Exam 2 Bonus Flashcards
The key indicator of a country’s living standard and economic well-being is _______
Real GDP per person
Growth of a real GDP per person is totally determined by the growth of average ________?
Labor productivity and the proportion of the population employed.
Economics refer to the talents, training and education of workers as _______
Human capital
Which of the following is an example of an investment in physical captial?
A firm purchases new equipment for a manufacturing process
Gamma has 30,000 of capital per worker, while Omega has 7500 of capital per worker. According to the principle of diminishing returns to capital, an additional unit of capital will increase output _______ in Gamma compared to Omega, holding other factors constant.
Most economists agree that ________ are the single most important source of productivity improvements.
technological advancements
Each of the following statements describe how the political and legal environments encourages productivity except ________
Pay rates determined by a government planning agency provide workers with incentives to work hard
The benefits of economic growth are _________, while the costs of economic growth are ________
Increased output per person; the consumption sacrificed in exchange for capital formation
In the United States there is evidence of
Increasing wage inequality
Holding other factors constant, if computers allow factory workers to manufacture more products per house, then the real wages of factory workers will _______ and employment of factory workers will _______
Increase and increase
Two explanations for increasing wage inequality are ______ and _______
Globalization; skill-biased technological change
factors increasing the U.S. labor supply and thereby contributing to the slowdown in real-wage growth that began in the 1970s include ______ and ______.
increased labor force participation by women; the coming-of-age of the baby-boom generation
Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment?
Hector was laid off from his job with the airline because of the recession reduced demand for airline travel. He expects to get his job back when the economy picks up
From an economic perspective, the best response to increased wage inequality is to
provide transition aid to disadvantaged workers
Graph question with the 7 dollar thing