Exam 2: Column One Flashcards
When trees and other plants affect the distribution of artifacts within an archaeological site
When freeze/thaw activity in a soil selectively pushes larger artifacts to the surface of a site
The use of annual growth rings in trees to assign calendar ages to ancient wood samples
Dendrochrology (tree-ring dating)
Depositional Units
each bed of sedimentary rocks is older than the layers above and younger than the layers below
Law of Superposition
a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon
Radiocarbon Dating
A length of time distinguished by particular item of material culture
Dates expressed relative to one another instead of in absolute terms
Relative dating
the time required for half of the carbon-14 available in an organic sample to decay
A morphological type that has temporal significance; also known as a time marker or index fossil
Temporal types
A filled-in animal burrow
The delineation of patterns in material culture through space and time
Space/Time Systematics