Exam 2 - mod 6 Flashcards
organelles are angchored
translocated along diff filament structure sin cells
function of cytoskeleton
cell division
organelels transprot
surfaces and cell architecture
can divide and reassemble
microvili on epithilial cells - structural cables of actin filaments
2 filament systems
kinsein and dynein
motor molecules that work w mircotubules
dynein - small gene fam
actin filament and myosin
many diff kinds
myosin and kinesin related in gene fams
duplication and modifacation and many diff purposes
requirements for cytoskelton
cytoskeleton filamins - dynami assemble and disassemble
molecular motors + partnered proteins
dynamic filaments
Characterisitics of csk
polymers built of self assembling subunits
non covalent interactions
dynamic assembly and disassemble
many interacting proteins regulate structure function
interacting families of motor molecules as atpases for movement
controlled by regulatory kinases and g proteins
no covalent bonds just ionic and electrostatic so monomers and polymbers can be dynamic
all regulated by kinase/exnsyme that transports terminal phosphae from atp onto specific amino acid
where theres kinase there is phosphatase
types of filaments
- tubulin
made by assembling tubular protein
structural support
-made of self assembly of actin protein monomers flobular
intermediate filaments
various proteins
-polarized have finger like microvili -held up by actin filaments
intermediate filaments
strong and rope life
strenthen cell against mechanical stress
nuclear envelope suppored by meshwork of filaments
linker proteins connect cytoskeletal filaments and bridge the nuclear envelop
-nuclear lamins
connect w each other
origins of intermediate filament proteins
first appeared in lower animals
all have similar rod domain
makes coil coil
N and C terminals are diff depend on type of gene
4 types of intermediate filaments
divided into 4 classes
keratins, vimentin, neurofilament proteins, nuclear lamins
all contain an extensive alpha helical rod domain
tissue specificity in the N and C terminal domains
keratin - epithelial cells skin
vimentin - in conentive tissue cells, muscles, and glial
blistering disease
cataract- protein misfold
in nerve cells
onne for now
nuclear lamins
in all animal cells
in every nucleated cell not blood cell bc blood cell spit its nuc in dveleopment
aka blood cells dont have a nucleus
muscular dystrophy
assembly of intermeidate filaments
start as dimers
assemble into tetramer
basic building block - coiled-coiled dimer of two aphiphathic helics
have hydrophobic repeating domains
make hydrophobic phase assemble next to each other
helical segments contain heptad repeats in which amino acids A and D are hydrophobic creating a hydropbic face
monomers assemble w dimers
self assembling rod
no polarity bc N terms not all facing one direction
actin and micrtoubules have polarity
coil dimer winds around each other
2 ends in distinguishable - in opp direction , amino terminal ends away
staggered tetramer
two tetramers packeed together
eight twisted to make filamen
connect desmosomes - high tensile strength
only in invertebrates
regulation by phosphorylation
no common response
phosphorylation regulates vimentin and lamin diassembly during mitosis in all cells but kerains are ver stable
phosphorylation tend to destablitze
but neurofilaments are stabilized by phosphorylation
depend on type of IF
keratin filaments
in epithelial cells attach to cell junctions (desomosomes)
flat and stratified
stem cells ahve basil latyer attached to extracellular matrix
basal layer starts dividing and piles cell layers
network of kerain filaments engables the epitheiliium to function as a sheet of cell
differential expression of keratin sin layers of the skin
finally comes coff like peeling skin
skin surface
stratum corneum
blistering skin diseases
keratin mutations
dealing with mechanical stress
IF and mitosis
changes in mitosis
lamen breaks down
and reassmbles afterwards
provide the major structural support for axons
long and skinny
outnumber microtubules in cross section of an axon (transmission EM)
bind to proteins that link them
held up by intermediate filaments
nuclear lamins are a descrete class of intermediate filament
has special proteins from inner to outer nuclear mem
form a mesh like netwrok assocaited with the intner nuclear mem
phosphorylation regulates the assembly/diassembly of the network during the cell cycle
sun domain proteins
connected to KASH fomains
Kash domains bind to microtubules actin molecular motors
KASH conenct nuclear laims inside nuclear enveleope to filaments in cytoplasm
intermediate filament associated proteins
plectin (rod shaped protein connecting intermediate filaments to each other , hemidesomsomes, actin filaments and microtibules)
fillaggrin (aggregates keratin in surface layer of skin
BPAG1 (bullous permphigold antigen, connects keartin to BPAG2 at hemidesmosomes)
conencts IF to acin and microtibules
stretching smooth muscle
shows that IFs act as interacellular tendons
allos to come back to resting state
actin movement
not motors invovled
actin cytoskeleton
part of mvoing vesicles
most cell shape and movement
most abudnant cellular proteins
-actin genes are all very similar and work together
highly conserved sequence and structure - every part of actin gneeded
actin filaments
thin and flexible
many proteins bind to actin and modify its properties
cortex rich in actin filaments underlies the plasma mem of most euk cells
cell crawling depends on cortical actin
binding proteins infleunce the type of protursions formed at the leading edge
extracellular signals can alter the arrangement of actin filaments
actin associates with myosin to form contractile structures
need to send macrophage in blood stream
bind to endothelial cell blood vessal and crawl inside so macrophage can eat disease
actin cytoskeleton need to change dramatically for this to occur