Exam 2 - Clinical Notes Flashcards
These cartilages may ossify, can be mistaken for a fracture on a x-ray
Corniculate + Cuneiform Cartilage
In Hoarseness due to excessive singing or excessive speaking, the lubricant from the saccule is temporarily depleted. Nodules can form. This is referred to as?
Laryngeal saccule depletion
Inflammation of the vocal folds by viral infection is called?
Paralysis of what muscle does NOT cause suffocation…the neutral position of vocal cords is partially abducted which reduces the risk of suffocation
Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscle
Voice Dimorphism is determined by what 3 things?
1) Length of vocal cords (males have longer)
2) Size of Resonating chamber
3) Thickness of vocal cords
Lymph is moved by _________ _______ contraction, ________ helps clear toxins from tissues (a benefit of massage)
skeletal muscle, exercise
What node? Enlarged supraclavicular node usually on the left, often 1st indication of visceral tumor of thorax/abdomen, lung/breast cancer
Signal (Sentinel) Node
Primary tumor of the lymph nodes.
Hodgkin’s, Non-Hodgkin’s…which is worse?
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkins has much worse prognosis
Using Lymphatics for Diagnosis:
An enlarged nodule which is…
1) Tender/Painful: indicates?
2) Hard + Painless: indicates?
1) Tender/Painful: infection
2) Hard + Painless: cyst development or Cancer
Parasitic infection of lymphatic system (worms) is called?
Most common cancer in women. Spreads to lymphatics before entering blood stream. (Usually spreads to axilla first)
Breast Cancer
Clinical Signs of Breast Cancer? (3)
1) dimpling of the skin (due to invasion of suspensory ligament)
2) inverted nipples (invasion of lactiferous duct)
3) leathery thickening of the skin (like an orange)
_________ provides collateral circulation, which provides safety net in case of a blockage
What condition? Pleural cavities fill with air…causes? (3)
Pneumothorax, causes…
1) trauma (“sucking chest wound”)
2) Disease (COPD, Emphysema, TB)
3) congenital weak spot (common in people with large growth spurts)
* *(in causes 2 + 3, air comes in from the lung itself through rupture)
What condition? Can be life threatening. Instead of a hole, a flap is present on the visceral pleura. Air enters pleural cavity on inspiration, but not exit on expiration.
Pleural cavity inflates like an inner tube, pushing the mediastinum to the opposite side and compressing the other lung (tire pump like mechanism)
Tension Pneumothorax
Pleural Cavity fills with blood is known as what condition?
Both Hemothorax and Pneumothorax conditions are present, simultaneously. What condition?
Lung Collapse is referred to as? (All of the aforementioned lung conditions can result in this)
Inflammation of the pleura which leads to adhesions between parietal and visceral pleura is called?
Most commonly occur with children…usually enter the _____ main bronchus due to its wider, short ventricle arrangement.
Aspiration of Foreign Objects, right
Obstructive airway disease characterized by coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing
2 types of Asthma
1) Extrinsic: triggered by _______
2) Intrinsic: triggered by stimuli such as ______, _____, _______
1) Extrinsic: triggered by allergens
2) Intrinsic: triggered by stimuli such as stress, cold, exercise (non-allergenic)
Lungs and Tracheobronchial tree are rich with ________ b/c they are an interface with the environment.
_______ destroys the cilia, resulting in heavy coughing
Smoking (smoker’s cough)
Primary tumor of the bronchus? Most common tumor in males and females….directly related to cigarette smoking a/o air pollution.
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Chiropractic Note: intrathoracic diseases such as bronchogenic carcinoma or lung infections may refer pain to where? (both have sympathetic + vagal branches to lungs that contain sensory fibers)
Upper or middle thoracic spinal cord segments
What may occur due to weakness in the diaphragmatic wall around the esophageal hiatus? Upper part of stomach slides up into the thoracic cavity through opening
Hiatal Hernia
Result of spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm. Most commonly caused by irritation of the phrenic nerve, usually benign