Exam 2 Flashcards
CEQA was adopted by the California Legislature, and signed into law by then
Governor Ronald Reagan in 1970
(NEPA) had been signed into law by
President Nixon on Jan 1, 1970
public agency
is any California state agency, board, or commission, or any county, local or regional agency, but not commission, regional agenc
is any activity undertaken by any public agency
significant effect on the environment
means a substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse change in any of the physical potentially substantial, adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area of the project, including land, air, water, conditions
notice of exemption
is if the agency determines that the activity is not subject to CEQA,
residential development (of any size) if the project is consistent with an earlier zoning, community plan, or consistent with an earlier zoning, community plan, or general plan for which an EIR was prepared.
ministerial projects include the issuance of building permits, the issuance of business licenses. permits, the issuance of business licenses. -the operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of -the operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of an existing facility. an existing facility. -replacement or reconstruction of an existing facility. -replacement or reconstruction of an existing facilit
Initial Study
is when a project doesn’t fit a Statutory or Categorical Exemption,
Negative Declaration
written statement that an EIR is not required because no significant adverse EIR is not required because no significant adverse impact on the environment.impact on the environmen
Mitigated Negative Declaration
states revisions to the project be made or agreed to by the applicant would avoid be made or agreed to by the applicant would avoid potentially significant adverse impacts.
EIR Process
- Notice of Preparation
- The Scoping process
- draft EIR
- public comments
- Final EIR
EIR Must contain the following
- A Table of Contents or index
- Summary of the proposed action and its consequences
- Project description
- The environmental setting
- An evaluation of the environmental impacts
- Mitigation efforts for the environmental impacts
- Project Alternatives – “no project” must be includedProject
Cumulative Impacts
Two or more individual effects/actions when taken together compound a particular environment effect.
After EIR
After Final EIR is complete, the agency determines whether to approve a project
(NOD) must be filed within 5 working days after project approval
The filing of the notice of determination starts the 30 day statute of limitations on court challenges to the approval under CEQA.