Exam 2 Cards Flashcards
What NP hard problem did we start with for our reduction to show that 0-1 knapsack is NP hard?
subset sum
Suppose that graph A from the pdf for the exam has a flow network as indicated. What augmenting path would the edmonds-karp algorithm choose?
2, 3, 6,
Experimental cuisine problem - what is the value of P and what is the value of k
p is 0 and k is k_clique
If V is the number of vertices, E is the number of edges, and f* is the max flow of the network, what is the asymptotic runtime of Ford-Fulkerson?
O(E |f*|)
In the maximum flow for the graph G on the pdf for the exam, what is the flow on the edge from vertex s to vertex 1?
What is the maximum flow of the graph G that appears on the pdf for the exam?
For the graph G on the pdf for the exam, what is the min ST cut? Select all vertices on the S side of the cut.
1, 3, 4, 6
Showing that a problem is an element of NP means that if it is solvable in deterministic polynomial time then so is every problem in NP
Let X be a problem that belongs to the class NP, then which one of the following is true?
If X is NP-Hard then it is NP-Complete
Consider two decision problems, Q1, Q2 such that Q1 reduces un polynomial time to 3-SAT and 3-SAT reduces in polynomial time to Q2. Then which of the following is consistent with the above statement?
Q2 is NP-Hard
In graph A on the pdf, in the corresponding residual flow graph Gf, what is the capacity of the edge from node 1 to node 2?
The problem 3-SAT anad 2-SAT are
NP-Complete and in P respectively
To verify a yes answer for the Set-Partition problem, a good certificate would be the value v such that each partition sums to the value v.
Consider the following two problems on undirected graphs
a : given G does G have a vertex cover of size |V| - 4?
B : Given G does G have a vertex cover of size 5
Which of the following is true?
Both a and B are in P
Select all statements that imply that the flow is maximum
there is no augmenting path from S to T in the residual flow network, AND the flow across any ST cut is equal to the capacity of the minimum cut