal at the level of the wrist on the ulnar surface
red is placed 1-2 cm proximal, parallel to the flexor capri ulnaris tendon
what muscles are stimulated during facial nerve stimulation?
orbicularis oculi- covers the eyelid, produces eyelid squint
corrugator supercilii- covers the eyebrow
which location of stimulation is a good predictor of good intubating conditions and profound block?
eyebrow stimulation
where are electrodes placed for facial nerve stimulation
red wire is proximal at the outer canthus
black wire is distal at the tragus
diaphragm paralysis vs adductor pollicis
diaphragm and laryngeal muscles take x2 the dose to paralyze compared to the adductor pollicis muscle
face is not a good indicator of
which nerves are paralyzed faster and recover quicker?
facial nerves
posterior tibial nerve stimulation produces
plantar flexion of the big toe, comparable to adductor pollicis
where are the electrodes placed in posterior tibial nerve stimulation?
2 cm posterior to the medial malleolus, second one is 2 cm above the first
0.1 Hz
one stimuli every 10 seconds
what Hz causes sustained muscle contraction/tetanus without fade?
50 Hz
what can repeated simulation cause?
fatigue and increased blood flow to the area
which method of PNS is the least reliable method?
single twitch
what is single twitch PNS used for
to determine the onset of a block; NOT RECOVERY
train of four (TOF) stimuli
4 repetitive stimuli at 2 Hz (2/sec)
what PNS is associated with fade in NDMR?
train of four (TOF)