Exam 2: Beta Blockers Flashcards
CNS neurotransmitters (list 6)
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine
- Serotonin
- Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
- Acetylcholine
Agonists: natural vs. synthetic catecholamines
- Natural catecholamines:
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine
- Synthetic catecholamines:
- Isoproterenol
- Dobutamine
Alpha vs. Beta Adrenergic receptors
- ALPHA RECEPTORS (a) Receptors that respond with the following order of potency: Norepi > epi > isoproterenol
- Are termed alpha receptors.
- BETA RECEPTORS (b) Receptors that respond with the following order of potency:
- Isoproterenol > epi > norepi
- Are termed Beta receptors
a1, a2, B1, B2 receptors
- a-1: Postsynaptic
- Found in: vasculature, heart, glands, and gut.
- Activation causes vasoconstriction and relaxation of the GI tract.
- a-2:
- Presynaptic
- Found in: Peripheral vascular smooth muscle, coronaries, brain.
- Activation causes inhibition of norepi release and inhibition of sympathetic outflow leading to ↓BP and ↓HR, inhibition of CNS activity.
- Ex: dexmedetomidine – sedation, inhibits release of NE → ↓ HR, relaxation/vasodilation – hypotension
- Negative feedback loop
- Postsynaptic
- Found in: Coronaries, CNS
- Activation causes constriction and sedation and analgesia
- All of the 1’s are post-synaptic (1, in 1 place), but all the 2’s are pre AND post-synaptic (2, 2 places)
- Presynaptic
- b-1:
- Found in: Myocardium, SA node, ventricular conduction system, coronaries, kidney.
- Activation causes: Increase in inotropy, chronotropy, myocardial conduction velocity, coronary relaxation, and renin release.
- b-2:
- Found in: Vascular, bronchial, and uterine smooth muscle, smooth muscle in the skin, myocardium, coronaries, kidneys, gi tract.
- Activation causes: vasodilation, brochodilation, uterine relaxation, gluconeogenesis, insulin release, potassium uptake by the cells.
synthetic noncatecholes
- Ephedrine = Direct and Indirect (but mostly considered an indirect agent), alpha and beta
- Vasoconstriction and ↑ HR/inotropy
- 0.1-0.2 mg/kg
- 5-25 mg (increments of 5-10 mg)
- Elderly - Slower circulation time
- DOA – 15-1hr
- Can deplete catecholamine stores – decreasing effect “tachyphylaxis”
- Phenylephrine = Direct
- Pure alpha
- All vasoconstriction, reflex bradycardia (baroreceptor-mediated response)
- DOA – 5-20 minutes
- If youre giving repeated doses, will have to start a gtt
- 50- 100 mcg IV bolus
- 20-100 mcg/min gtt
- Nasal intubation
- Direct = works directly at the receptor
- Indirect = works to ↑ or ↓ the nt
- Trauma pt – 1) replete volume, 2) pick phenyl bc your HR is already up, don’t want to deplete catecholamines
BP Equation
Where will alpha blockers work vs where beta blockers?
- Alpha blockers will work on the SVR side*
- Beta blockers will work on the CO side*
a1 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
alphas are too tight (constriction)
- VSMCs - blood vessels, sphincters, bronchi
- contraction
- Iris (radial muscle) - contraction which DILATES the pupil
- Mydriasis: My-Dri-iris-DILATEs bc of the SNS response
piloerector smooth muscle
- erects hair
- prostate and uterus
- contraction
- Heart
- increase force of contraction
- but B1 is more important!!
a2 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- platelets
- aggretation
- adrenergic & cholinergic nerve terminals (presynaptic)
- inhibits transmitter release
- ↓ BP, ↓ HR
- post-synaptic = contraction
- pre-synaptic or CNS = dilation
- GI tract
- relaxation (presynaptic)
- sedation and analgesia via ↓ SNS outflow from brainstem
B1 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- heart
- ↑ chronotropy, ↑ inotropy
- kidneys
- stimulation of renin release
B2 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- respiratory, uterine, vascular, GI, GU (visceral smooth muscle)
- smooth muscle relaxation
- mast cells
- decreases histamine release
B3 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- fat cells
- activates lipolysis, thermogenesis
D1 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- smooth muscle
- post-synaptic location: dilates renal, mesenteric, coronary, cerebral blood vessels
D2 ARs: list the tissues they’re found in, and what action happens when they’re stimulated there
- nerve endings
- presynaptic: modulates nt release, N/V
describe alpha ARs
- Ligands: NE, Epi & DA (large doses)
- 3 subtypes of a1 & a 2
- a 1 smooth m, eye
- a 2 mainly presynaptic location
- A1 – excitatory
- ↑ Ca++ → calmodulin activation → ↑ actin-myosin interaction → sm muscle contraction
- A2 – inhibitory
- ↓ cAMP → ↓ NE release
describe Beta ARs
- β1 β2 β3
- GPCR, Gs
- Activation of adenyl cyclase → ↑ cAMP → ↑kinase activation & phosphorylation
- Autonomic effector tissues - heart, kidney, liver, smooth m, skeletal muscle; fat cells
classes of drugs to tx HTN (3)
- Sympathetic nervous system
- b-antagonists
- a1-antagonists
- Mixed a/b antagonists
- Centrally acting a2-agonists
- Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI)
- Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB)
- Diuretics
- Endothelium derived mediator and/or ion channel modulators
- Direct vasodilators (nitroprusside, hydralazine)
- Calcium channel antagonists - not a 1st-line choice for HTN
- Potassium channel opener
Tx guidelines for HTN
- Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 8)
- Normal BP 120/80 should initiate “Lifestyle Modifications”
- Treatment thresholds/goals
- Age 18-59y.o. with no comorbidities and 60 and older with diabetes and/or chronic kidney disease <140/90
- Age 60 or older <150/90 with NO diabetes or kidney dz
- First-line therapy is thiazide diuretic unless there is a “compelling indication”
- Co-morbidity such as renal dz, DM, etc.
- Most patients will require at least 2 medications to reach goal
HTN urgency vs Crisis
- Hypertensive Urgency
- Diastolic pressure >120 without evidence of progressive end organ damage
- Goal: decrease DBP to 100-105 within 24 hrs
- Clonidine
- Hypertensive Crisis
- Diastolic pressure >120 with evidence of end organ failure
- Goal: decrease DBP 100-105 asap – IV!
- Nitroprusside
- Nitroglycerin
- Labetalol
- Fenoldapam
alpha antagonists
- Bind selectively to alpha receptors and interfere with the ability of catecholamines to cause a response.
- Some are competitive antagonists: Phentolamine, Prazosin, Yohimibine (not used so much anymore)
- Others bind covalently and are tough to overcome:
- Phenoxybenzamine
- Lasts longer
(If doing a pheo case, will normally see an alpha blocker)
selectivity guide of alpha and mixed AR antagonists
- a-antagonists
- Prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin a1>>>>a2
- Phenoxybenzamine a1>a2
- Phentolamine a2=a1
- Yohimbine, tolazoline a2>>a1
- Mixed a and b antagonists
- Labetalol, carvedilol b1=b2>a1>a2
selectivity guide of Beta AR antagonists
- b-antagonists
- Metoprolol, atenolol, esmolol b1>>>b2
- Propanolol, nadolol, timolol b1=b2
- Butoxamine b2>>>b1
alpha antagonists, general info & list drugs in this category
- Cardiovascular effects
- a1 antagonism
- Decreases PVR and lowers BP
- Postural hypotension due to failure of venous vasoconstriction upon standing
- a2 antagonism – you have decreased work on alpha2 receptors (which are inhibitory), so you have ↑ nt release
- Increases norepinephrine release from nerve terminals results in tachycardia due to stimulation of beta receptors in the heart
- a1 antagonism
- GU effects
- Blockade in prostate and bladder cause muscle relaxation and ease micturation
- Miosis
- Increased nasal congestion
- Drugs: Phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine, prazosin, yohimibine
alpha antagonist
- (prodrug – converted to active form in the body)
- Slow onset, even if IV, take 60 minutes before peak effect (prob won’t use this in OR)
- Might have pts start this 1-2 weeks preop
- Binds covalently
- Alpha 1 activity > alpha 2.
- ↓ SVR, vasodilation
- Pro-drug w/ 1 hr onset time; Long acting (E1/2t of 24hrs)
- Preop for patients with pheochromocytoma
- Used for patients with Raynaud’s disease
- Non-selective alpha antagonist
- Less alpha-2, so less associated tachycardia with decrease in SVR
- PO medication for preoperative control of blood pressure in patients with pheochromocytoma (0.5- 1.0 mg/kg)
- Non-selective alpha antagonist
- Produces peripheral vasodilation and a decrease in SVR
- Causes reflex mediated AND alpha-2 associated increases in HR and CO
- Uses:
- Intraoperative management of hypertensive emergencies (30-70 mcg/kg):
- Pheochromocytoma manipulation – need something to quickly drop the BP
- Autonomic hyperreflexia
- Extravascular administration of sympathomimetic agents (2.5 mg to 5.0 mg)
- Ex: infiltrated IV, Madison’s example of giving subcutaneously to neonates for infiltrated IVs
- Autonomic hyperreflexia – still anesthetize pt bc they still have responses to pain, can get very HTNsive
- Intraoperative management of hypertensive emergencies (30-70 mcg/kg):
- Selective Alpha-1 antagonist (less SEs than non-specific agents)
- Less likely to cause tachycardia
- Dilates both arterioles and veins
- Uses:
- Pre-op preparation of patients with pheochromocytoma
- Essential HTN (combined with thiazides)
- Decreasing afterload in patients with heart failure
- Raynaud phenomenon
- Pt may be taking it
- Control BP in pheochromocytoma
- Selective alpha 1 blocker (minimal alpha 2)
- Less reflexive tachycardia (remember alpha 2 is inhibitory to NE release)
- Alpha 2 selective blocker
- Increases the release of Norepi from post-synaptic neuron
- Used w/orthostatic hypotension, impotence
- Don’t see much anymore
Terazosin and Tamsulosin
alpha antagonists - pts may be taking them for BPH
- Long-acting, both are selective alpha -1a particularly effective in prostatic smooth muscle relaxation
- But Tamsulosin is even more specific for alpha 1a subtype and so it acts mainly on the urogenital tract
- Vary in elimination half times
- Orthostatic hypotension is biggest concern (less for Tamsulosin)
Beta antagonists - how do they work on different organs
(Class II antiarrhythmics, act on phase 4)
- Decreasing workload, increasing perfusion time for coronary arteries
- Disallow sympathomimetics from provoking a beta response on the:
- Heart
- Bradycardia
- Decreased contractility
- Decreased conduction velocity
- Improve O2 supply and demand balance
- Airway
- bronchoconstriction and can provoke bronchospasm in patients with asthma or COPD – need to use cardioselective B-blocker
- Blood vessels
- Vasoconstriction in skeletal muscles; PVD symptoms ↑
- Juxtaglomerular cells
- ↓ renin release – indirect way of ↓BP
- Pancreas
- Fight or flight – gluconeogenesis and glyogenolysis (double check this) – increase in glucose. So this will block it.
- Decreased stimulation of insulin release by epi/norepi at B2 and then masked symptoms of hypoglycemia B1
- Derivatives of the beta agonist isoproterenol thus possessing some sympathomimetic effects
Substitution on the benzene ring
B-antagonists: MOA, classification
- Mechanism of action
- Selective binding to beta receptors (influence inotropy, chronotropy) – no covalent bonding for B-blockers
- Competitive and reversible inhibition-large doses of agonists will completely overcome antagonism
- Chronic use is associated with increase in the # of receptors (up-regulation)
- So what happens if we stop them suddenly perioperatively???? Exaggerated response to catecholamines
- Classification:
- Non selective (beta 1 & 2)
- propranolol, nadalol, timolol, pindolol
- Cardioselective (beta 1 only)
- metoprolol, atenolol, acebutolol, betaxolol, esmolol
- Large doses lose selectivity
- Non selective (beta 1 & 2)
- Selecting B-blockers
- Note:
- Selectivity
- Elimination ½ life
- Bioavailability
- Note:
Clinical uses & relative contraindicationsof B-blockers
- Clinical uses of b-blockers
- Treatment of HTN
- Management of Angina
- Decrease mortality in treatment of post MI pts
- Used periop and preop for pts at risk for MI
- Suppression of tachyarrythmias
- Prevention of excessive sympathetic nervous system activity
- Relative Contraindications
- Pre-existing AV heart block or cardiac failure
- Reactive Airway Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus (without BG monitoring) 0 mask sx’s of hypoglycemia
- Hypovolemia – their compensatory response is to ↑ HR, so you’re taking that away
SEs of B-blockers
- Side effects of b-blockers
- CV System-decrease HR, Contractility, BP
- Exacerbation of peripheral vascular disease (block of beta - 2 vasodilation)
- Airway resistance-bronchospasm
- Metabolism-alter carbohydrate and fat metabolism, mask hypoglycemic ↑ in HR
- Distribution of extracellular potassium-inhibit uptake of potassium into skeletal muscles
- Interaction with anesthetics-may have ↓ BP with IAs
- Nervous system-fatigue, lethargy
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
- Eye –reduction in IOP (esp if patient has glaucoma) due to decreased aqueous humor production
- Decreased concentrations of HDLs have been seen with chronic use that may increase risk for CAD (mechanism not understood and undergoing research)
B-blocker prototype
- Non-selective (about equal B1 and B2 prototype for Beta-blockers
- CV: decreased HR and contractility (B1) and increased vascular resistance (B2)
- Can increase vascular resistance in the lungs bc of b2 blockade
- Undergoes extensive 1st pass effect
- Limited use in current anesthesia practice.
- Concerns with patients who have been treated chronically with propranolol:
- Decreased clearance of amide local anesthetics
- Decreased pulmonary clearance of fentanyl (both are basic lipophilic amines)
- Administered with a goal of 55-60 bpm
- Cardiac effects:
- Decreased HR, contractility, decreased CO
- The above effects are especially prominent during exercise and sympathetic outflow
- Blockade of b2 receptors - increased PVR, increased coronary vascular resistance
- However due to decreased HR and CO oxygen demand is lowered, opposing the above effects
- Reduction in Renin release (mainly through B1 antagonism)
- Pharmacokinetics:
- Goes thru significant first-pass effect (90-95%)
- Oral dose much larger than IV dose
- 0.05mg/kg IV or 1-10mg (give slowly 1mg q 5 min) – we’re not really giving this IV anymore
- Protein bound (90-95%)
- Metabolized in liver, E1/2t of 2-3hrs (will be ↑in low hepatic blood flow states)
- Decreases clearance of amide LAs due to a decrease in hepatic blood flow inhibiting metabolism in the liver –risk of systemic toxicity of amide local anesthetics
- Goes thru significant first-pass effect (90-95%)
- Beta 1 selective (inotropic and chronotropic)
- Selectivity is dose related – higher doses, lose cardioselectivity
- About 60% goes thru first pass effect
- PO 50-400mg
- IV 1-15 mg (Max dose)
- Metabolized in the liver E1/2t of 3-4hrs, but start to see effects in 3-4 minutes (so pretty quick)
- Available IV
- Beta 2 receptors remain intact:
- Bronchial dilation
- Vasodilation
- Metabolic effects
- What kind of patients would benefit from this selectivity?
- 5 mg/mL, usually giving 5 mg or less in OR
- Most selective beta 1 antagonist and thought to have the least CNS effects
- E1/2t is 6-7hrs
- Not metabolized in liver, excreted via renal system, therefore E1/2t is increased markedly in pts with renal disease
- Advantageous to those who need beta 2 receptor activity – lung dz
- Oral drug given to treat HTN
- Long lasting antihypertensive effects (once a day dosing)
Esmolol (breviblock)
- Rapid onset and short duration Beta-1 selective beta blocker
- Available IV only
- Onset of action = 60 seconds
- E1/2t is 9 minutes
- Duration of action 10-30 minutes
- Metabolized by plasma esterase (less than 1% of drug is excreted unchanged in the urine)
- Poor lipid solubility dose not cross the BBB or placenta
- Useful in treating HTN and tachycardia associated with laryngoscopy
- Useful in treating hyper dynamic effects of:
- Pheochromocytoma
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Thyroid storm
- Rapidly hydrolyzed by plasma esterases
- Not the same esterases as plasma cholinesterases responsible for metabolism of succinylcholine, therefore no effect on succinylcholine metabolism or duration of action
- Might use this one for induction bc you only what a transient effect! Can use for CAD pts
B-receptor antagonists your pts might be taking:
timolol, nadolol, betaxolol
- Timolol
- Non-selective beta blocker
- Used to tx glaucoma-decreases intraocular pressure by ↓ production of aqueous humor
- Eye drops can cause ↓BP, ↓HR and ↑ airway resistance
- Nadolol - “Nada-metabolizer? Just eliminated.”
- Non-selective beta blocker
- No significant metabolism (renal/biliary elimination)
- E1/2t of 20-40hrs take 1X daily
- Maybe used in esophageal varices?
- Betaxolol
- Cardioselective beta 1 blocker
- E1/2t is 11-22hrs
- Single dose daily for HTN
- Topical useful for glaucoma, with less risk of bronchospasm as seen with timolol, so good alternative choice in asthmatics with glaucoma
- “betta(x) for glaucoma but asthmatics! (Timolol is nonselective).
Combined A- and B- blocker (1 agent)
- Will see a little more peripheral relaxation bc of alpha1 blockade
- Combined Non-Selective antagonists
- alpha 1 and beta 1 and 2 receptors
- IV Beta to Alpha Blockade 7:1
- PO Beta to Alpha Blockade 3:1
- alpha 1 and beta 1 and 2 receptors
- Metabolism conjugation of glucuronic acid; <5% drug recovered unchanged in the urine
- E1/2t of 5-8 hrs, prolonged in liver dz not affected by renal dysfunction
- Max drop in BP 5-10 minutes after IV administration
- Dose 0.1-0.5 mg/kg
- Dr. tola might give 2.5-5 mg at a time, and just wait and see how the pt tolerates
- Usually 5 mg at a time for mild HTN in the OR
- Decreases systemic blood pressure (alpha-1) and attenuates reflex tachycardia (Beta 1 blockade)
- ↓ BP, SVR, HR. CO is unaffected
- Used to treat intraoperative HTN and hypertensive crisis
- Can be used in hypotensive technique without an increase in HR (don’t really do this often anymore)
- Can cause orthostatic hypotension, bronchospasm, heart block, CHF, bradycardia
- Formerly used to decrease blood loss – re-do hip surgery, jaw surgery, shoulder procedure/arthroscopy, spine surgerry
- Can cause blindness, prone position in back surgery and gets hypotension
- Sitting position hypotension – blood to the brain
- Can use this technique at 20% below normal, and this would give you a longer effect than with like esmolol.
- Only use this technique with younger pts, or have no comorbidities
- Ex: use at the end of neuro cases when they want the pt’s BP to stay nice and low
Perioperative use of beta-blockers
- According to recent findings, perioperative application of beta- blockers still plays a pivotal role in cardiac surgery, as they can substantially reduce the high burden of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias in the aftermath of surgery. Their influence on mortality, Acute MI, stroke, congestive heart failure, hypotension and bradycardia in this setting remains unclear.
- In non-cardiac surgery, evidence from low risk of bias trials shows an increase in all-cause mortality and stroke with the use of beta- blockers.
- As the quality of evidence is still low to moderate, more evidence is needed before a definitive conclusion can be drawn. The substantial reduction in supraventricular arrhythmias and AMI in this setting seems to be offset by the potential increase in mortality and stroke.
centrally acting agents
- MOA: Reduce sympathetic outflow from vasomotor centers in the brain stem. Centrally acting selective partial alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
- Site of action: CNS non-adenergic binding sites and a2 receptor agonism
- Clinical Uses
- Hypertension
- Induce sedation – the sedative property dissipates over time bc they get used to it
- Decrease anesthetic requirements
- Improve peri-operative hemodynamics
- Analgesia
- Drugs in this category: Clonidine
- MOA: Reduce sympathetic outflow from vasomotor centers in the brain stem. Centrally acting selective partial alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
- Site of action: CNS non-adenergic binding sites and a2 receptor agonism
- Result in:
- BP reduction from decreased CO due to decreased HR and peripheral resistance
- Rebound hypertension with abrupt cessation – must be weaned!!!
- Side Effects
- Bradycardia
- Sedation
- Xerostomia (Dry mouth)
- Impaired concentration
- Nightmares
- Depression
- Vertigo
- Lactation in men
- Pharmacokinetics
- Available as PO or transdermal patch
- 50/50 hepatic metabolism and renal excretion
- Withdrawal Syndrome
- Occurs with doses of >1.2mg/day
- Occurs 18 hours after acute discontinuation of drug
- Lasts for 24-72 hours
- Treatment rectal or transdermal clonidine
Tx of hypotension
Treatment of HypotensionSympathomimetics
Vasopressin – Dr. Tola will send us more info about this
- Arginine vasopressin = antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- Arginine vasopressin is an endogenous hormone
- Produced in hypothalamus stored in posterior pituitary
- Controls osmoregulation → release stimulated by increased osmolality and hypovolemia
- Potent vasoconstrictor, but dilates renal afferent, pulmonary and cerebral arterioles
- Three types of vasopressin receptors:
- V1 – mediates vasoconstriction
- V2 – mediates water reabsorption in the renal collecting ducts
- V3 – found in the CNS and stimulate modulation of corticotrophin secretion
- Multiple uses
- Post cardiopulmonary bypass shock
- Refractory hypotension
- Reduce bleeding in von Willebrand’s disease
- Anti-diuresis in diabetes insipidus
- Treatment of enuresis (involuntary urination, esp by children at night)
Vasopressin dose
- Dose
- Low dose infusion 0.03-0.04 units/min; up to 0.1units/min
- 1-2 units bolus
- Onset 1-5 min.
- Peak 5 min
- DOA 10-30 min.
- Complications
- Seen at > 0.04 units/min
- Gastrointestinal ischemia
- Decreased cardiac output
- Skin or digital necrosis