Exam 2: Extension and Modifications of Mendelian Principles; Analyzing Pedigrees; Linkage and Eukaryotic Gene Mapping; Chromosome Variation (Bio 375 - Genetics) Flashcards
principles of segregation and independent assortment; always the same (no matter expression of alleles); determined by movement of chromosomes during mitosis/meiosis
how alleles at a single locus (or different loci) interact with each other during gene expression
complete dominance
interaction between alleles at same locus; heterozygote expresses dominant allele; phenotype of heterozygote is same as phenotype of one of homozygotes; GENOTYPIC RATIO DOES NOT EQUAL PHENOTYPIC RATIO; need a test cross to determine what is heterozygous as there is only two expressed phenotypes
dominance charactistics
interaction between alleles at same locus (allelic interaction); does not involve way genes are inherited only the way they are expressed
mendel based his principles on complete dominance
observed 3:1 or 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratios in F2 offspring of a hybrid cross
incomplete dominance
when a heterozygote has an intermediate phenotype to those of homozygotes (based often on visual examination); depends on level of examination; 1:2:1 phenotypic ratio F2 progeny (3 expressed phenotypes); GENOTYPIC RATIO EQUALS PHENOTYPIC RATIO; no needed test cross because expressed phenotypes correlate with genotypic ratios
percentage of individual organisms having a particular genotype that express the expected phenotype
degree to which a characteristic is expressed
incomplete penetrance
the genotype does not produce expected phenotype
codominant traits
each allele is fully expressed; the heterozygote simultaneously expresses phenotype of both homozygotes (the “molecular level” of incomplete dominance)
lethal allele
cause death at early stage of development (so some genotypes may never appear among progeny); observed 2:1 phenotypic ratio; the allele that is present in heterozygous and surviving offspring is the survival allele while the other allele only present in heterozygote results in death
multiple alleles
“allelic series”; more than two alleles are present at a locus; leads to a greater number of possible phenotypes and genotypes: [n*(n+1)]/2 = number of genotypes possible (where n equals number of different alleles at a locus)
gene pool
all genes carried by members of a population
gene interaction
interactions between alleles at different loci; the products of alleles at different loci combine to produce phenotypes not predictable from single locus effects
one gene masks the expression of a gene at another locus
epistatic gene
the gene that does the masking
hypostatic gene
the gene whose effect is masked
recessive epistasis
presence of two recessive alleles (homozygous genotype) inhibits expression of allele at a different locus
sex influenced traits
determined by autosomal genes, expressed differently in males and females
sex limited characteristics
determined by autosomal genes, expressed in only one sex
dominant epistasis
only a single copy of an allele is required to inhibit expression of allele at different locus
negative epistasis
negative effect on functional enzyme by inactivation (inactivates the functional enzyme)
qualitative traits
only a few distinct phenotypes; influenced by only one or a few genes
quantitative traits
many possible phenotypes; influenced by many genes and most are strongly influenced by environment; display wide variations in expression; determined by contributing alleles from multiple genes (additive equal gene action)… as the number of loci influencing a trait increases, the number of phenotypic classes increases
polygenic traits
traits that are influenced by many genes
multifactorial traits
traits that result from the interaction of one or more environmental factors and two or more genes
additive equal gene action
determined by “contributing” alleles from multiple genes, where each contributing allele contributes equally to the phenotype (while some alleles contribute nothing)
continuous characteristic
as number of loci influencing a trait increases, the number of phenotypic classes increases
genomic imprinting
non-mendelian inheritance where there is differential expression of genetic material depending on parental origin (from mother or father); selective inactivation of certain genes during spermatogenesis or oogenesis which is thus passed down
study of heritable changes not caused by a change in DNA sequence; changes are heritable and reversible; changes may due chromatin conformation (Barr body or genomic imprinting) or environmental controls
individual organism possessing two recessive mutations has a wild-type phenotype, indicating that mutation are nonallelic genes
modified dihybrid ratio
X/16 = # progeny with phenotype/total # progeny …. X = (16*[# progeny with phenotype]) / total # progeny
general dihybrid genotypes
A_B_ ; A_bb; aaB_; aabb
(expression pattern - monohybrid crosses) complete dominance
(expression pattern - monohybrid crosses) incomplete dominance
(expression pattern - monohybrid crosses) lethal alleles
(expression pattern - monohybrid crosses) sex-linked
2:1:1 and 1:1:1:1
(expression pattern - dihybrid crosses) complete dominance
standard Mendelian cross - monohybrid
can have F2 phenotypic ratios of complete dominance (3:1) or incomplete dominance (1:2:1)
standard Mendelian cross - dihybrid
can have F2 phenotypic ratios of complete dominance (9:3:3:1)
monohybrid cross (non-standard Mendelian cross)
can have F2 phenotypic ratio of lethal alleles (2:1)
reciprocal mendelian cross - monohybrid
can have F2 phenotypic ratio of sex-linked (2:1:1 or 1:1:1:1)
genetic trait becomes more strongly expressed / is expressed at an earlier age as it is passed from generation to generation
genetic maternal effect
phenotype of offspring is determined by genotype of mother
affected person on pedigree
shape is filled in
unaffected person on pedigree
shape is not filled in
deceased person on pedigree
slash through shape
p with an arrow pointing to the shape of the individual who was the first family member coming to the attention of geneticists
fraternal twins on pedigree
shapes are connected by a triangle
identical twins on pedigree
shapes are connected by complete triangle
pictorial representation of a family’s history; a family tree that outlines the inheritance of one or more characteristics
autosomal recessive trait
usually appears equally in males/females (unless sex-limited/sex-influenced)… usually skips generations… offspring of two affected parents must be affected… are more likely to appear among progeny of related parents… more likely to appear among progeny of related parents (consanguineous mating - inbreeding)
autosomal dominant trait
usually appear in males and females… there are no carriers of autosomal dominant allele (it is always expressed)… unaffected individuals do not transmit trait… most affected individuals are heterozygotes
X-linked recessive trait
appears more frequently in males (because they are hemizygotes)… affected males are usually born to unaffected carrier females… usually skips generations… not passed from father to son
X-linked dominant trait
appear similarly in males and females… affected have at least one affected parent (no skipping generations)… affected males must have affected mothers and pass trait to all daughters but not sons… affected females pass to half of sons and daughters
Y-linked trait (holandric trait)
expressed only in males… passed from father to son (so all sons of affected father are affected)
cytoplasmic inheritance
non-mendelian inheritance involving the characteristics encoded by genes in cytoplasm… involves extranuclear DNA from the mitochondria… usually inherited only from mothers (so if mother has a gene, it is passed to all offspring)… mitochondria segregate randomly during cell division and could thus lead to heteroplasmy (mix of mtDNA in one cell)
proportion of individuals with a genotype who express expected phenotypes
completely penetrant
individuals with genotype express expected phenotype 100% of the time
incompletely penetrant
individuals with genotype do not always express expected phenotype
degree of expression of phenotype
types of chromosomal mutations
chromosome rearrangement, aneuploidy, polyploidy
chromosomal mutation
variations in number/structure of chromosomes
normal/diploid state of chromosomes with correct structure
chromosome rearrangement
altered structure of chromosome
types of chromosomal rearrangements
duplication, deletion, inversion, translocation
segment of chromosome is duplicated
tandem duplication
duplicated region is immediately adjacent to original segment
displaced duplication
duplicated region is located a distance away from original segment
reverse duplication
duplicated region order is backwards from original order
segmental duplication
duplications greater than 1000 bp in length
segment of chromosome is deleted
expression of a normally recessive condition upon lost wild-type allele no longer masking the recessive allele’s expression
haploinsufficient gene
when single copy of gene is not enough to produce wild-type phenotype
duplication and deletion occur due to
unequal crossing over, where chromosomes “slip”
segment of chromosome is turned 180 degrees
paracentric inversion
does not include centromere
pericentric inversion
includes centromere
position effect
if gene position is altered by an inversion, they may be expressed at inappropriate times or places
segment of chromosome moves from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome
nonreciprocal translocation
genetic material is moved from one chromosome to another without any reciprocal exchange
reciprocal translocation
two way exchange of segments between chromosomes
an increase or decrease in number of chromosomes
aneuploidy types (“-omy”)
nullisomy, monosomy, trisomy, tetrasomy
loss of both members of a homologous pair of chromosomes; 2n - 2
loss of a single chromosome; 2n - 1
gain of a single chromosome; 2n + 1
gain of two homologous chromosomes; 2n + 2
aneuploidy and polyploidy often caused by
nondisjunction (incorrect segregation of chromosomes)
extra sets of chromosomes due to nondisjunction of all chromosomes; “-oid”: triploid (3n) or tetraploid (4n)…
polyploidy types
autopolyploidy, allopolyploidy
when chromosome sets are from same species; caused by errors in mitosis during embryonic development (no cell division at end of mitosis) or errors in meiosis during gamete development (no cell division at end of meiosis I)
when chromosomes sets are from different species; uses often in plants agronomically (more chromosomes, larger cells/plants)
unbalanced gametes
gametes with varying number of chromosomes
allopolyploid consisting of two combined diploid genomes
sorting of alleles into new combinations via crossing over between linked loci and independent assortment of unlinked genes
genes located closely together on same chromosome
linkage group
linked genes belonging in the same group on same chromosome
linkage groups are broken by
crossing over and recombination
genes are unlinked
half of progeny are recombinant and half of progeny are nonrecombinant; 50 recombinant :: 50 nonrecombinant
genes are completely linked
only nonrecombinant progeny are produced
genes are incompletely linked
recombinant and nonrecombinant progeny are produced, but a higher percentage of nonrecombinant progeny predominates
0% recombinant offspring
completely linked genes
0.1-49.9% recombinant offspring
incompletely linked genes
50% recombinant offspring
unlinked genes
offspring do not look like parents (having different phenotypes and thus different genotypes)
recombination frequency
(# of recombinant progeny / # of total progeny) x 100%
frequency of recombination between two loci is related to
distance between the two loci on a chromosome – the larger the distance, then the more likely crossing over will occur
if recombination frequency is 50%
the two-point test cross is uninformative – can only determine that the loci are unlinked, but not whether or not they are on the same chromosome or on separate chromosomes
interchromosomal recombination
between genes located on different chromosomes
intrachromosomal recombination
between genes located on same chromosome
linkage maps
use recombination frequencies to order and space genes on chromosomes, with distances being measured in centiMorgans (cM)…. 1% recombination frequency equals approximately 1 cM (but most be modified using Haldare function for accurate conversion)… map distances greater than 50 cM cannot be mapped in a single two-point cross (because 0.50 is maximum recombination frequency)
when a two-point cross results in a recombination frequency of 0.50, then loci are in different linkage groups
located on different chromosomes or very far apart on same chromosome
the further genes are apart on a chromosome
the greater the underestimation of genetic differences