Exam 2 Material Flashcards
What are the 2 low AC/A conditions?
- Convergence Insufficiency
2. Divergence Insufficiency
What group of data is low for CI?
Exo at near is high
How is CI best treated?
Vision Therapy
Name primary and secondary outcomes of the CITT study.
Primary -
Secondary -
What is pseudo CI and how do you rule it out clinically?
Accommodative insufficiency
Perform monocular amplitude of accommodation
What are the 3 accommodation diagnoses?
- Accommodative Insufficiency
- Accommodative Excess
- Accommodative Infacility
What is the most prevalent minimal BV dysfunction?
Convergence Insufficiency
At what age do most CI symptoms occur?
School age
What group of data is low for CE?
Eso should be greater at near
How is CE best treated?
ADD (plus lenses at near)
or BO prism and VT
How is simulated DE evaluated?
If prolonged occlusion decreased the difference between distance and near phoria OR
+3.00 add test screens for high AC/A
How may adding minus lenses help a DE patient?
May help to converge the eyes
When might surgery help a DE patient?
If no other methods work
If cosmetics are an issue to the patient
What would VT of a CE patient consist of?
Diplopia awareness
Training with BO prism
What are clinical findings for AE?
Blur at distance