Exam 2 Key Points Flashcards
What special procedure is used to show perfusion?
Vq scan can show airway obs or vascular emboli
This is used to measure volume of air with each breath
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) measures how big of a breath the pt can take
What is considered a low flow system and how much o2 can be delivered, which is the highest oxygen delivery for mask?
Nasal Canula- 1-8L/24-44% o2
Simple mask -5-8L/40-60%
Non-rebreather- 10-115L/80-95%
What are the steps to rapid sequence intubation?
Prep/postions (meds, equip, etc) Preoxygenate 100% Pretreatment (LOAD) Paralysis Protection (ensure tube don't move) Placement of ETT (confirm ) Post-intubation management
This type of ventilator delivers a constant tidal volume and is the most common
Volume Cycles Ventilators
This vent setting allows spontaneous breathing at the patient’s own rate and tidal volume between ventilator breaths. What is pressure support ventilation
Pressure support ventilation is when the patient cannot breather over the vent. common in acidosis and must be severely paralyzed to need this
This vent setting is used for weening and applies positive pressure. The patient controls the rate, inspiratory flow, and tidal volume
CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure which keeps the alveoli open during inspiration and prevents collapse during expiration
This alarm on a vent is when the patient is biting on the tube or has secretions?
High Pressure- There is an occlusive blockage
This vent alarm is due to leakage or a cough causing it to come off
Low pressure- Disconnect
Venous Stasis
Vascular injury
These are all risk factors for what complication
This is virchow’s triad and are risk factors for a Pulmonary Embolism
What is the gold standard for diagnostics for a pulmonary embolism
The gold standard is Pulmonary angiography
What is the earliest sign of internal bleeding
Orthostatic hypotension
What are the antidotes for heparin,warfarin, and fribrinolytics
Protamine Sulfate
Vitamin K
and clotting factors
While caring for a patient with a closed chest tube the nurse notices whistling noise what is occurring and what will the nurse need to do
The tube may be out the nurse needs to place a sterile gauze over the site.
The patient with a chest tube drainage has a drainage measurement of 100ml is this appropriate?
The nurse needs to notify the surgeon!! output is measured hourly in the first 24hrs and must be reported if ouput in the collection drainage is more the 70ml/hr
This container must contain 2 cm of water in it al all times, what is it and why must water be in the container? what does bubbling indicate?
This is the water seal container, 2 cm of water must be in the container to prevent air from returning to the patient. The nurse needs to assess each hour and add sterile water if needed. Bubbling occurs when air is passing through the chamber
The nurse notices bubbling in the water seal chamber has stopped. what is likely the cause? What does excess bubbling indicate?
The tube may be blocked of kinked. Excess bubbling my indicate an air leak which indicates that air has entered the lung. The nurse need to assess is the tube is removed from the pt or if the drainage is unconnected and notify the surgeon
The nurse notices that the water does not rise and fall 2-4 in during inhalation and exhalation in the chest tube what might this indicate?
The may indicate a re-expanded lung or obstruction in the chest tube
The is used following an intubation to and measures exhaled CO2
Capnography/Capnometer, alveolar and arterial CO2 concentration is equal in presence of normal V/Q relationships
What teaching is needed in a patient with diverticulosis ?
Increase fiber in diet (25-35g/day)
Avoid foods that are not easily digested and may get trapped in the pouch (corn, etc.)
Increase fluids
Avoid alcohol
A patient on a vent is being weened is diaphoretic, using accessory muscles, Sa02 of 87% are likely showing signs of?
Failure to tolerate weening. other signs include Decrease Level of Consciousness PVCs or V-tach ST segment changes TV <250 mL Paco2 changes (apnea increases tachypnea decreases) pH < 7.30 SaO2 < 90% Accessory muscle use Diaphoresis
Elevate HOB at least 30 degrees Daily Sedation Vacation and Weaning DVT prophylaxis Oral care regimen Stress Ulcer prevention Suctioning
These are all components of to prevent what?
Preventing Ventilator- associated pneumonia.
The ventilator bundle set and hand hygiene are ways to prevent VAP