Exam 2: Nephrotoxins and plants affecting the musculoskeletal system Flashcards
Oxalate poisoning
(Familiarize yourself with plant images in powerpoint, 5 major plants shown)
Halogeton: has red stalk, juicy leaves, small white flowers
greesewood: big bush shown in photo with halogeton
sorrel: looks like four leaf clover type flowers
curled leaf: actually has curled leaves, stands upright
red-rooted pigweed: red roots, looks like dehissed birch tree male parts.
kochia weed: pretty red when dried, just green brnaching shrub when not.
What is the MOA of oxalate poisoning?
Oxalate (up to 30% of dry matter), Precipitates calcium, Inhibit lactate & succinic dehydrogenase, Oxalate nephrosis, Lethal dose varies 0.3-0.5% bw (sheep)
What are primary clinical/diagnostic signs?
Muscle tremors, Tetany- less common with halogeton, Weakness, Reluctance to move
Recumbency, Blood tinged nasal discharge, Coma and death within 12 hours, Kidney Failure. Hemorrhage/edema of heart, rumen, other viscera
Hyperemia , Kidneys, Oxalate crystals, Proteinaceous casts, Acute – red -edematous, Chronic – pale & small.
Describe treatment/prevention options for oxalate poisoning.
calcium phosphate mineral supplement, water before moving into oxalate rangelands, gradual introduction to holgeton grazing.
Oaks – Toxin, susceptible animals, clinical/diagnostic signs.
Gallotannins. cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, goats more resistant. abdominal pain, hemorrhagic enteritis, icterus red brown urine, azotemia, tarry diarrhea, death.
Cocklebur – Name toxin and at what plant stages it is highest in concentration, MOA, Clinical signs.
mechanical injury from spurs, carboxyatractyloside (liver toxin) inhibits oxidative phosphorylation. Hunched back, ataxia, recumbent, hypoglycemia, convulsions, elevated liver enzyme, coma and death in 24 hours.
What is the plant/mechanism of action of plant induced calcinosis in North America?
Jessamine. Calcinogenic glycosides converted to Vitamin D-like substances increase calcium uptake and deposit in tissues.
What are 2 major plants associated with tremetol induced myopathy/neurotoxicity, clinical signs?
White Snake Root (Eupatorium rugosum), Rayless Golden Rod (Isocoma wrightii).
Muscle tremors, Myoglobinuria, “Choke” -Paralysis of pharyngeal muscles, Heart block, death, Elevated CK, AST, ALT, LDH, Cardiomyopathy
Know association of black walnut shavings with laminitis.
orally, aged shavings not as bad, can be okay if removed early enough.
Selenium Toxicity – Know mechanism of Action, clinical signs of chronic poisoning
MOA- replaces sulfur in proteins, inhibits function. Depletes S-adenosylmethionine, GSH to cause oxidative stress.
Depression, Weakness/Anemia, Emaciation/Weight Loss/Anorexia, Hair Loss/Hoof Lesions/Lameness, Diarrhea, Reproductive abnormalities/Death.
Blood levels of 1-4 ppm are typical of chronic selenium poisoning, whereas serum levels up to 25 ppm have been reported in acute poisoning. Liver and kidney levels greater than 4 ppm are indicative of selenium toxicosis.
Diagnostic signs – Know toxic levels in blood, hoofs, liver. Why is whole blood better for diagnosis? Could serum levels be normal in an animal with hoof and hair lesions?
Whole blood
0.1-0.3 ppm normal
Toxic>1.0 ppm
Blood is better than serum as 2/3 of the blood Se is in the RBC.
Familiarize yourself with 6 common selenium accumulating plants in powerpoint.
princes plume: looks like a little plume, pretty and yellow
milk vetch: kind of like prince’s plume but white
woody aster: looks like daisy with a lot more petals, white flowers
paint brush: pretty flowers, red pink and white, clumps of petals
gum weed: all yellow flower
summer fescue: a tall grass
Identify 5 plants associated with intestinal obstruction.
mesquite pods and beans, persimmon fruits, chinaberry, mescalbean pods and beans, sugar beet tops.
Associate buttercups with protoanemonin toxicity, describe clinical signs.
Oral mucosa irritant, salivation, gastroenteritis, colic, diarrhea, hemorrhagic diarrhea may be fatal
Identify plants, clinical signs associated with spewing sickness.
Orange sneeze weed (Dugaldia hoopesii), Bitter sneeze weed (Helenuim amarum), common sneeze weed (Helenuim autumnale) and bitterweed, or pingue (Hymenoxys richardsonii) contain irritating glycosides that induce vomiting in sheep.
“Spewing sickness” is a name given to the syndrome of projectile vomiting associated with sheep eating orange sneeze weed. Animals also show muscle weakness, tremors and severe weight loss. Death frequently results from inhalation of vomited rumen contents.